import textwrap from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.contrib.orchestration import ServiceController, replace from orchestra.contrib.resources import ServiceMonitor from . import settings from .models import List class MailmanVirtualDomainBackend(ServiceController): """ Only syncs virtualdomains used on mailman addresses """ verbose_name = _("Mailman virtdomain-only") model = 'lists.List' doc_settings = (settings, ('LISTS_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_DOMAINS_PATH',) ) def is_hosted_domain(self, domain): """ whether or not domain MX points to this server """ return domain.has_default_mx() def include_virtual_alias_domain(self, context): domain = context['address_domain'] if domain and self.is_hosted_domain(domain): self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" # Add virtual domain %(address_domain)s [[ $(grep '^\s*%(address_domain)s\s*$' %(virtual_alias_domains)s) ]] || { echo '%(address_domain)s' >> %(virtual_alias_domains)s UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_DOMAINS=1 }""") % context ) def is_last_domain(self, domain): return not List.objects.filter(address_domain=domain).exists() def exclude_virtual_alias_domain(self, context): domain = context['address_domain'] if domain and self.is_last_domain(domain): self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" # Remove %(address_domain)s from virtual domains sed -i '/^%(address_domain)s\s*$/d' %(virtual_alias_domains)s\ """) % context ) def save(self, mail_list): context = self.get_context(mail_list) self.include_virtual_alias_domain(context) def delete(self, mail_list): context = self.get_context(mail_list) self.include_virtual_alias_domain(context) def commit(self): context = self.get_context_files() self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" # Apply changes if needed if [[ $UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_DOMAINS == 1 ]]; then service postfix reload fi""") % context ) super(MailmanVirtualDomainBackend, self).commit() def get_context_files(self): return { 'virtual_alias_domains': settings.LISTS_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_DOMAINS_PATH, } def get_context(self, mail_list): context = self.get_context_files() context.update({ 'address_domain': mail_list.address_domain, }) return replace(context, "'", '"') class MailmanBackend(MailmanVirtualDomainBackend): """ Mailman 2 backend based on newlist, it handles custom domains. Includes MailmanVirtualDomainBackend """ verbose_name = "Mailman" address_suffixes = [ '', '-admin', '-bounces', '-confirm', '-join', '-leave', '-owner', '-request', '-subscribe', '-unsubscribe' ] doc_settings = (settings, ( 'LISTS_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_PATH', 'LISTS_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_DOMAINS_PATH', 'LISTS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN', 'LISTS_MAILMAN_ROOT_DIR' )) def get_virtual_aliases(self, context): aliases = ['# %(banner)s' % context] for suffix in self.address_suffixes: context['suffix'] = suffix # Because mailman doesn't properly handle lists aliases we need two virtual aliases aliases.append("%(address_name)s%(suffix)s@%(domain)s\t%(name)s%(suffix)s" % context) if context['address_name'] != context['name']: # And another with the original list name; Mailman generates links with it aliases.append("%(name)s%(suffix)s@%(domain)s\t%(name)s%(suffix)s" % context) return '\n'.join(aliases) def save(self, mail_list): context = self.get_context(mail_list) # Create list self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" # Create list %(name)s [[ ! -e '%(mailman_root)s/lists/%(name)s' ]] && { newlist --quiet --emailhost='%(domain)s' '%(name)s' '%(admin)s' '%(password)s' }""") % context) # Custom domain if mail_list.address: context.update({ 'aliases': self.get_virtual_aliases(context), 'num_entries': 2 if context['address_name'] != context['name'] else 1, }) self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ # Create list alias for custom domain aliases='%(aliases)s' if [[ ! $(grep '\s\s*%(name)s\s*$' %(virtual_alias)s) ]]; then echo "${aliases}" >> %(virtual_alias)s UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS=1 else if [[ $(grep -E '^\s*(%(address_name)s|%(name)s)@%(address_domain)s\s\s*%(name)s\s*$' %(virtual_alias)s|wc -l) -ne %(num_entries)s ]]; then sed -i -e '/^.*\s%(name)s\(%(suffixes_regex)s\)\s*$/d' \\ -e 'N; /^\s*\\n\s*$/d; P; D' %(virtual_alias)s echo "${aliases}" >> %(virtual_alias)s UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS=1 fi fi echo "require_explicit_destination = 0" | \\ %(mailman_root)s/bin/config_list -i /dev/stdin %(name)s echo "host_name = '%(address_domain)s'" | \\ %(mailman_root)s/bin/config_list -i /dev/stdin %(name)s""") % context ) else: self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ # Cleanup possible ex-custom domain if [[ ! $(grep '\s\s*%(name)s\s*$' %(virtual_alias)s) ]]; then sed -i "/^.*\s%(name)s\s*$/d" %(virtual_alias)s fi""") % context ) # Update if context['password'] is not None: self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ # Re-set password %(mailman_root)s/bin/change_pw --listname="%(name)s" --password="%(password)s"\ """) % context ) self.include_virtual_alias_domain(context) if self.append('chmod 775 %(mailman_root)s/lists/%(name)s' % context) else: self.append('chmod 000 %(mailman_root)s/lists/%(name)s' % context) def delete(self, mail_list): context = self.get_context(mail_list) self.exclude_virtual_alias_domain(context) self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" # Remove list %(name)s sed -i -e '/^.*\s%(name)s\(%(suffixes_regex)s\)\s*$/d' \\ -e 'N; /^\s*\\n\s*$/d; P; D' %(virtual_alias)s # Non-existent list archives produce exit code 1 exit_code=0 rmlist -a %(name)s || exit_code=$? if [[ $exit_code != 0 && $exit_code != 1 ]]; then exit $exit_code fi""") % context ) def commit(self): context = self.get_context_files() self.append(textwrap.dedent(""" # Apply changes if needed if [[ $UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS == 1 ]]; then postmap %(virtual_alias)s fi if [[ $UPDATED_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_DOMAINS == 1 ]]; then service postfix reload fi exit $exit_code""") % context ) def get_context_files(self): return { 'virtual_alias': settings.LISTS_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_PATH, 'virtual_alias_domains': settings.LISTS_VIRTUAL_ALIAS_DOMAINS_PATH, } def get_banner(self, mail_list): banner = super(MailmanBackend, self).get_banner() return '%s %s' % (banner, def get_context(self, mail_list): context = self.get_context_files() context.update({ 'banner': self.get_banner(mail_list), 'name':, 'password': mail_list.password, 'domain': mail_list.address_domain or settings.LISTS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN, 'address_name': mail_list.get_address_name(), 'address_domain': mail_list.address_domain, 'suffixes_regex': '\|'.join(self.address_suffixes), 'admin': mail_list.admin_email, 'mailman_root': settings.LISTS_MAILMAN_ROOT_DIR, }) return replace(context, "'", '"') class MailmanTraffic(ServiceMonitor): """ Parses mailman log file looking for email size and multiples it by list_members count. """ model = 'lists.List' resource = ServiceMonitor.TRAFFIC verbose_name = _("Mailman traffic") script_executable = '/usr/bin/python' monthly_sum_old_values = True doc_settings = (settings, ('LISTS_MAILMAN_POST_LOG_PATH',) ) def prepare(self): postlog = settings.LISTS_MAILMAN_POST_LOG_PATH context = { 'postlogs': str((postlog, postlog+'.1')), 'current_date': self.current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), } self.append(textwrap.dedent("""\ import re import subprocess import sys from datetime import datetime from dateutil import tz def to_local_timezone(date, tzlocal=tz.tzlocal()): date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') date = date.replace(tzinfo=tz.tzutc()) date = date.astimezone(tzlocal) return date postlogs = {postlogs} # Use local timezone end_date = to_local_timezone('{current_date}') end_date = int(end_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) lists = {{}} months = {{ 'Jan': '01', 'Feb': '02', 'Mar': '03', 'Apr': '04', 'May': '05', 'Jun': '06', 'Jul': '07', 'Aug': '08', 'Sep': '09', 'Oct': '10', 'Nov': '11', 'Dec': '12', }} mailman_addr = re.compile(r'.*-(admin|bounces|confirm|join|leave|owner|request|subscribe|unsubscribe)@.*') def prepare(object_id, list_name, ini_date): global lists ini_date = to_local_timezone(ini_date) ini_date = int(ini_date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) lists[list_name] = [ini_date, object_id, 0] def monitor(lists, end_date, months, postlogs): for postlog in postlogs: try: with open(postlog, 'r') as postlog: for line in postlog.readlines(): month, day, time, year, __, __, __, list_name, __, addr, size = line.split()[:11] try: list = lists[list_name] except KeyError: continue else: # discard mailman messages because of inconsistent POST logging if mailman_addr.match(addr): continue date = year + months[month] + day + time.replace(':', '') if list[0] < int(date) < end_date: size = size[5:-1] try: list[2] += int(size) except ValueError: # anonymized post pass except IOError as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e)+'\\n') for list_name, opts in lists.items(): __, object_id, size = opts if size: cmd = ' '.join(('list_members', list_name, '| wc -l')) ps = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) subscribers = ps.communicate()[0].strip() size *= int(subscribers) print object_id, size """).format(**context) ) def monitor(self, user): context = self.get_context(user) self.append("prepare(%(object_id)s, '%(list_name)s', '%(last_date)s')" % context) def commit(self): self.append('monitor(lists, end_date, months, postlogs)') def get_context(self, mail_list): context = { 'list_name':, 'object_id':, 'last_date': self.get_last_date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"), } return replace(context, "'", '"') class MailmanSubscribers(ServiceMonitor): """ Monitors number of list subscribers via list_members """ model = 'lists.List' verbose_name = _("Mailman subscribers") delete_old_equal_values = True def monitor(self, mail_list): context = self.get_context(mail_list) self.append('echo %(object_id)i $(list_members %(list_name)s | wc -l)' % context) def get_context(self, mail_list): context = { 'list_name':, 'object_id':, } return replace(context, "'", '"')