
565 lines
24 KiB

import calendar
import datetime
import decimal
import math
from dateutil import relativedelta
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils import timezone, translation
from django.utils.translation import ugettext, ugettext_lazy as _
from orchestra import plugins
from orchestra.utils.humanize import text2int
from orchestra.utils.python import AttrDict, cmp_to_key, format_exception
from . import settings, helpers
class ServiceHandler(plugins.Plugin, metaclass=plugins.PluginMount):
Separates all the logic of billing handling from the model allowing to better
customize its behaviout
Relax and enjoy the journey.
_VOLUME = 'volume'
_COMPENSATION = 'compensation'
model = None
def __init__(self, service):
self.service = service
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.service, attr)
def get_choices(cls):
choices = super(ServiceHandler, cls).get_choices()
return [('', _("Default"))] + choices
def validate_content_type(self, service):
def validate_expression(self, service, method):
obj = service.content_type.model_class().objects.all()[0]
except IndexError:
bool(getattr(self, method)(obj))
except Exception as exc:
raise ValidationError(format_exception(exc))
def validate_match(self, service):
if not service.match:
service.match = 'True'
self.validate_expression(service, 'matches')
def validate_metric(self, service):
self.validate_expression(service, 'get_metric')
def validate_order_description(self, service):
self.validate_expression(service, 'get_order_description')
def get_content_type(self):
if not self.model:
return self.content_type
app_label, model = self.model.split('.')
return ContentType.objects.get_by_natural_key(app_label, model.lower())
def get_expression_context(self, instance):
return {
'instance': instance,
'obj': instance,
'ugettext': ugettext,
'handler': self,
'service': self.service,
instance._meta.model_name: instance,
'math': math,
'logsteps': lambda n, size=1: \
round(n/(decimal.Decimal(size*10**int(math.log10(max(n, 1))))))*size*10**int(math.log10(max(n, 1))),
'log10': math.log10,
'Decimal': decimal.Decimal,
def matches(self, instance):
if not self.match:
# Blank expressions always evaluate True
return True
safe_locals = self.get_expression_context(instance)
return eval(self.match, safe_locals)
def get_ignore_delta(self):
if self.ignore_period == self.NEVER:
return None
value, unit = self.ignore_period.split('_')
value = text2int(value)
if unit.lower().startswith('day'):
return datetime.timedelta(days=value)
if unit.lower().startswith('month'):
return datetime.timedelta(months=value)
raise ValueError("Unknown unit %s" % unit)
def get_order_ignore(self, order):
""" service trial delta """
ignore_delta = self.get_ignore_delta()
if ignore_delta and (order.cancelled_on-ignore_delta).date() <= order.registered_on:
return True
return order.ignore
def get_ignore(self, instance):
if self.ignore_superusers:
account = getattr(instance, 'account', instance)
if account.type in settings.SERVICES_IGNORE_ACCOUNT_TYPE:
return True
if 'superuser' in settings.SERVICES_IGNORE_ACCOUNT_TYPE and account.is_superuser:
return True
return False
def get_metric(self, instance):
if self.metric:
safe_locals = self.get_expression_context(instance)
return eval(self.metric, safe_locals)
except Exception as exc:
raise type(exc)("%s on '%s'" %(exc, self.service))
def get_order_description(self, instance):
safe_locals = self.get_expression_context(instance)
account = getattr(instance, 'account', instance)
with translation.override(account.language):
if not self.order_description:
return '%s: %s' % (ugettext(self.description), instance)
return eval(self.order_description, safe_locals)
def get_billing_point(self, order, bp=None, **options):
not_cachable = self.billing_point == self.FIXED_DATE and options.get('fixed_point')
if not_cachable or bp is None:
bp = options.get('billing_point',
if not options.get('fixed_point'):
msg = ("Support for '%s' period and '%s' point is not implemented"
% (self.get_billing_period_display(), self.get_billing_point_display()))
if self.billing_period == self.MONTHLY:
date = bp
if self.payment_style == self.PREPAY:
date += relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1)
date =
if self.billing_point == self.ON_REGISTER:
day =
elif self.billing_point == self.FIXED_DATE:
day = 1
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
bp =, month=date.month, day=day)
elif self.billing_period == self.ANUAL:
if self.billing_point == self.ON_REGISTER:
month = order.registered_on.month
day =
elif self.billing_point == self.FIXED_DATE:
day = 1
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
year = bp.year
if self.payment_style == self.POSTPAY:
year = bp.year - relativedelta.relativedelta(years=1)
if bp.month >= month:
year = bp.year + 1
bp =, month=month, day=day)
elif self.billing_period == self.NEVER:
bp = order.registered_on
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
if self.on_cancel != self.NOTHING and order.cancelled_on and order.cancelled_on < bp:
bp = order.cancelled_on
return bp
# def aligned(self, date):
# if self.granularity == self.DAILY:
# return date
# elif self.granularity == self.MONTHLY:
# return, month=date.month, day=1)
# elif self.granularity == self.ANUAL:
# return, month=1, day=1)
# raise NotImplementedError
def get_price_size(self, ini, end):
rdelta = relativedelta.relativedelta(end, ini)
if self.billing_period == self.MONTHLY:
size = rdelta.years * 12
size += rdelta.months
days = calendar.monthrange(end.year, end.month)[1]
size += decimal.Decimal(str(rdelta.days))/days
elif self.billing_period == self.ANUAL:
size = rdelta.years
size += decimal.Decimal(str(rdelta.months))/12
days = 366 if calendar.isleap(end.year) else 365
size += decimal.Decimal(str(rdelta.days))/days
elif self.billing_period == self.NEVER:
size = 1
raise NotImplementedError
return decimal.Decimal(str(size))
def get_pricing_slots(self, ini, end):
day = 1
if self.billing_point == self.ON_REGISTER:
day =
month = ini.month
period = self.get_pricing_period()
rdelta = self.get_pricing_rdelta()
if period == self.MONTHLY:
ini =, month=ini.month, day=day)
elif period == self.ANUAL:
ini =, month=month, day=day)
elif period == self.NEVER:
yield ini, end
raise StopIteration
raise NotImplementedError
while True:
next = ini + rdelta
yield ini, next
if next >= end:
ini = next
def get_pricing_rdelta(self):
period = self.get_pricing_period()
if period == self.MONTHLY:
return relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1)
elif period == self.ANUAL:
return relativedelta.relativedelta(years=1)
elif period == self.NEVER:
return None
def generate_discount(self, line, dtype, price):
'type': dtype,
'total': price,
def generate_line(self, order, price, *dates, **kwargs):
if len(dates) == 2:
ini, end = dates
elif len(dates) == 1:
ini, end = dates[0], dates[0]
raise AttributeError
metric = kwargs.pop('metric', 1)
discounts = kwargs.pop('discounts', ())
computed = kwargs.pop('computed', False)
if kwargs:
raise AttributeError
size = self.get_price_size(ini, end)
if not computed:
price = price * size
subtotal = self.nominal_price * size * metric
line = AttrDict(**{
'order': order,
'subtotal': subtotal,
'ini': ini,
'end': end,
'size': size,
'metric': metric,
'discounts': [],
discounted = 0
for dtype, dprice in discounts:
self.generate_discount(line, dtype, dprice)
discounted += dprice
subtotal += discounted
if subtotal > price:
self.generate_discount(line, self._VOLUME, price-subtotal)
return line
def assign_compensations(self, givers, receivers, **options):
compensations = []
for order in givers:
if order.billed_until and order.cancelled_on and order.cancelled_on < order.billed_until:
interval = helpers.Interval(order.cancelled_on, order.billed_until, order)
for order in receivers:
if not order.billed_until or order.billed_until < order.new_billed_until:
# receiver
ini = order.billed_until or order.registered_on
end = order.cancelled_on or
interval = helpers.Interval(ini, end)
compensations, used_compensations = helpers.compensate(interval, compensations)
order._compensations = used_compensations
for comp in used_compensations:
comp.order.new_billed_until = min(comp.order.billed_until, comp.ini,
getattr(comp.order, 'new_billed_until',
if options.get('commit', True):
for order in givers:
if hasattr(order, 'new_billed_until'):
order.billed_until = order.new_billed_until['billed_until'])
def apply_compensations(self, order, only_beyond=False):
dsize = 0
ini = order.billed_until or order.registered_on
end = order.new_billed_until
beyond = end
cend = None
for comp in getattr(order, '_compensations', []):
intersect = comp.intersect(helpers.Interval(ini=ini, end=end))
if intersect:
cini, cend = intersect.ini, intersect.end
if comp.end > beyond:
cend = comp.end
if only_beyond:
cini = beyond
elif not only_beyond:
dsize += self.get_price_size(cini, cend)
# Extend billing point a little bit to benefit from a substantial discount
elif comp.end > beyond and (comp.end-comp.ini).days > 3*(comp.ini-beyond).days:
cend = comp.end
dsize += self.get_price_size(comp.ini, cend)
return dsize, cend
def get_register_or_renew_events(self, porders, ini, end):
counter = 0
for order in porders:
bu = getattr(order, 'new_billed_until', order.billed_until)
if bu:
registered = order.registered_on
if registered > ini and registered <= end:
counter += 1
if registered != bu and bu > ini and bu <= end:
counter += 1
if order.billed_until and order.billed_until != bu:
if registered != order.billed_until and order.billed_until > ini and order.billed_until <= end:
counter += 1
return counter
def bill_concurrent_orders(self, account, porders, rates, ini, end):
# Concurrent
# Get pricing orders
priced = {}
for ini, end, orders in helpers.get_chunks(porders, ini, end):
size = self.get_price_size(ini, end)
metric = len(orders)
interval = helpers.Interval(ini=ini, end=end)
for position, order in enumerate(orders, start=1):
csize = 0
compensations = getattr(order, '_compensations', [])
# Compensations < new_billed_until
for comp in compensations:
intersect = comp.intersect(interval)
if intersect:
csize += self.get_price_size(intersect.ini, intersect.end)
price = self.get_price(account, metric, position=position, rates=rates)
price = price * size
cprice = price * csize
if order in priced:
priced[order][0] += price
priced[order][1] += cprice
priced[order] = (price, cprice)
lines = []
for order, prices in priced.items():
discounts = ()
# Generate lines and discounts from order.nominal_price
price, cprice = prices
# Compensations > new_billed_until
dsize, new_end = self.apply_compensations(order, only_beyond=True)
cprice += dsize*price
if cprice:
discounts = (
(self._COMPENSATION, -cprice),
if new_end:
size = self.get_price_size(order.new_billed_until, new_end)
price += price*size
order.new_billed_until = new_end
line = self.generate_line(order, price, ini, new_end or end, discounts=discounts, computed=True)
return lines
def bill_registered_or_renew_events(self, account, porders, rates):
# Before registration
lines = []
rdelta = self.get_pricing_rdelta()
if not rdelta:
raise NotImplementedError
for position, order in enumerate(porders, start=1):
if hasattr(order, 'new_billed_until'):
pend = order.billed_until or order.registered_on
pini = pend - rdelta
metric = self.get_register_or_renew_events(porders, pini, pend)
position = min(position, metric)
price = self.get_price(account, metric, position=position, rates=rates)
ini = order.billed_until or order.registered_on
end = order.new_billed_until
discounts = ()
dsize, new_end = self.apply_compensations(order)
if dsize:
(self._COMPENSATION, -dsize*price),
if new_end:
order.new_billed_until = new_end
end = new_end
line = self.generate_line(order, price, ini, end, discounts=discounts)
return lines
def bill_with_orders(self, orders, account, **options):
# For the "boundary conditions" just think that:
# date(2011, 1, 1) is equivalent to datetime(2011, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
# In most cases:
# ini >= registered_date, end < registered_date
# boundary lookup and exclude cancelled and billed
orders_ = []
bp = None
ini =
end =
for order in orders:
cini = order.registered_on
if order.billed_until:
# exclude cancelled and billed
if self.on_cancel != self.REFUND:
if order.cancelled_on and order.billed_until > order.cancelled_on:
cini = order.billed_until
bp = self.get_billing_point(order, bp=bp, **options)
order.new_billed_until = bp
ini = min(ini, cini)
end = max(end, bp)
orders = orders_
# Compensation
related_orders = account.orders.filter(service=self.service)
if self.payment_style == self.PREPAY and self.on_cancel == self.COMPENSATE:
# Get orders pending for compensation
givers = list(related_orders.givers(ini, end))
givers = sorted(givers, key=cmp_to_key(helpers.cmp_billed_until_or_registered_on))
orders = sorted(orders, key=cmp_to_key(helpers.cmp_billed_until_or_registered_on))
self.assign_compensations(givers, orders, **options)
rates = self.get_rates(account)
has_billing_period = self.billing_period != self.NEVER
has_pricing_period = self.get_pricing_period() != self.NEVER
if rates and (has_billing_period or has_pricing_period):
concurrent = has_billing_period and not has_pricing_period
if not concurrent:
rdelta = self.get_pricing_rdelta()
ini -= rdelta
porders = related_orders.pricing_orders(ini, end)
porders = list(set(orders).union(set(porders)))
porders = sorted(porders, key=cmp_to_key(helpers.cmp_billed_until_or_registered_on))
if concurrent:
# Periodic billing with no pricing period
lines = self.bill_concurrent_orders(account, porders, rates, ini, end)
# Periodic and one-time billing with pricing period
lines = self.bill_registered_or_renew_events(account, porders, rates)
# No rates optimization or one-time billing without pricing period
lines = []
price = self.nominal_price
# Calculate nominal price
for order in orders:
ini = order.billed_until or order.registered_on
end = order.new_billed_until
discounts = ()
dsize, new_end = self.apply_compensations(order)
if dsize:
(self._COMPENSATION, -dsize*price),
if new_end:
order.new_billed_until = new_end
end = new_end
line = self.generate_line(order, price, ini, end, discounts=discounts)
return lines
def bill_with_metric(self, orders, account, **options):
lines = []
bp = None
for order in orders:
bp = self.get_billing_point(order, bp=bp, **options)
if (self.billing_period != self.NEVER and
self.get_pricing_period() == self.NEVER and
self.payment_style == self.PREPAY and order.billed_on):
# Recharge
if self.payment_style == self.PREPAY and order.billed_on:
rini = order.billed_on
charged = None
new_metric, new_price = 0, 0
for cini, cend, metric in order.get_metric(rini, bp, changes=True):
if charged is None:
charged = metric
size = self.get_price_size(cini, cend)
new_price += self.get_price(order, metric) * size
new_metric += metric
size = self.get_price_size(rini, bp)
old_price = self.get_price(account, charged) * size
if new_price > old_price:
metric = new_metric - charged
price = new_price - old_price
lines.append(self.generate_line(order, price, rini, bp, metric=metric, computed=True))
if order.billed_until and order.cancelled_on and order.cancelled_on >= order.billed_until:
if self.billing_period != self.NEVER:
ini = order.billed_until or order.registered_on
# Periodic billing
if bp <= ini:
order.new_billed_until = bp
if self.get_pricing_period() == self.NEVER:
# Changes (Mailbox disk-like)
for cini, cend, metric in order.get_metric(ini, bp, changes=True):
price = self.get_price(account, metric)
lines.append(self.generate_line(order, price, cini, cend, metric=metric))
elif self.get_pricing_period() == self.billing_period:
# pricing_slots (Traffic-like)
if self.payment_style == self.PREPAY:
raise NotImplementedError
for cini, cend in self.get_pricing_slots(ini, bp):
metric = order.get_metric(cini, cend)
price = self.get_price(account, metric)
lines.append(self.generate_line(order, price, cini, cend, metric=metric))
raise NotImplementedError
# One-time billing
if order.billed_until:
date =
order.new_billed_until = date
if self.get_pricing_period() == self.NEVER:
# get metric (Job-like)
metric = order.get_metric(date)
price = self.get_price(account, metric)
lines.append(self.generate_line(order, price, date, metric=metric))
raise NotImplementedError
return lines
def generate_bill_lines(self, orders, account, **options):
if options.get('proforma', False):
options['commit'] = False
if not self.metric:
lines = self.bill_with_orders(orders, account, **options)
lines = self.bill_with_metric(orders, account, **options)
if options.get('commit', True):
now =
for line in lines:
order = line.order
order.billed_on = now
order.billed_until = getattr(order, 'new_billed_until', order.billed_until)['billed_on', 'billed_until'])
return lines