from django.db import models from django.db.models import Q from django.db.models.signals import pre_delete, post_delete, post_save from django.dispatch import receiver from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from . import settings from .helpers import search_for_related class Service(models.Model): NEVER = 'NEVER' MONTHLY = 'MONTHLY' ANUAL = 'ANUAL' TEN_DAYS = 'TEN_DAYS' ONE_MONTH = 'ONE_MONTH' ALWAYS = 'ALWAYS' ON_REGISTER = 'ON_REGISTER' FIXED_DATE = 'ON_FIXED_DATE' BILLING_PERIOD = 'BILLING_PERIOD' REGISTER_OR_RENEW = 'REGISTER_OR_RENEW' CONCURRENT = 'CONCURRENT' NOTHING = 'NOTHING' DISCOUNT = 'DISCOUNT' REFOUND = 'REFOUND' PREPAY = 'PREPAY' POSTPAY = 'POSTPAY' BEST_PRICE = 'BEST_PRICE' PROGRESSIVE_PRICE = 'PROGRESSIVE_PRICE' MATCH_PRICE = 'MATCH_PRICE' description = models.CharField(_("description"), max_length=256, unique=True) model = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, verbose_name=_("model")) match = models.CharField(_("match"), max_length=256) is_active = models.BooleanField(_("is active"), default=True) # TODO class based Service definition (like ServiceBackend) # Billing billing_period = models.CharField(_("billing period"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Renewal period for recurring invoicing"), choices=( (NEVER, _("One time service")), (MONTHLY, _("Monthly billing")), (ANUAL, _("Anual billing")), ), default=ANUAL) billing_point = models.CharField(_("billing point"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Reference point for calculating the renewal date " "on recurring invoices"), choices=( (ON_REGISTER, _("Registration date")), (FIXED_DATE, _("Fixed billing date")), ), default=FIXED_DATE) delayed_billing = models.CharField(_("delayed billing"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Period in which this service will be ignored for billing"), choices=( (NEVER, _("No delay (inmediate billing)")), (TEN_DAYS, _("Ten days")), (ONE_MONTH, _("One month")), ), default=ONE_MONTH) is_fee = models.BooleanField(_("is fee"), default=False, help_text=_("Designates whether this service should be billed as " " membership fee or not")) # Pricing metric = models.CharField(_("metric"), max_length=256, blank=True, help_text=_("Metric used to compute the pricing rate. " "Number of orders is used when left blank.")) tax = models.IntegerField(_("tax"), choices=settings.ORDERS_SERVICE_TAXES, default=settings.ORDERS_SERVICE_DEFAUL_TAX) pricing_period = models.CharField(_("pricing period"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Period used for calculating the metric used on the " "pricing rate"), choices=( (BILLING_PERIOD, _("Same as billing period")), (MONTHLY, _("Monthly data")), (ANUAL, _("Anual data")), ), default=BILLING_PERIOD) rate_algorithm = models.CharField(_("rate algorithm"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Algorithm used to interprete the rating table"), choices=( (BEST_PRICE, _("Best price")), (PROGRESSIVE_PRICE, _("Progressive price")), (MATCH_PRICE, _("Match price")), ), default=BEST_PRICE) orders_effect = models.CharField(_("orders effect"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Defines the lookup behaviour when using orders for " "the pricing rate computation of this service."), choices=( (REGISTER_OR_RENEW, _("Register or renew events")), (CONCURRENT, _("Active at every given time")), ), default=CONCURRENT) on_cancel = models.CharField(_("on cancel"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Defines the cancellation behaviour of this service"), choices=( (NOTHING, _("Nothing")), (DISCOUNT, _("Discount")), (REFOUND, _("Refound")), ), default=DISCOUNT) on_disable = models.CharField(_("on disable"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Defines the behaviour of this service when disabled"), choices=( (NOTHING, _("Nothing")), (DISCOUNT, _("Discount")), (REFOUND, _("Refound")), ), default=DISCOUNT) on_register = models.CharField(_("on register"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Defines the behaviour of this service on registration"), choices=( (NOTHING, _("Nothing")), (DISCOUNT, _("Discount (fixed BP)")), ), default=DISCOUNT) payment_style = models.CharField(_("payment style"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Designates whether this service should be paid after " "consumtion (postpay/on demand) or prepaid"), choices=( (PREPAY, _("Prepay")), (POSTPAY, _("Postpay (on demand)")), ), default=PREPAY) trial_period = models.CharField(_("trial period"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Period in which no charge will be issued"), choices=( (NEVER, _("No trial")), (TEN_DAYS, _("Ten days")), (ONE_MONTH, _("One month")), ), default=NEVER) refound_period = models.CharField(_("refound period"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Period in which automatic refound will be performed on " "service cancellation"), choices=( (NEVER, _("Never refound")), (TEN_DAYS, _("Ten days")), (ONE_MONTH, _("One month")), (ALWAYS, _("Always refound")), ), default=ONE_MONTH) def __unicode__(self): return self.description @classmethod def get_services(cls, instance, **kwargs): # TODO get per-request cache from thread local cache = kwargs.get('cache', {}) ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(type(instance)) try: return cache[ct] except KeyError: cache[ct] = cls.objects.filter(model=ct, is_active=True) return cache[ct] def matches(self, instance): safe_locals = { instance._meta.model_name: instance } return eval(self.match, safe_locals) class OrderQuerySet(models.QuerySet): def by_object(self, obj, *args, **kwargs): ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) return self.filter(, content_type=ct) def active(self, *args, **kwargs): """ return active orders """ return self.filter( Q(cancelled_on__isnull=True) | Q( ).filter(*args, **kwargs) class Order(models.Model): SAVE = 'SAVE' DELETE = 'DELETE' account = models.ForeignKey('accounts.Account', verbose_name=_("account"), related_name='orders') content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True) service = models.ForeignKey(Service, verbose_name=_("price"), related_name='orders') registered_on = models.DateTimeField(_("registered on"), auto_now_add=True) cancelled_on = models.DateTimeField(_("cancelled on"), null=True, blank=True) billed_on = models.DateTimeField(_("billed on"), null=True, blank=True) billed_until = models.DateTimeField(_("billed until"), null=True, blank=True) ignore = models.BooleanField(_("ignore"), default=False) description = models.TextField(_("description"), blank=True) content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey() objects = OrderQuerySet.as_manager() def __unicode__(self): return str(self.service) def update(self): instance = self.content_object if self.service.metric: metric = self.service.get_metric(instance) self.store_metric(instance, metric) description = "{}: {}".format(self.service.description, str(instance)) if self.description != description: self.description = description @classmethod def update_orders(cls, instance): for service in Service.get_services(instance): orders = Order.objects.by_object(instance, service=service).active() if service.matches(instance): if not orders: account_id = getattr(instance, 'account_id', order = cls.objects.create(content_object=instance, service=service, account_id=account_id) else: order = orders.get() order.update() elif orders: orders.get().cancel() def cancel(self): self.cancelled_on = class MetricStorage(models.Model): order = models.ForeignKey(Order, verbose_name=_("order")) value = models.BigIntegerField(_("value")) date = models.DateTimeField(_("date")) def __unicode__(self): return self.order @receiver(pre_delete, dispatch_uid="orders.cancel_orders") def cancel_orders(sender, **kwargs): if not sender in [MetricStorage, LogEntry, Order, Service]: instance = kwargs['instance'] for order in Order.objects.by_object(instance).active(): order.cancel() @receiver(post_delete, dispatch_uid="orders.update_orders_on_delete") def update_orders_on_delete(sender, **kwargs): if not sender in [MetricStorage, LogEntry, Order, Service]: instance = kwargs['instance'] related = search_for_related(instance) if related: Order.update_orders(related) @receiver(post_save, dispatch_uid="orders.update_orders") def update_orders(sender, **kwargs): if not sender in [MetricStorage, LogEntry, Order, Service]: instance = kwargs['instance'] Order.update_orders(instance) related = search_for_related(instance) if related: Order.update_orders(related)