from django.contrib import messages, admin from django.template.response import TemplateResponse from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.utils.translation import ngettext, gettext, gettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.admin.utils import admin_link from orchestra.contrib.orchestration import Operation, helpers from .helpers import is_valid_domain, read_live_lineages, configure_cert from .forms import LetsEncryptForm def letsencrypt(modeladmin, request, queryset): wildcards = set() domains = set() content_error = '' contentless = queryset.exclude(content__path='/').distinct() if contentless: content_error = ngettext( gettext("Selected website %s doesn't have a webapp mounted on /."), gettext("Selected websites %s don't have a webapp mounted on /."), len(contentless), ) content_error += gettext("
Websites need a webapp (e.g. static) mounted on / " "for let's encrypt HTTP-01 challenge to work.") content_error = content_error % ', '.join((admin_link()(website) for website in contentless)) content_error = '' % content_error queryset = queryset.prefetch_related('domains') for website in queryset: for domain in if'*.'): wildcards.add( else: domains.add( form = LetsEncryptForm(domains, wildcards, initial={'domains': '\n'.join(domains)}) action_value = 'letsencrypt' if request.POST.get('post') == 'generic_confirmation': form = LetsEncryptForm(domains, wildcards, request.POST) if not content_error and form.is_valid(): cleaned_data = form.cleaned_data domains = set(cleaned_data['domains']) operations = [] for website in queryset: website_domains = [ for d in] encrypt_domains = set() for domain in domains: if is_valid_domain(domain, website_domains, wildcards): encrypt_domains.add(domain) website.encrypt_domains = encrypt_domains operations.extend(Operation.create_for_action(website, 'encrypt')) modeladmin.log_change(request, website, _("Encrypted!")) if not operations: messages.error(request, _("No backend operation has been executed.")) else: logs = Operation.execute(operations) helpers.message_user(request, logs) live_lineages = read_live_lineages(logs) errors = 0 successes = 0 no_https = 0 for website in queryset: try: configure_cert(website, live_lineages) except LookupError: errors += 1 messages.error(request, _("No lineage found for website %s") % else: if website.protocol == website.HTTP: no_https += 1'name',)) successes += 1 context = { 'name':, 'errors': errors, 'successes': successes, 'no_https': no_https } if errors: msg = ngettext( _("No lineages found for websites {name}."), _("No lineages found for {errors} websites."), errors) messages.error(request, msg % context) if successes: msg = ngettext( _("{name} website has successfully been encrypted."), _("{successes} websites have been successfully encrypted."), successes) messages.success(request, msg.format(**context)) if no_https: msg = ngettext( _("{name} website does not have HTTPS protocol enabled."), _("{no_https} websites do not have HTTPS protocol enabled."), no_https) messages.warning(request, mark_safe(msg.format(**context))) return opts = modeladmin.model._meta app_label = opts.app_label context = { 'title': _("Let's encrypt!"), 'action_name': _("Encrypt"), 'content_message': gettext("You are going to request certificates for the following domains.
" "This operation is safe to run multiple times, " "existing certificates will not be regenerated. " "Also notice that let's encrypt does not currently support wildcard certificates.") + content_error, 'action_value': action_value, 'queryset': queryset, 'opts': opts, 'obj': website if len(queryset) == 1 else None, 'app_label': app_label, 'action_checkbox_name': admin.helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME, 'form': form, } return TemplateResponse(request, 'admin/orchestra/generic_confirmation.html', context) letsencrypt.short_description = "Let's encrypt!"