
101 lines
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2023-11-20 18:18:00 +00:00
"@context": [
"individual": "",
"Member": "",
"startDate": "",
"jsonSchema": "",
"$ref": "",
"credentialSchema": "",
"organisation": "",
"membershipType": "",
"membershipId": "",
"typeOfPerson": "",
"identityDocType": "",
"identityNumber": "",
"name": "",
"description": "",
"value": "",
"lang": "",
"surnames": "",
"email": "",
"issued": "",
"validFrom": "",
"validUntil": ""
"type": [
"id": "{{ vc_id }}",
"issuer": {
"id": "{{ issuer_did }}",
"name": "Pangea",
"description": [
"value": " is a service provider leveraging open-source technologies to provide affordable and accessible solutions for social enterprises and solidarity organisations.",
"lang": "en"
"value": " és un proveïdor de serveis que aprofita les tecnologies de codi obert per oferir solucions assequibles i accessibles per a empreses socials i organitzacions solidàries.",
"lang": "ca_ES"
"value": " es un proveedor de servicios que aprovecha tecnologías de código abierto para proporcionar soluciones asequibles y accesibles para empresas sociales y organizaciones solidarias.",
"lang": "es"
"issuanceDate": "{{ issuance_date }}",
"issued": "{{ issuance_date }}",
"validFrom": "{{ issuance_date }}",
"validUntil": "{{ validUntil }}",
"name": [
"value": "Membership Card",
"lang": "en"
"value": "Carnet de soci/a",
"lang": "ca_ES"
"value": "Carnet de socio/a",
"lang": "es"
"description": [
"value": "The membership card specifies an individual's subscription or enrollment in specific services or benefits issued by an organization.",
"lang": "en"
"value": "El carnet de soci especifica la subscripció o la inscripció d'un individu en serveis o beneficis específics emesos per una organització.",
"lang": "ca_ES"
"value": "El carnet de socio especifica la suscripción o inscripción de un individuo en servicios o beneficios específicos emitidos por uns organización.",
"lang": "es"
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "{{ subject_did }}",
"organisation": "Pangea",
"membershipType": "{{ membershipType }}",
"membershipId": "{{ vc_id }}",
"AffiliatedFrom": "{{ AffiliatedFrom }}",
"AffiliatedUntil": "{{ AffiliatedUntil }}",
"typeOfPerson": "{{ typeOfPerson }}",
"name": "{{ first_name }}",
"surnames": "{{ last_name }}",
"email": "{{ email }}",
"credentialSchema": {
"id": "",
"type": "JsonSchema"