import re from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from orchestra.plugins import Plugin from orchestra.utils.functional import cached from orchestra.utils.python import import_class from . import settings class AppOption(Plugin): PHP = 'PHP' PROCESS = 'Process' FILESYSTEM = 'FileSystem' help_text = "" group = None @classmethod @cached def get_plugins(cls): plugins = [] for cls in settings.WEBAPPS_ENABLED_OPTIONS: plugins.append(import_class(cls)) return plugins @classmethod @cached def get_option_groups(cls): groups = {} for opt in cls.get_plugins(): try: groups[].append(opt) except KeyError: groups[] = [opt] return groups def validate(self, option): if self.regex and not re.match(self.regex, option.value): raise ValidationError({ 'value': ValidationError(_("'%(value)s' does not match %(regex)s."), params={ 'value': option.value, 'regex': self.regex }), }) class PublicRoot(AppOption): name = 'public-root' verbose_name = _("Public root") help_text = _("Document root relative to webapps/<webapp>/") regex = r'[^ ]+' group = AppOption.FILESYSTEM class Timeout(AppOption): name = 'timeout' # FCGID FcgidIOTimeout # FPM pm.request_terminate_timeout # PHP max_execution_time ini verbose_name = _("Process timeout") help_text = _("Maximum time in seconds allowed for a request to complete (a number between 0 and 999).") regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}$' group = AppOption.PROCESS class Processes(AppOption): name = 'processes' # FCGID MaxProcesses # FPM pm.max_children verbose_name = _("Number of processes") help_text = _("Maximum number of children that can be alive at the same time (a number between 0 and 9).") regex = r'^[0-9]$' group = AppOption.PROCESS class PHPEnabledFunctions(AppOption): name = 'enabled_functions' verbose_name = _("Enabled functions") help_text = ' '.join(settings.WEBAPPS_PHP_DISABLED_FUNCTIONS) regex = r'^[\w\.,-]+$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPAllowURLInclude(AppOption): name = 'allow_url_include' verbose_name = _("Allow URL include") help_text = _("Allows the use of URL-aware fopen wrappers with include, include_once, require, " "require_once (On or Off).") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPAllowURLFopen(AppOption): name = 'allow_url_fopen' verbose_name = _("Allow URL fopen") help_text = _("Enables the URL-aware fopen wrappers that enable accessing URL object like files (On or Off).") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPAutoAppendFile(AppOption): name = 'auto_append_file' verbose_name = _("Auto append file") help_text = _("Specifies the name of a file that is automatically parsed after the main file.") regex = r'^[\w\.,-/]+$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPAutoPrependFile(AppOption): name = 'auto_prepend_file' verbose_name = _("Auto prepend file") help_text = _("Specifies the name of a file that is automatically parsed before the main file.") regex = r'^[\w\.,-/]+$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPDateTimeZone(AppOption): name = 'date.timezone' verbose_name = _("date.timezone") help_text = _("Sets the default timezone used by all date/time functions (Timezone string 'Europe/London').") regex = r'^\w+/\w+$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPDefaultSocketTimeout(AppOption): name = 'default_socket_timeout' verbose_name = _("Default socket timeout") help_text = _("Number between 0 and 999.") regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPDisplayErrors(AppOption): name = 'display_errors' verbose_name = _("Display errors") help_text = _("Determines whether errors should be printed to the screen as part of the output or " "if they should be hidden from the user (On or Off).") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPExtension(AppOption): name = 'extension' verbose_name = _("Extension") regex = r'^[^ ]+$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPMagicQuotesGPC(AppOption): name = 'magic_quotes_gpc' verbose_name = _("Magic quotes GPC") help_text = _("Sets the magic_quotes state for GPC (Get/Post/Cookie) operations (On or Off) " "<b>DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0</b>.") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' deprecated=5.3 group = AppOption.PHP class PHPMagicQuotesRuntime(AppOption): name = 'magic_quotes_runtime' verbose_name = _("Magic quotes runtime") help_text = _("Functions that return data from any sort of external source will have quotes escaped " "with a backslash (On or Off) <b>DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0</b>.") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' deprecated=5.3 group = AppOption.PHP class PHPMaginQuotesSybase(AppOption): name = 'magic_quotes_sybase' verbose_name = _("Magic quotes sybase") help_text = _("Single-quote is escaped with a single-quote instead of a backslash (On or Off).") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPMaxExecutonTime(AppOption): name = 'max_execution_time' verbose_name = _("Max execution time") help_text = _("Maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated by " "the parser (Integer between 0 and 999).") regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPMaxInputTime(AppOption): name = 'max_input_time' verbose_name = _("Max input time") help_text = _("Maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data, like POST and GET " "(Integer between 0 and 999).") regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPMaxInputVars(AppOption): name = 'max_input_vars' verbose_name = _("Max input vars") help_text = _("How many input variables may be accepted (limit is applied to $_GET, $_POST " "and $_COOKIE superglobal separately) (Integer between 0 and 9999).") regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPMemoryLimit(AppOption): name = 'memory_limit' verbose_name = _("Memory limit") help_text = _("This sets the maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script is allowed to allocate " "(Value between 0M and 999M).") regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}M$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPMySQLConnectTimeout(AppOption): name = 'mysql.connect_timeout' verbose_name = _("Mysql connect timeout") help_text = _("Number between 0 and 999.") regex = r'^([0-9]){1,3}$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPOutputBuffering(AppOption): name = 'output_buffering' verbose_name = _("Output buffering") help_text = _("Turn on output buffering (On or Off).") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPRegisterGlobals(AppOption): name = 'register_globals' verbose_name = _("Register globals") help_text = _("Whether or not to register the EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server) " "variables as global variables (On or Off).") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPPostMaxSize(AppOption): name = 'post_max_size' verbose_name = _("Post max size") help_text = _("Sets max size of post data allowed (Value between 0M and 999M).") regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}M$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPSendmailPath(AppOption): name = 'sendmail_path' verbose_name = _("sendmail_path") help_text = _("Where the sendmail program can be found.") regex = r'^[^ ]+$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPSessionBugCompatWarn(AppOption): name = 'session.bug_compat_warn' verbose_name = _("session.bug_compat_warn") help_text = _("Enables an PHP bug on session initialization for legacy behaviour (On or Off).") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPSessionAutoStart(AppOption): name = 'session.auto_start' verbose_name = _("session.auto_start") help_text = _("Specifies whether the session module starts a session automatically on request " "startup (On or Off).") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPSafeMode(AppOption): name = 'safe_mode' verbose_name = _("Safe mode") help_text = _("Whether to enable PHP's safe mode (On or Off) <b>DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0</b>") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' deprecated=5.3 group = AppOption.PHP class PHPSuhosinPostMaxVars(AppOption): name = '' verbose_name = _("Suhosin POST max vars") help_text = _("Number between 0 and 9999.") regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPSuhosinGetMaxVars(AppOption): name = 'suhosin.get.max_vars' verbose_name = _("Suhosin GET max vars") help_text = _("Number between 0 and 9999.") regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPSuhosinRequestMaxVars(AppOption): name = 'suhosin.request.max_vars' verbose_name = _("Suhosin request max vars") help_text = _("Number between 0 and 9999.") regex = r'^[0-9]{1,4}$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPSuhosinSessionEncrypt(AppOption): name = 'suhosin.session.encrypt' verbose_name = _("suhosin.session.encrypt") help_text = _("On or Off") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPSuhosinSimulation(AppOption): name = 'suhosin.simulation' verbose_name = _("Suhosin simulation") help_text = _("On or Off") regex = r'^(On|Off|on|off)$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPSuhosinExecutorIncludeWhitelist(AppOption): name = 'suhosin.executor.include.whitelist' verbose_name = _("suhosin.executor.include.whitelist") regex = r'.*$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPUploadMaxFileSize(AppOption): name = 'upload_max_filesize' verbose_name = _("upload_max_filesize") help_text = _("Value between 0M and 999M.") regex = r'^[0-9]{1,3}M$' group = AppOption.PHP class PHPPostMaxSize(AppOption): name = 'post_max_size' verbose_name = _("zend_extension") regex = r'^[^ ]+$' group = AppOption.PHP