init status
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import multicodec
import multiformats
import nacl.signing
import nacl.encoding
from jwcrypto import jwk
from nacl.signing import SigningKey
from nacl.encoding import RawEncoder
from datetime import datetime, timezone
def now():
timestamp =
formatted_timestamp = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
return formatted_timestamp
def key_to_did(public_key_bytes, type_did):
"""did-key-format :=
did:key:MULTIBASE(base58-btc, MULTICODEC(public-key-type, raw-public-key-bytes))"""
#public_key_bytes = public_key.encode()
mc = multicodec.add_prefix('ed25519-pub', public_key_bytes)
# Multibase encode the hashed bytes
did = multiformats.multibase.encode(mc, 'base58btc')
if type_did == "web":
return f"did:web:{did}"
return f"did:key:{did}"
def key_save(key):
# Save the private JWK to a file
private_jwk = key.export()
with open('keypairs.jwk', 'w') as f:
def key_read():
# Save the private JWK to a file
with open('keypairs.jwk', 'r') as f:
private_jwk =
return jwk.JWK.from_json(private_jwk)
def get_signing_key(jwk_pr):
private_key_material_str = jwk_pr['d']
missing_padding = len(private_key_material_str) % 4
if missing_padding:
private_key_material_str += '=' * (4 - missing_padding)
private_key_material = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.decode(private_key_material_str)
signing_key = SigningKey(private_key_material, encoder=RawEncoder)
return signing_key
def generate_did(jwk_pr, type_did=None):
signing_key = get_signing_key(jwk_pr)
verify_key = signing_key.verify_key
public_key_bytes = verify_key.encode()
# Generate the DID
did = key_to_did(public_key_bytes, type_did)
return did
def generate_keys():
# Generate an Ed25519 key pair
key = jwk.JWK.generate(kty='OKP', crv='Ed25519')
key['kid'] = 'Generated'
jwk_pr = key.export_private(True)
return jwk_pr
if __name__ == "__main__":
key = generate_keys()
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
import json
import hashlib
import multicodec
import multiformats
import nacl.signing
import nacl.encoding
from pyld import jsonld
from jwcrypto import jwk
from nacl.public import PublicKey
from nacl.signing import SigningKey
from collections import OrderedDict
from nacl.encoding import RawEncoder
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import Ed25519PrivateKey
# For signature
from pyld.jsonld import JsonLdProcessor
_debug = False
def now():
timestamp =
formatted_timestamp = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
return formatted_timestamp
def key_to_did(public_key_bytes):
"""did-key-format :=
did:key:MULTIBASE(base58-btc, MULTICODEC(public-key-type, raw-public-key-bytes))"""
#public_key_bytes = public_key.encode()
mc = multicodec.add_prefix('ed25519-pub', public_key_bytes)
# Multibase encode the hashed bytes
did = multiformats.multibase.encode(mc, 'base58btc')
return f"did:key:{did}"
def key_save(key):
# Save the private JWK to a file
private_jwk = key.export()
with open('keypairs.jwk', 'w') as f:
def key_read():
# Save the private JWK to a file
with open('keypairs.jwk', 'r') as f:
private_jwk =
return jwk.JWK.from_json(private_jwk)
def sign_bytes(data, secret):
return secret.sign(data)[:-len(data)]
def sign_bytes_b64(data, key):
signature = sign_bytes(data, key)
sig_b64 = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.encode(signature)
return sig_b64
def detached_sign_unencoded_payload(payload, key):
header = b'{"alg":"EdDSA","crit":["b64"],"b64":false}'
header_b64 = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.encode(header)
signing_input = header_b64 + b"." + payload
sig_b64 = sign_bytes_b64(signing_input, key)
jws = header_b64 + b".." + sig_b64
return jws
def urdna2015_normalize(document, proof):
doc_dataset = jsonld.compact(document, "")
sigopts_dataset = jsonld.compact(proof, "")
doc_normalized = jsonld.normalize(
{'algorithm': 'URDNA2015', 'format': 'application/n-quads'}
sigopts_normalized = jsonld.normalize(
{'algorithm': 'URDNA2015', 'format': 'application/n-quads'}
return doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized
def sha256_normalized(doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized):
doc_digest = hashlib.sha256(doc_normalized.encode('utf-8')).digest()
sigopts_digest = hashlib.sha256(sigopts_normalized.encode('utf-8')).digest()
message = sigopts_digest + doc_digest
return message
def to_jws_payload(document, proof):
doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized = urdna2015_normalize(document, proof)
return sha256_normalized(doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized)
def sign_proof(document, proof, key):
message = to_jws_payload(document, proof)
jws = detached_sign_unencoded_payload(message, key)
proof["jws"] = jws.decode('utf-8')[:-2]
return proof
# source:
def sign(document, key, issuer_did):
_did = issuer_did + "#" + issuer_did.split("did:key:")[1]
proof = {
'type': 'Ed25519Signature2018',
'proofPurpose': 'assertionMethod',
'verificationMethod': _did,
'created': now()
sign_proof(document, proof, key)
del proof['@context']
document['proof'] = proof
return document
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Generate an Ed25519 key pair
key = jwk.JWK.generate(kty='OKP', crv='Ed25519')
key['kid'] = 'Generated'
# key = key_read()
jwk_pr = key.export_private(True)
private_key_material_str = jwk_pr['d']
missing_padding = len(private_key_material_str) % 4
if missing_padding:
private_key_material_str += '=' * (4 - missing_padding)
private_key_material = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.decode(private_key_material_str)
signing_key = SigningKey(private_key_material, encoder=RawEncoder)
verify_key = signing_key.verify_key
public_key_bytes = verify_key.encode()
# Generate the DID
did = key_to_did(public_key_bytes)
# print(did)
credential = {
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"type": ["VerifiableCredential"],
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:key:z6MkgGXSJoacuuNdwU1rGfPpFH72GACnzykKTxzCCTZs6Z2M",
"issuer": did,
"issuanceDate": now()
# vc = generate_vc(credential, signing_key, did)
vc = sign(credential, signing_key, did)
print(json.dumps(vc, separators=(',', ':')))
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
import sys
import json
import hashlib
import multicodec
import multiformats
import nacl.signing
import nacl.encoding
from pyld import jsonld
from jwcrypto import jwk
from nacl.public import PublicKey
from nacl.signing import SigningKey
from collections import OrderedDict
from nacl.encoding import RawEncoder
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import Ed25519PrivateKey
# For signature
from pyld.jsonld import JsonLdProcessor
_debug = False
def now():
timestamp =
formatted_timestamp = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
return formatted_timestamp
def key_to_did(key):
"""did-key-format :=
did:key:MULTIBASE(base58-btc, MULTICODEC(public-key-type, raw-public-key-bytes))"""
verify_key = key.verify_key
public_key_bytes = verify_key.encode()
mc = multicodec.add_prefix('ed25519-pub', public_key_bytes)
# Multibase encode the hashed bytes
did = multiformats.multibase.encode(mc, 'base58btc')
return f"did:key:{did}"
def key_save(key):
# Save the private JWK to a file
private_jwk = key.export()
with open('keypairs.jwk', 'w') as f:
def key_read():
# Save the private JWK to a file
with open('keypairs.jwk', 'r') as f:
private_jwk =
return jwk.JWK.from_json(private_jwk)
def sign_bytes(data, secret):
return secret.sign(data)[:-len(data)]
def sign_bytes_b64(data, key):
signature = sign_bytes(data, key)
sig_b64 = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.encode(signature)
return sig_b64
def detached_sign_unencoded_payload(payload, key):
header = b'{"alg":"EdDSA","crit":["b64"],"b64":false}'
header_b64 = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.encode(header)
signing_input = header_b64 + b"." + payload
sig_b64 = sign_bytes_b64(signing_input, key)
jws = header_b64 + b".." + sig_b64
return jws
def urdna2015_normalize(document, proof):
doc_dataset = jsonld.compact(document, "")
sigopts_dataset = jsonld.compact(proof, "")
doc_normalized = jsonld.normalize(
{'algorithm': 'URDNA2015', 'format': 'application/n-quads'}
sigopts_normalized = jsonld.normalize(
{'algorithm': 'URDNA2015', 'format': 'application/n-quads'}
return doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized
def sha256_normalized(doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized):
doc_digest = hashlib.sha256(doc_normalized.encode('utf-8')).digest()
sigopts_digest = hashlib.sha256(sigopts_normalized.encode('utf-8')).digest()
message = sigopts_digest + doc_digest
return message
def to_jws_payload(document, proof):
doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized = urdna2015_normalize(document, proof)
return sha256_normalized(doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized)
def sign_proof(document, proof, key):
message = to_jws_payload(document, proof)
jws = detached_sign_unencoded_payload(message, key)
proof["jws"] = jws.decode('utf-8')[:-2]
return proof
def get_presentation(vc):
template = {
"@context": [""],
"id": "",
"type": ["VerifiablePresentation"],
"holder": "",
"verifiableCredential": []
return template
def get_keys(path_file=None):
if path_file:
key = key_read(path_file)
key = jwk.JWK.generate(kty='OKP', crv='Ed25519')
key['kid'] = 'Generated'
jwk_pr = key.export_private(True)
private_key_material_str = jwk_pr['d']
missing_padding = len(private_key_material_str) % 4
if missing_padding:
private_key_material_str += '=' * (4 - missing_padding)
private_key_material = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.decode(private_key_material_str)
signing_key = SigningKey(private_key_material, encoder=RawEncoder)
return signing_key
def sign_vp(signing_key, holder_did, vc):
presentation = get_presentation(vc)
_did = holder_did + "#" + holder_did.split("did:key:")[1]
presentation["holder"] = holder_did
proof = {
'type': 'Ed25519Signature2018',
'proofPurpose': 'assertionMethod',
'verificationMethod': _did,
'created': now()
sign_proof(presentation, proof, signing_key)
del proof['@context']
presentation['proof'] = proof
return presentation
def main():
path_credential = None
path_keys = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
path_credential = sys.argv[1]
if not path_credential:
print("You need pass a credential.")
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
path_keys = sys.argv[2]
with open(path_credential, "r") as f:
vc =
if not vc:
print("You need pass a credential.")
signing_key = get_keys(path_keys)
holder_did = key_to_did(signing_key)
vp = sign_vp(signing_key, holder_did, vc)
print(json.dumps(vp, separators=(',', ':')))
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
import json
import multicodec
import multiformats
import nacl.encoding
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from did_generate import generate_keys, generate_did, get_signing_key
from sign_vc import sign
from sign_vp import sign_vp
from verify_vc import verify_vc
from verify_vp import verify_vp
def now():
timestamp =
formatted_timestamp = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
return formatted_timestamp
def test_generated_did_key():
key = generate_keys()
did = generate_did(key)
_did = did.split("#")[0]
pub = _did.split(":")[-1]
mc = multiformats.multibase.decode(pub)
public_key_bytes = multicodec.remove_prefix(mc)
x = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.encode(public_key_bytes).decode('utf-8')
k_x = key.get('x', '')
missing_padding = len(k_x) % 4
if missing_padding:
k_x += '=' * (4 - missing_padding)
assert key.get('kty') == 'OKP'
assert key.get('crv') == 'Ed25519'
assert key.get('kid') == 'Generated'
assert k_x == x
assert key.get('d') is not None
def test_credential():
key = generate_keys()
did = generate_did(key)
signing_key = get_signing_key(key)
credential = {
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"type": ["VerifiableCredential"],
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:key:z6MkgGXSJoacuuNdwU1rGfPpFH72GACnzykKTxzCCTZs6Z2M",
"issuer": did,
"issuanceDate": now()
vc = sign(credential, signing_key, did)
header = 'eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il0sImI2NCI6ZmFsc2V9'
assert vc.get('proof', {}).get('jws') is not None
assert header in vc.get('proof', {}).get('jws')
assert did in vc.get('proof', {}).get('verificationMethod')
def test_presentation():
key = generate_keys()
did = generate_did(key)
signing_key = get_signing_key(key)
credential = {
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"type": ["VerifiableCredential"],
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:key:z6MkgGXSJoacuuNdwU1rGfPpFH72GACnzykKTxzCCTZs6Z2M",
"issuer": did,
"issuanceDate": now()
vc = sign(credential, signing_key, did)
vc_json = json.dumps(vc)
holder_key = generate_keys()
holder_did = generate_did(holder_key)
holder_signing_key = get_signing_key(holder_key)
vp = sign_vp(holder_signing_key, holder_did, vc_json)
header = 'eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il0sImI2NCI6ZmFsc2V9'
assert vp.get('proof', {}).get('jws') is not None
assert header in vp.get('proof', {}).get('jws')
assert holder_did in vp.get('proof', {}).get('verificationMethod')
def test_verifiable_credential():
key = generate_keys()
did = generate_did(key)
signing_key = get_signing_key(key)
credential = {
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"type": ["VerifiableCredential"],
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:key:z6MkgGXSJoacuuNdwU1rGfPpFH72GACnzykKTxzCCTZs6Z2M",
"issuer": did,
"issuanceDate": now()
vc = sign(credential, signing_key, did)
verified = verify_vc(vc)
assert verified
def test_verifiable_presentation():
key = generate_keys()
did = generate_did(key)
signing_key = get_signing_key(key)
credential = {
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"type": ["VerifiableCredential"],
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:key:z6MkgGXSJoacuuNdwU1rGfPpFH72GACnzykKTxzCCTZs6Z2M",
"issuer": did,
"issuanceDate": now()
vc = sign(credential, signing_key, did)
vc_json = json.dumps(vc)
holder_key = generate_keys()
holder_did = generate_did(holder_key)
holder_signing_key = get_signing_key(holder_key)
vp = sign_vp(holder_signing_key, holder_did, vc_json)
verified = verify_vp(vp)
assert verified
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
import sys
import json
import hashlib
import multicodec
import multiformats
import nacl.signing
import nacl.encoding
from pyld import jsonld
from jwcrypto import jwk
from nacl.signing import SigningKey, VerifyKey
from collections import OrderedDict
from nacl.encoding import RawEncoder
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import Ed25519PrivateKey
def key_to_did(public_key_bytes):
"""did-key-format :=
did:key:MULTIBASE(base58-btc, MULTICODEC(public-key-type, raw-public-key-bytes))"""
mc = multicodec.add_prefix('ed25519-pub', public_key_bytes)
# Multibase encode the hashed bytes
did = multiformats.multibase.encode(mc, 'base58btc')
return f"did:key:{did}"
def get_signing_input(payload):
header = b'{"alg":"EdDSA","crit":["b64"],"b64":false}'
header_b64 = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.encode(header)
signing_input = header_b64 + b"." + payload
return header_b64, signing_input
def urdna2015_normalize(document, proof):
doc_dataset = jsonld.compact(document, "")
sigopts_dataset = jsonld.compact(proof, "")
doc_normalized = jsonld.normalize(
{'algorithm': 'URDNA2015', 'format': 'application/n-quads'}
sigopts_normalized = jsonld.normalize(
{'algorithm': 'URDNA2015', 'format': 'application/n-quads'}
return doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized
def sha256_normalized(doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized):
doc_digest = hashlib.sha256(doc_normalized.encode('utf-8')).digest()
sigopts_digest = hashlib.sha256(sigopts_normalized.encode('utf-8')).digest()
message = sigopts_digest + doc_digest
return message
def to_jws_payload(document, proof):
doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized = urdna2015_normalize(document, proof)
return sha256_normalized(doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized)
def get_message(vc):
document = vc.copy()
proof = document.pop("proof", {})
jws = proof.pop("jws", None)
proof['@context'] = ''
if not jws:
return None, False
return jws+"==", to_jws_payload(document, proof)
def get_verify_key(vc):
did = vc["proof"]["verificationMethod"].split("#")[0]
pub = did.split(":")[-1]
mc = multiformats.multibase.decode(pub)
public_key_bytes = multicodec.remove_prefix(mc)
return VerifyKey(public_key_bytes)
def jws_split(jws):
header, sig_b64 = jws.split("..")
signature = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.decode(sig_b64.encode())
return header.encode(), signature
def verify_vc(vc):
header = {"alg": "EdDSA", "crit": ["b64"], "b64": False}
jws, message = get_message(vc)
if not message:
return False
header_b64, signature = get_signing_input(message)
header_jws, signature_jws = jws_split(jws)
if header_jws != header_b64:
return False
header_jws_json = json.loads(
for k, v in header.items():
if header_jws_json.get(k) != v:
return False
verify_key = get_verify_key(vc)
data_verified = verify_key.verify(signature_jws+signature)
return data_verified == signature
def get_credential(path_credential):
with open(path_credential, "r") as f:
vc =
return json.loads(vc)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
path_credential = sys.argv[1]
credential = get_credential(path_credential)
print("You need pass a credential.")
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
import sys
import json
import hashlib
import multicodec
import multiformats
import nacl.signing
import nacl.encoding
from pyld import jsonld
from jwcrypto import jwk
from nacl.signing import SigningKey, VerifyKey
from collections import OrderedDict
from nacl.encoding import RawEncoder
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import Ed25519PrivateKey
def key_to_did(public_key_bytes):
"""did-key-format :=
did:key:MULTIBASE(base58-btc, MULTICODEC(public-key-type, raw-public-key-bytes))"""
mc = multicodec.add_prefix('ed25519-pub', public_key_bytes)
# Multibase encode the hashed bytes
did = multiformats.multibase.encode(mc, 'base58btc')
return f"did:key:{did}"
def get_signing_input(payload):
header = b'{"alg":"EdDSA","crit":["b64"],"b64":false}'
header_b64 = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.encode(header)
signing_input = header_b64 + b"." + payload
return header_b64, signing_input
def urdna2015_normalize(document, proof):
doc_dataset = jsonld.compact(document, "")
sigopts_dataset = jsonld.compact(proof, "")
doc_normalized = jsonld.normalize(
{'algorithm': 'URDNA2015', 'format': 'application/n-quads'}
sigopts_normalized = jsonld.normalize(
{'algorithm': 'URDNA2015', 'format': 'application/n-quads'}
return doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized
def sha256_normalized(doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized):
doc_digest = hashlib.sha256(doc_normalized.encode('utf-8')).digest()
sigopts_digest = hashlib.sha256(sigopts_normalized.encode('utf-8')).digest()
message = sigopts_digest + doc_digest
return message
def to_jws_payload(document, proof):
doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized = urdna2015_normalize(document, proof)
return sha256_normalized(doc_normalized, sigopts_normalized)
def get_message(vc):
document = vc.copy()
proof = document.pop("proof", {})
jws = proof.pop("jws", None)
proof['@context'] = ''
if not jws:
return None, False
return jws+"==", to_jws_payload(document, proof)
def get_verify_key(vc):
did = vc["proof"]["verificationMethod"].split("#")[0]
pub = did.split(":")[-1]
mc = multiformats.multibase.decode(pub)
public_key_bytes = multicodec.remove_prefix(mc)
return VerifyKey(public_key_bytes)
def jws_split(jws):
header, sig_b64 = jws.split("..")
signature = nacl.encoding.URLSafeBase64Encoder.decode(sig_b64.encode())
return header.encode(), signature
def verify_vc(vc):
header = {"alg": "EdDSA", "crit": ["b64"], "b64": False}
jws, message = get_message(vc)
if not message:
return False
header_b64, signature = get_signing_input(message)
header_jws, signature_jws = jws_split(jws)
if header_jws != header_b64:
return False
header_jws_json = json.loads(
for k, v in header.items():
if header_jws_json.get(k) != v:
return False
verify_key = get_verify_key(vc)
data_verified = verify_key.verify(signature_jws+signature)
return data_verified == signature
def verify_vp(presentation):
result_presentation = verify_vc(presentation)
if not result_presentation:
return False
for vc in presentation.get("verifiableCredential", []):
if not verify_vc(vc):
return False
return True
def get_presentation(path_presentation):
with open(path_presentation, "r") as f:
vc =
return json.loads(vc)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
path_presentation = sys.argv[1]
presentation = get_presentation(path_presentation)
print("You need pass a presentation.")
Reference in New Issue