2015-04-26 13:53:00 +00:00

447 lines
18 KiB

import os
import re
import textwrap
from django.template import Template, Context
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from orchestra.contrib.orchestration import ServiceController, replace
from orchestra.contrib.resources import ServiceMonitor
from .. import settings
from ..utils import normurlpath
class Apache2Backend(ServiceController):
Apache ≥2.4 backend with support for the following directives:
<tt>static</tt>, <tt>location</tt>, <tt>fpm</tt>, <tt>fcgid</tt>, <tt>uwsgi</tt>, \
<tt>ssl</tt>, <tt>security</tt>, <tt>redirects</tt>, <tt>proxies</tt>, <tt>saas</tt>
model = 'websites.Website'
related_models = (
('websites.Content', 'website'),
('websites.WebsiteDirective', 'directives'),
('webapps.WebApp', 'website_set'),
verbose_name = _("Apache 2")
doc_settings = (settings, (
def render_virtual_host(self, site, context, ssl=False):
context['port'] = self.HTTPS_PORT if ssl else self.HTTP_PORT
extra_conf = self.get_content_directives(site, context)
directives = site.get_directives()
if ssl:
extra_conf += self.get_ssl(directives)
extra_conf += self.get_security(directives)
extra_conf += self.get_redirects(directives)
extra_conf += self.get_proxies(directives)
extra_conf += self.get_saas(directives)
settings_context = site.get_settings_context()
for location, directive in settings.WEBSITES_VHOST_EXTRA_DIRECTIVES:
extra_conf.append((location, directive % settings_context))
# Order extra conf directives based on directives (longer first)
extra_conf = sorted(extra_conf, key=lambda a: len(a[0]), reverse=True)
context['extra_conf'] = '\n'.join([conf for location, conf in extra_conf])
return Template(textwrap.dedent("""\
<VirtualHost{% for ip in ips %} {{ ip }}:{{ port }}{% endfor %}>
IncludeOptional /etc/apache2/site[s]-override/{{ site_unique_name }}.con[f]
ServerName {{ server_name }}\
{% if server_alias %}
ServerAlias {{ server_alias|join:' ' }}{% endif %}\
{% if access_log %}
CustomLog {{ access_log }} common{% endif %}\
{% if error_log %}
ErrorLog {{ error_log }}{% endif %}
SuexecUserGroup {{ user }} {{ group }}\
{% for line in extra_conf.splitlines %}
{{ line | safe }}{% endfor %}
def render_redirect_https(self, context):
context['port'] = self.HTTP_PORT
return Template(textwrap.dedent("""
<VirtualHost{% for ip in ips %} {{ ip }}:{{ port }}{% endfor %}>
ServerName {{ server_name }}\
{% if server_alias %}
ServerAlias {{ server_alias|join:' ' }}{% endif %}\
{% if access_log %}
CustomLog {{ access_log }} common{% endif %}\
{% if error_log %}
ErrorLog {{ error_log }}{% endif %}
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
def save(self, site):
context = self.get_context(site)
if context['server_name']:
apache_conf = '# %(banner)s\n' % context
if site.protocol in (site.HTTP, site.HTTP_AND_HTTPS):
apache_conf += self.render_virtual_host(site, context, ssl=False)
if site.protocol in (site.HTTP_AND_HTTPS, site.HTTPS_ONLY, site.HTTPS):
apache_conf += self.render_virtual_host(site, context, ssl=True)
if site.protocol == site.HTTPS_ONLY:
apache_conf += self.render_redirect_https(context)
context['apache_conf'] = apache_conf.replace("'", '"')
echo -e "${apache_conf}" | diff -N -I'^\s*#' %(sites_available)s -
} || {
echo -e "${apache_conf}" > %(sites_available)s
}""") % context
if context['server_name'] and
if [[ ! -f %(sites_enabled)s ]]; then
a2ensite %(site_unique_name)s.conf
fi""") % context
if [[ -f %(sites_enabled)s ]]; then
a2dissite %(site_unique_name)s.conf;
fi""") % context
def delete(self, site):
context = self.get_context(site)
self.append("a2dissite %(site_unique_name)s.conf && UPDATED=1" % context)
self.append("rm -f %(sites_available)s" % context)
def prepare(self):
super(Apache2Backend, self).prepare()
# Coordinate apache restart with php backend in order not to overdo it
self.append('echo "Apache2Backend" >> /dev/shm/restart.apache2')
def commit(self):
""" reload Apache2 if necessary """
state="$(grep -v 'Apache2Backend' /dev/shm/restart.apache2)" || locked=0
echo -n "$state" > /dev/shm/restart.apache2
if [[ $UPDATED == 1 ]]; then
if [[ $locked == 0 ]]; then
service apache2 status && service apache2 reload || service apache2 start
echo "Apache2Backend RESTART" >> /dev/shm/restart.apache2
elif [[ "$state" =~ .*RESTART$ ]]; then
rm /dev/shm/restart.apache2
service apache2 status && service apache2 reload || service apache2 start
super(Apache2Backend, self).commit()
def get_directives(self, directive, context):
method, args = directive[0], directive[1:]
method = getattr(self, 'get_%s_directives' % method)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("%s does not has suport for '%s' directive." %
(self.__class__.__name__, method))
return method(context, *args)
def get_content_directives(self, site, context):
directives = []
for content in site.content_set.all():
directive = content.webapp.get_directive()
self.set_content_context(content, context)
directives += self.get_directives(directive, context)
return directives
def get_static_directives(self, context, app_path):
context['app_path'] = os.path.normpath(app_path % context)
directive = self.get_location_filesystem_map(context)
return [
(context['location'], directive),
def get_location_filesystem_map(self, context):
if not context['location']:
return 'DocumentRoot %(app_path)s' % context
return 'Alias %(location)s %(app_path)s' % context
def get_fpm_directives(self, context, socket, app_path):
if ':' in socket:
# TCP socket
target = 'fcgi://%(socket)s%(app_path)s/$1'
# UNIX socket
target = 'unix:%(socket)s|fcgi://'
if context['location']:
target = 'unix:%(socket)s|fcgi://$1'
'app_path': os.path.normpath(app_path),
'socket': socket,
directives = "ProxyPassMatch ^%(location)s/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ {target}\n".format(target=target) % context
directives += self.get_location_filesystem_map(context)
return [
(context['location'], directives),
def get_fcgid_directives(self, context, app_path, wrapper_path):
'app_path': os.path.normpath(app_path),
'wrapper_name': os.path.basename(wrapper_path),
directives = ''
# This Action trick is used instead of FcgidWrapper because we don't want to define
# a new fcgid process class each time an app is mounted (num proc limits enforcement).
if 'wrapper_dir' not in context:
# fcgi-bin only needs to be defined once per vhots
# We assume that all account wrapper paths will share the same dir
context['wrapper_dir'] = os.path.dirname(wrapper_path)
directives = textwrap.dedent("""\
Alias /fcgi-bin/ %(wrapper_dir)s/
<Location /fcgi-bin/>
SetHandler fcgid-script
Options +ExecCGI
""") % context
directives += self.get_location_filesystem_map(context)
directives += textwrap.dedent("""
ProxyPass %(location)s/ !
<Directory %(app_path)s/>
AddHandler php-fcgi .php
Action php-fcgi /fcgi-bin/%(wrapper_name)s
</Directory>""") % context
return [
(context['location'], directives),
def get_uwsgi_directives(self, context, socket):
# requires apache2 mod_proxy_uwsgi
context['socket'] = socket
directives = "ProxyPass / unix:%(socket)s|uwsgi://" % context
directives += self.get_location_filesystem_map(context)
return [
(context['location'], directives),
def get_ssl(self, directives):
cert = directives.get('ssl-cert')
key = directives.get('ssl-key')
ca = directives.get('ssl-ca')
if not (cert and key):
if not (cert and key):
return []
config = "SSLEngine on\n"
config += "SSLCertificateFile %s\n" % cert[0]
config += "SSLCertificateKeyFile %s\n" % key[0]
if ca:
config += "SSLCACertificateFile %s\n" % ca[0]
return [
('', config),
def get_security(self, directives):
security = []
for values in directives.get('sec-rule-remove', []):
for rule in values.split():
sec_rule = "SecRuleRemoveById %i" % int(rule)
security.append(('', sec_rule))
for location in directives.get('sec-engine', []):
sec_rule = textwrap.dedent("""\
<Location %s>
SecRuleEngine off
</Location>""") % location
security.append((location, sec_rule))
return security
def get_redirects(self, directives):
redirects = []
for redirect in directives.get('redirect', []):
location, target = redirect.split()
if re.match(r'^.*[\^\*\$\?\)]+.*$', redirect):
redirect = "RedirectMatch %s %s" % (location, target)
redirect = "Redirect %s %s" % (location, target)
(location, redirect)
return redirects
def get_proxies(self, directives):
proxies = []
for proxy in directives.get('proxy', []):
proxy = proxy.split()
location = proxy[0]
target = proxy[1]
options = ' '.join(proxy[2:])
location = normurlpath(location)
proxy = textwrap.dedent("""\
ProxyPass {location}/ {target} {options}
ProxyPassReverse {location}/ {target}""".format(
location=location, target=target, options=options)
(location, proxy)
return proxies
def get_saas(self, directives):
saas = []
for name, values in directives.items():
if name.endswith('-saas'):
for value in values:
context = {
'location': normurlpath(value),
directive = settings.WEBSITES_SAAS_DIRECTIVES[name]
saas += self.get_directives(directive, context)
return saas
def get_username(self, site):
option = site.get_directives().get('user_group')
if option:
return option[0]
return site.get_username()
def get_groupname(self, site):
option = site.get_directives().get('user_group')
if option and ' ' in option:
user, group = option.split()
return group
return site.get_groupname()
def get_server_names(self, site):
server_name = None
server_alias = []
for domain in'name'):
if not server_name and not'*'):
server_name =
return server_name, server_alias
def get_context(self, site):
base_apache_conf = settings.WEBSITES_BASE_APACHE_CONF
sites_available = os.path.join(base_apache_conf, 'sites-available')
sites_enabled = os.path.join(base_apache_conf, 'sites-enabled')
server_name, server_alias = self.get_server_names(site)
context = {
'site': site,
'ips': settings.WEBSITES_DEFAULT_IPS,
'site_unique_name': site.unique_name,
'user': self.get_username(site),
'group': self.get_groupname(site),
'server_name': server_name,
'server_alias': server_alias,
'sites_enabled': "%s.conf" % os.path.join(sites_enabled, site.unique_name),
'sites_available': "%s.conf" % os.path.join(sites_available, site.unique_name),
'access_log': site.get_www_access_log_path(),
'error_log': site.get_www_error_log_path(),
'banner': self.get_banner(),
if not context['ips']:
raise ValueError("WEBSITES_DEFAULT_IPS is empty.")
return replace(context, "'", '"')
def set_content_context(self, content, context):
content_context = {
'type': content.webapp.type,
'location': normurlpath(content.path),
'app_path': content.webapp.get_path(),
content_context = replace(content_context, "'", '"')
class Apache2Traffic(ServiceMonitor):
Parses apache logs,
looking for the size of each request on the last word of the log line.
model = 'websites.Website'
resource = ServiceMonitor.TRAFFIC
verbose_name = _("Apache 2 Traffic")
doc_settings = (settings,
def prepare(self):
super(Apache2Traffic, self).prepare()
ignore_hosts = '\\|'.join(settings.WEBSITES_TRAFFIC_IGNORE_HOSTS)
context = {
'current_date': self.current_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"),
'ignore_hosts': '-v "%s"' % ignore_hosts if ignore_hosts else '',
function monitor () {
INI_DATE=$(date "+%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M%%S" -d "$2")
END_DATE=$(date '+%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M%%S' -d '%(current_date)s')
{ grep %(ignore_hosts)s ${LOG_FILE} || echo -e '\\r'; } \\
| awk -v ini="${INI_DATE}" -v end="${END_DATE}" '
sum = 0
months["Jan"] = "01"
months["Feb"] = "02"
months["Mar"] = "03"
months["Apr"] = "04"
months["May"] = "05"
months["Jun"] = "06"
months["Jul"] = "07"
months["Aug"] = "08"
months["Sep"] = "09"
months["Oct"] = "10"
months["Nov"] = "11"
months["Dec"] = "12"
} {
# date = [11/Jul/2014:13:50:41
date = substr($4, 2)
year = substr(date, 8, 4)
month = months[substr(date, 4, 3)];
day = substr(date, 1, 2)
hour = substr(date, 13, 2)
minute = substr(date, 16, 2)
second = substr(date, 19, 2)
line_date = year month day hour minute second
if ( line_date > ini && line_date < end)
sum += $NF
} END {
print sum
}' || [[ $? == 1 ]] && true
} | xargs echo ${OBJECT_ID}
}""") % context)
def monitor(self, site):
context = self.get_context(site)
self.append('monitor {object_id} "{last_date}" {log_file}'.format(**context))
def get_context(self, site):
context = {
'log_file': '%s{,.1}' % site.get_www_access_log_path(),
'last_date': self.get_last_date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"),
return replace(context, "'", '"')