import os # Rename module to class CronHandler(object): def __init__(self, filename): self.content = None self.filename = filename def read(self): comments = [] self.content = [] with open(self.filename, 'r') as handler: for line in handler.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): comments.append(line) else: schedule = line.split()[:5] command = ' '.join(line.split()[5:]).strip() self.content.append((schedule, command, comments)) comments = [] def save(self, backup=True): if self.content is None: raise Exception("First read() the cron file!") if backup: os.rename(self.filename, self.filename + '.backup') with open(self.filename, 'w') as handler: handler.write('\n'.join(self.content)) handler.truncate() self.reload() def reload(self): pass # TODO def remove(self, command): if self.content is None: raise Exception("First read() the cron file!") new_content = [] for c_schedule, c_command, c_comments in self.content: if command != c_command: new_content.append((c_schedule, c_command, c_comments)) self.content = new_content def add_or_update(self, schedule, command, comments=None): """ if content contains an equal command, its schedule is updated """ if self.content is None: raise Exception("First read() the cron file!") new_content = [] replaced = False for c_schedule, c_command, c_comments in self.content: if command == c_command: replaced = True new_content.append((schedule, command, comments or c_comments)) else: new_content.append((c_schedule, c_command, c_comments)) if not replaced: new_content.append((schedule, command, comments or [])) self.content = new_content