from django.conf import settings from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ WEBAPPS_BASE_ROOT = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_BASE_ROOT', '%(home)s/webapps/%(app_name)s/') WEBAPPS_FPM_LISTEN = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_FPM_LISTEN', # '/var/run/%(user)s-%(app_name)s.sock') '') WEBAPPS_ALLOW_BLANK_NAME = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_ALLOW_BLANK_NAME', False) # Default name when blank WEBAPPS_BLANK_NAME = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_BLANK_NAME', 'webapp') WEBAPPS_FPM_START_PORT = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_FPM_START_PORT', 10000) WEBAPPS_PHPFPM_POOL_PATH = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_PHPFPM_POOL_PATH', '/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/%(user)s-%(app_name)s.conf') WEBAPPS_FCGID_PATH = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_FCGID_PATH', '/home/httpd/fcgid/%(user)s/%(app_name)s-wrapper') WEBAPPS_TYPES = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_TYPES', { 'php5.5': { 'verbose_name': "PHP 5.5", # 'fpm', ('unix:/var/run/%(user)s-%(app_name)s.sock|fcgi://',), 'directive': ('fpm', 'fcgi://{}%(app_path)s'.format(WEBAPPS_FPM_LISTEN)), 'help_text': _("This creates a PHP5.5 application under ~/webapps/<app_name>
" "PHP-FPM will be used to execute PHP files.") }, 'php5.2': { 'verbose_name': "PHP 5.2", 'directive': ('fcgi', WEBAPPS_FCGID_PATH), 'help_text': _("This creates a PHP5.2 application under ~/webapps/<app_name>
" "Apache-mod-fcgid will be used to execute PHP files.") }, 'php4': { 'verbose_name': "PHP 4", 'directive': ('fcgi', WEBAPPS_FCGID_PATH,), 'help_text': _("This creates a PHP4 application under ~/webapps/<app_name>
" "Apache-mod-fcgid will be used to execute PHP files.") }, 'static': { 'verbose_name': _("Static"), 'directive': ('static',), 'help_text': _("This creates a Static application under ~/webapps/<app_name>
" "Apache2 will be used to serve static content and execute CGI files.") }, 'webalizer': { 'verbose_name': "Webalizer", 'directive': ('static', '%(app_path)s%(site_name)s'), 'help_text': _("This creates a Webalizer application under " "~/webapps/<app_name>-<site_name>") }, }) WEBAPPS_TYPES_OVERRIDE = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_TYPES_OVERRIDE', {}) for webapp_type, value in WEBAPPS_TYPES_OVERRIDE.iteritems(): if value is None: WEBAPPS_TYPES.pop(webapp_type, None) else: WEBAPPS_TYPES[webapp_type] = value WEBAPPS_DEFAULT_TYPE = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_DEFAULT_TYPE', 'php5.5') WEBAPPS_DEFAULT_HTTPS_CERT = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_DEFAULT_HTTPS_CERT', ('/etc/apache2/cert', '/etc/apache2/cert.key') ) WEBAPPS_PHP_DISABLED_FUNCTIONS = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_PHP_DISABLED_FUNCTION', [ 'exec', 'passthru', 'shell_exec', 'system', 'proc_open', 'popen', 'curl_exec', 'curl_multi_exec', 'show_source', 'pcntl_exec', 'proc_close', 'proc_get_status', 'proc_nice', 'proc_terminate', 'ini_alter', 'virtual', 'openlog', 'escapeshellcmd', 'escapeshellarg', 'dl' ]) WEBAPPS_OPTIONS = getattr(settings, 'WEBAPPS_OPTIONS', { # { name: ( verbose_name, [help_text], validation_regex ) } # PHP 'enabled_functions': ( _("PHP - Enabled functions"), ' '.join(WEBAPPS_PHP_DISABLED_FUNCTIONS), r'^[\w\.,-]+$' ), 'PHP-allow_url_include': ( _("PHP - Allow URL include"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-allow_url_fopen': ( _("PHP - allow_url_fopen"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-auto_append_file': ( _("PHP - Auto append file"), r'^[\w\.,-/]+$' ), 'PHP-auto_prepend_file': ( _("PHP - Auto prepend file"), r'^[\w\.,-/]+$' ), 'PHP-date.timezone': ( _("PHP - date.timezone"), _("Timezone string 'Europe/London'."), r'^\w+/\w+$' ), 'PHP-default_socket_timeout': ( _("PHP - Default socket timeout"), _("Number between 0 and 999."), r'^[0-9]{1,3}$' ), 'PHP-display_errors': ( _("PHP - Display errors"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-extension': ( _("PHP - Extension"), r'^[^ ]+$' ), 'PHP-magic_quotes_gpc': ( _("PHP - Magic quotes GPC"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-magic_quotes_runtime': ( _("PHP - Magic quotes runtime"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-magic_quotes_sybase': ( _("PHP - Magic quotes sybase"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-max_execution_time': ( _("PHP - Max execution time"), _("Number between 0 and 999."), r'^[0-9]{1,3}$' ), 'PHP-max_input_time': ( _("PHP - Max input time"), _("Number between 0 and 999."), r'^[0-9]{1,3}$' ), 'PHP-memory_limit': ( _("PHP - Memory limit"), _("Value between 0M and 999M."), r'^[0-9]{1,3}M$' ), 'PHP-mysql.connect_timeout': ( _("PHP - Mysql connect timeout"), _("Number between 0 and 999."), r'^([0-9]){1,3}$' ), 'PHP-output_buffering': ( _("PHP - output_buffering"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-register_globals': ( _("PHP - Register globals"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-post_max_size': ( _("PHP - Post max size"), _("Value between 0M and 999M."), r'^[0-9]{1,3}M$' ), 'PHP-sendmail_path': ( _("PHP - sendmail_path"), r'^[^ ]+$' ), 'PHP-session.bug_compat_warn': ( _("PHP - session.bug_compat_warn"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-session.auto_start': ( _("PHP - session.auto_start"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-safe_mode': ( _("PHP - Safe mode"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), '': ( _("PHP - Suhosin post max vars"), _("Number between 0 and 9999."), r'^[0-9]{1,4}$' ), 'PHP-suhosin.request.max_vars': ( _("PHP - Suhosin request max vars"), _("Number between 0 and 9999."), r'^[0-9]{1,4}$' ), 'PHP-suhosin.session.encrypt': ( _("PHP - suhosin.session.encrypt"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-suhosin.simulation': ( _("PHP - Suhosin simulation"), _("On or Off"), r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' ), 'PHP-suhosin.executor.include.whitelist': ( _("PHP - suhosin.executor.include.whitelist"), r'.*$' ), 'PHP-upload_max_filesize': ( _("PHP - upload_max_filesize"), _("Value between 0M and 999M."), r'^[0-9]{1,3}M$' ), 'PHP-zend_extension': ( _("PHP - zend_extension"), r'^[^ ]+$' ), # FCGID 'FcgidIdleTimeout': ( _("FCGI - Idle timeout"), _("Number between 0 and 999."), r'^[0-9]{1,3}$' ), 'FcgidBusyTimeout': ( _("FCGI - Busy timeout"), _("Number between 0 and 999."), r'^[0-9]{1,3}$' ), 'FcgidConnectTimeout': ( _("FCGI - Connection timeout"), _("Number of seconds between 0 and 999."), r'^[0-9]{1,3}$' ), 'FcgidIOTimeout': ( _("FCGI - IO timeout"), _("Number of seconds between 0 and 999."), r'^[0-9]{1,3}$' ), 'FcgidProcessLifeTime': ( _("FCGI - IO timeout"), _("Numbe of secondsr between 0 and 9999."), r'^[0-9]{1,4}$' ), })