import StringIO import zipfile from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.admin import helpers from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.admin.forms import adminmodelformset_factory from orchestra.admin.utils import get_object_from_url from orchestra.utils.html import html_to_pdf from .forms import SelectSourceForm def download_bills(modeladmin, request, queryset): if queryset.count() > 1: stringio = StringIO.StringIO() archive = zipfile.ZipFile(stringio, 'w') for bill in queryset: html = bill.html or bill.render() pdf = html_to_pdf(html) archive.writestr('%s.pdf' % bill.number, pdf) archive.close() response = HttpResponse(stringio.getvalue(), content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=""' return response bill = queryset.get() pdf = html_to_pdf(bill.html) return HttpResponse(pdf, content_type='application/pdf') download_bills.verbose_name = _("Download") download_bills.url_name = 'download' def view_bill(modeladmin, request, queryset): bill = queryset.get() html = bill.html or bill.render() return HttpResponse(html) view_bill.verbose_name = _("View") view_bill.url_name = 'view' def close_bills(modeladmin, request, queryset): queryset = queryset.filter(status=queryset.model.OPEN) if not queryset: messages.warning(request, _("Selected bills should be in open state")) return SelectSourceFormSet = adminmodelformset_factory(modeladmin, SelectSourceForm, extra=0) formset = SelectSourceFormSet(queryset=queryset) if request.POST.get('post') == 'generic_confirmation': formset = SelectSourceFormSet(request.POST, request.FILES, queryset=queryset) if formset.is_valid(): for form in formset.forms: source = form.cleaned_data['source'] form.instance.close(payment=source) for bill in queryset: modeladmin.log_change(request, bill, 'Closed') messages.success(request, _("Selected bills have been closed")) return opts = modeladmin.model._meta context = { 'title': _("Are you sure about closing the following bills?"), 'content_message': _("Once a bill is closed it can not be further modified.

" "

Please select a payment source for the selected bills"), 'action_name': 'Close bills', 'action_value': 'close_bills', 'display_objects': [], 'queryset': queryset, 'opts': opts, 'app_label': opts.app_label, 'action_checkbox_name': helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME, 'formset': formset, 'obj': get_object_from_url(modeladmin, request), } return render(request, 'admin/orchestra/generic_confirmation.html', context) close_bills.verbose_name = _("Close") close_bills.url_name = 'close' def send_bills(modeladmin, request, queryset): for bill in queryset: bill.send() modeladmin.log_change(request, bill, 'Sent') send_bills.verbose_name = _("Send") send_bills.url_name = 'send'