from collections import OrderedDict from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from .core import validators class Setting(object): """ Keeps track of the defined settings. Instances of this class are the native value of the setting. """ conf_settings = settings settings = OrderedDict() def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): value = str(self.value) value = ("'%s'" if isinstance(value, str) else '%s') % value return '<%s: %s>' % (, value) def __new__(cls, name, default, help_text="", choices=None, editable=True, multiple=False, validators=[], types=[], call_init=False): if call_init: return super(Setting, cls).__new__(cls) cls.settings[name] = cls(name, default, help_text=help_text, choices=choices, editable=editable, multiple=multiple, validators=validators, types=types, call_init=True) return cls.get_value(name, default) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):, self.default = args for name, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, name, value) self.value = self.get_value(, self.default) self.validate_value(self.value) self.settings[name] = self def validate_value(self, value): validators.all_valid(value, self.validators) valid_types = list(self.types) if isinstance(self.default, (list, tuple)): valid_types.extend([list, tuple]) valid_types.append(type(self.default)) if not isinstance(value, tuple(valid_types)): raise ValidationError("%s is not a valid type (%s)." % (type(value).__name__, ', '.join(t.__name__ for t in valid_types)) ) @classmethod def get_value(cls, name, default): return getattr(cls.conf_settings, name, default) ORCHESTRA_BASE_DOMAIN = Setting('ORCHESTRA_BASE_DOMAIN', 'orchestra.lan' ) ORCHESTRA_SITE_URL = Setting('ORCHESTRA_SITE_URL', 'https://orchestra.%s' % ORCHESTRA_BASE_DOMAIN, help_text=_("Domain name used when it will not be possible to infere the domain from a request." "For example in periodic tasks.") ) ORCHESTRA_SITE_NAME = Setting('ORCHESTRA_SITE_NAME', 'orchestra') ORCHESTRA_SITE_VERBOSE_NAME = Setting('ORCHESTRA_SITE_VERBOSE_NAME', _("%s Hosting Management" % ORCHESTRA_SITE_NAME.capitalize()) ) # Service management commands ORCHESTRA_START_SERVICES = Setting('ORCHESTRA_START_SERVICES', ( 'postgresql', 'celeryevcam', 'celeryd', 'celerybeat', ('uwsgi', 'nginx'), )) ORCHESTRA_RESTART_SERVICES = Setting('ORCHESTRA_RESTART_SERVICES', ( 'celeryd', 'celerybeat', 'uwsgi' )) ORCHESTRA_STOP_SERVICES = Setting('ORCHESTRA_STOP_SERVICES', ( ('uwsgi', 'nginx'), 'celerybeat', 'celeryd', 'celeryevcam', 'postgresql' )) ORCHESTRA_API_ROOT_VIEW = Setting('ORCHESTRA_API_ROOT_VIEW', 'orchestra.api.root.APIRoot' ) ORCHESTRA_DEFAULT_SUPPORT_FROM_EMAIL = Setting('ORCHESTRA_DEFAULT_SUPPORT_FROM_EMAIL', 'support@{}'.format(ORCHESTRA_BASE_DOMAIN) ) ORCHESTRA_EDIT_SETTINGS = Setting('ORCHESTRA_EDIT_SETTINGS', True)