import os import textwrap from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.contrib.orchestration import ServiceController, replace from .. import settings from . import WebAppServiceMixin class MoodleController(WebAppServiceMixin, ServiceController): """ Installs the latest version of Moodle available on """ verbose_name = _("Moodle") model = 'webapps.WebApp' default_route_match = "webapp.type == 'moodle-php'" doc_settings = (settings, ('WEBAPPS_DEFAULT_MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST',) ) def save(self, webapp): context = self.get_context(webapp) self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ if [[ $(ls "%(app_path)s" | wc -l) -gt 1 ]]; then echo "App directory not empty." 2> /dev/null exit 0 fi mkdir -p %(app_path)s # Prevent other backends from writting here touch %(app_path)s/.lock # Weekly caching moodle_date=$(date -r $(readlink %(cms_cache_dir)s/moodle) +%%s || echo 0) if [[ $moodle_date -lt $(($(date +%%s)-7*24*60*60)) ]]; then moodle_url=$(wget -O - -q \\ | tr ' ' '\\n' \\ | grep 'moodle-latest.*.tgz"' \\ | sed -E 's#href="([^"]+)".*#\\1#' \\ | head -n 1 \\ | sed "s#download.php/#download.php/direct/#") filename=${moodle_url##*/} wget $moodle_url -O - --no-check-certificate \\ | tee %(cms_cache_dir)s/$filename \\ | tar -xzvf - -C %(app_path)s --strip-components=1 rm -f %(cms_cache_dir)s/moodle ln -s %(cms_cache_dir)s/$filename %(cms_cache_dir)s/moodle else tar -xzvf %(cms_cache_dir)s/moodle -C %(app_path)s --strip-components=1 fi mkdir %(app_path)s/moodledata && { chmod 750 %(app_path)s/moodledata echo -n 'order deny,allow\\ndeny from all' > %(app_path)s/moodledata/.htaccess } if [[ ! -e %(app_path)s/config.php ]]; then cp %(app_path)s/config-dist.php %(app_path)s/config.php sed -i "s#dbtype\s*= '.*#dbtype = '%(db_type)s';#" %(app_path)s/config.php sed -i "s#dbhost\s*= '.*#dbhost = '%(db_host)s';#" %(app_path)s/config.php sed -i "s#dbname\s*= '.*#dbname = '%(db_name)s';#" %(app_path)s/config.php sed -i "s#dbuser\s*= '.*#dbuser = '%(db_user)s';#" %(app_path)s/config.php sed -i "s#dbpass\s*= '.*#dbpass = '%(password)s';#" %(app_path)s/config.php sed -i "s#dataroot\s*= '.*#dataroot = '%(app_path)s/moodledata';#" %(app_path)s/config.php sed -i "s#wwwroot\s*= '.*#wwwroot = '%(www_root)s';#" %(app_path)s/config.php fi rm %(app_path)s/.lock chown -R %(user)s:%(group)s %(app_path)s # Run install moodle cli command on the background, because it takes so long... stdout=$(mktemp) stderr=$(mktemp) nohup su - %(user)s --shell /bin/bash << 'EOF' > $stdout 2> $stderr & php %(app_path)s/admin/cli/install_database.php \\ --fullname="%(site_name)s" \\ --shortname="%(site_name)s" \\ --adminpass="%(password)s" \\ --adminemail="%(email)s" \\ --non-interactive \\ --agree-license \\ --allow-unstable EOF pid=$! sleep 2 if ! ps -p $pid > /dev/null; then cat $stdout cat $stderr >&2 exit_code=$(wait $pid) fi rm $stdout $stderr """) % context ) def get_context(self, webapp): context = super(MoodleController, self).get_context(webapp) contents = webapp.content_set.all() context.update({ 'db_type': 'mysqli', 'db_name':['db_name'], 'db_user':['db_user'], 'password':['password'], 'db_host': settings.WEBAPPS_DEFAULT_MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST, 'email':, 'site_name': "%s Courses" % webapp.account.get_full_name(), 'cms_cache_dir': os.path.normpath(settings.WEBAPPS_CMS_CACHE_DIR), 'www_root': contents[0].website.get_absolute_url() if contents else 'http://empty' }) return replace(context, '"', "'")