import decimal from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.db import models from django.apps import apps from django.utils.functional import cached_property from django.utils.module_loading import autodiscover_modules from django.utils.translation import string_concat, ugettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.core import caches, validators from orchestra.utils.python import import_class from . import settings from .handlers import ServiceHandler autodiscover_modules('handlers') rate_class = import_class(settings.SERVICES_RATE_CLASS) class ServiceQuerySet(models.QuerySet): def filter_by_instance(self, instance): cache = caches.get_request_cache() ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) key = 'services.Service-%i' % services = cache.get(key) if services is None: services = self.filter(content_type=ct, is_active=True) cache.set(key, services) return services class Service(models.Model): NEVER = '' # DAILY = 'DAILY' MONTHLY = 'MONTHLY' ANUAL = 'ANUAL' ONE_DAY = 'ONE_DAY' TWO_DAYS = 'TWO_DAYS' TEN_DAYS = 'TEN_DAYS' ONE_MONTH = 'ONE_MONTH' ALWAYS = 'ALWAYS' ON_REGISTER = 'ON_REGISTER' FIXED_DATE = 'ON_FIXED_DATE' BILLING_PERIOD = 'BILLING_PERIOD' REGISTER_OR_RENEW = 'REGISTER_OR_RENEW' CONCURRENT = 'CONCURRENT' NOTHING = 'NOTHING' DISCOUNT = 'DISCOUNT' COMPENSATE = 'COMPENSATE' REFUND = 'REFUND' PREPAY = 'PREPAY' POSTPAY = 'POSTPAY' _ignore_types = ' and '.join(', '.join(settings.SERVICES_IGNORE_ACCOUNT_TYPE).rsplit(', ', 1)).lower() description = models.CharField(_("description"), max_length=256, unique=True) content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, verbose_name=_("content type"), help_text=_("Content type of the related service objects.")) match = models.CharField(_("match"), max_length=256, blank=True, help_text=_( "Python expression " "that designates wheter a content_type object is related to this service " "or not, always evaluates True when left blank. " "Related instance can be instantiated with instance keyword or " "content_type.model_name.
" " databaseuser.type == 'MYSQL'
" " and str(miscellaneous.identifier).endswith(('.org', '.net', '.com'))
" " == 'association_fee''
" "")) handler_type = models.CharField(_("handler"), max_length=256, blank=True, help_text=_("Handler used for processing this Service. A handler " "enables customized behaviour far beyond what options " "here allow to."), choices=ServiceHandler.get_choices()) is_active = models.BooleanField(_("active"), default=True) ignore_superusers = models.BooleanField(_("ignore %s") % _ignore_types, default=True, help_text=_("Designates whether %s orders are marked as ignored by default or not.") % _ignore_types) # Billing billing_period = models.CharField(_("billing period"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Renewal period for recurring invoicing."), choices=( (NEVER, _("One time service")), (MONTHLY, _("Monthly billing")), (ANUAL, _("Anual billing")), ), default=ANUAL, blank=True) billing_point = models.CharField(_("billing point"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Reference point for calculating the renewal date " "on recurring invoices"), choices=( (ON_REGISTER, _("Registration date")), (FIXED_DATE, _("Fixed billing date")), ), default=FIXED_DATE) is_fee = models.BooleanField(_("fee"), default=False, help_text=_("Designates whether this service should be billed as " " membership fee or not")) order_description = models.CharField(_("Order description"), max_length=128, blank=True, help_text=_( "Python expression " "used for generating the description for the bill lines of this services.
" "Defaults to '%s: %s' % (ugettext(handler.description), instance)" )) ignore_period = models.CharField(_("ignore period"), max_length=16, blank=True, help_text=_("Period in which orders will be ignored if cancelled. " "Useful for designating trial periods"), choices=( (NEVER, _("Never")), (ONE_DAY, _("One day")), (TWO_DAYS, _("Two days")), (TEN_DAYS, _("Ten days")), (ONE_MONTH, _("One month")), ), default=settings.SERVICES_DEFAULT_IGNORE_PERIOD) # Pricing metric = models.CharField(_("metric"), max_length=256, blank=True, help_text=_( "Python expression " "used for obtinging the metric value for the pricing rate computation. " "Number of orders is used when left blank. Related instance can be instantiated " "with instance keyword or content_type.model_name.
" " max((mailbox.resources.disk.allocated or 0) -1, 0)
" " miscellaneous.amount
" " max((account.resources.traffic.used or 0) -" " getattr(account.miscellaneous.filter(is_active=True," " service__name='traffic-prepay').last(), 'amount', 0), 0)")) nominal_price = models.DecimalField(_("nominal price"), max_digits=12, decimal_places=2) tax = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("tax"), choices=settings.SERVICES_SERVICE_TAXES, default=settings.SERVICES_SERVICE_DEFAULT_TAX) pricing_period = models.CharField(_("pricing period"), max_length=16, blank=True, help_text=_("Time period that is used for computing the rate metric."), choices=( (NEVER, _("Current value")), (BILLING_PERIOD, _("Same as billing period")), (MONTHLY, _("Monthly data")), (ANUAL, _("Anual data")), ), default=BILLING_PERIOD) rate_algorithm = models.CharField(_("rate algorithm"), max_length=64, choices=rate_class.get_choices(), default=rate_class.get_default(), help_text=string_concat(_("Algorithm used to interprete the rating table."), *[ string_concat('
  ', method.verbose_name, ': ', method.help_text) for name, method in rate_class.get_methods().items() ])) on_cancel = models.CharField(_("on cancel"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Defines the cancellation behaviour of this service."), choices=( (NOTHING, _("Nothing")), (DISCOUNT, _("Discount")), (COMPENSATE, _("Compensat")), (REFUND, _("Refund")), ), default=DISCOUNT) payment_style = models.CharField(_("payment style"), max_length=16, help_text=_("Designates whether this service should be paid after " "consumtion (postpay/on demand) or prepaid."), choices=( (PREPAY, _("Prepay")), (POSTPAY, _("Postpay (on demand)")), ), default=PREPAY) objects = ServiceQuerySet.as_manager() def __str__(self): return self.description @cached_property def handler(self): """ Accessor of this service handler instance """ if self.handler_type: return ServiceHandler.get(self.handler_type)(self) return ServiceHandler(self) def clean(self): self.description = self.description.strip() if hasattr(self, 'content_type'): validators.all_valid({ 'content_type': (self.handler.validate_content_type, self), 'match': (self.handler.validate_match, self), 'metric': (self.handler.validate_metric, self), 'order_description': (self.handler.validate_order_description, self), }) def get_pricing_period(self): if self.pricing_period == self.BILLING_PERIOD: return self.billing_period return self.pricing_period def get_price(self, account, metric, rates=None, position=None): """ if position is provided an specific price for that position is returned, accumulated price is returned otherwise """ if rates is None: rates = self.get_rates(account) if rates: rates = self.rate_method(rates, metric) if not rates: rates = [{ 'quantity': metric, 'price': self.nominal_price, }] counter = 0 if position is None: ant_counter = 0 accumulated = 0 for rate in rates: counter += rate['quantity'] if counter >= metric: counter = metric accumulated += (counter - ant_counter) * rate['price'] accumulated = round(accumulated, 2) return decimal.Decimal(str(accumulated)) ant_counter = counter accumulated += rate['price'] * rate['quantity'] raise RuntimeError("Rating algorithm bad result") else: if metric < position: raise ValueError("Metric can not be less than the position.") for rate in rates: counter += rate['quantity'] if counter >= position: price = round(rate['price'], 2) return decimal.Decimal(str(rate['price'])) raise RuntimeError("Rating algorithm bad result") def get_rates(self, account, cache=True): # rates are cached per account if not cache: return self.rates.by_account(account) if not hasattr(self, '__cached_rates'): self.__cached_rates = {} try: return self.__cached_rates[] except KeyError: rates = self.rates.by_account(account) self.__cached_rates[] = rates return rates @property def rate_method(self): return rate_class.get_methods()[self.rate_algorithm] def update_orders(self, commit=True): order_model = apps.get_model(settings.SERVICES_ORDER_MODEL) related_model = self.content_type.model_class() updates = [] queryset = related_model.objects.all() if related_model._meta.model_name != 'account': queryset = queryset.select_related('account').all() for instance in queryset: updates += order_model.objects.update_by_instance(instance, service=self, commit=commit) return updates