The double-underscores are intentional, as all these settings are translated to YAML internally, and a double-underscore indicates the next level (a subsetting).
If you are using Docker Compose, edit your <code>.env</code> file to append any keys that you want to add, and then run the following command to apply them:
If you are running in Kubernetes, edit your <code>values.yaml</code> file to append any keys that you want to add, and then run the following commands to apply:
- `AUTHENTIK_CACHE__TIMEOUT`: Timeout for cached data until it expires in seconds, defaults to 300
- `AUTHENTIK_CACHE__TIMEOUT_FLOWS`: Timeout for cached flow plans until they expire in seconds, defaults to 300
- `AUTHENTIK_CACHE__TIMEOUT_POLICIES`: Timeout for cached policies until they expire in seconds, defaults to 300
- `AUTHENTIK_CACHE__TIMEOUT_REPUTATION`: Timeout for cached reputation until they expire in seconds, defaults to 300
`AUTHENTIK_CACHE__TIMEOUT_REPUTATION` only applies to the cache expiry, see [`AUTHENTIK_REPUTATION__EXPIRY`](#authentik_reputation__expiry) to control how long reputation is persisted for.
`AUTHENTIK_REDIS__CACHE_TIMEOUT_REPUTATION` only applies to the cache expiry, see [`AUTHENTIK_REPUTATION__EXPIRY`](#authentik_reputation__expiry) to control how long reputation is persisted for.
Defaults to ``, ``, ``, ``, `fe80::/10`, `::1/128`.
Requests directly coming from one an address within a CIDR specified here are able to set proxy headers, such as `X-Forwarded-For`. Requests coming from other addresses will not be able to set these headers.
These settings affect where media files are stored. Those files include applications and sources icons. By default, they are stored on disk in the `/media` directory of the authentik container. S3 storage is also supported.
- `AUTHENTIK_STORAGE_MEDIA_BACKEND`: Where to store files. Valid values are `file` and `s3`. For `file` storage, files are stored in a `/media` directory in the container. For `s3`, see below.
- `AUTHENTIK_STORAGE_MEDIA_S3_REGION`: S3 region where the bucket has been created. May be omitted depending on which S3 provider you use. No default.
- `AUTHENTIK_STORAGE_MEDIA_S3_USE__SSL`: Whether to use HTTPS when talking to the S3 storage providers. Defaults to `true`.
- `AUTHENTIK_STORAGE_MEDIA_S3_ENDPOINT`: Endpoint to use to talk to the S3 storage provider. Override the previous region and use_ssl settings. Must be a valid URL in the form of `https://s3.provider`. No default.
- `AUTHENTIK_STORAGE_MEDIA_S3_SESSION__PROFILE`: Profile to use when using AWS SDK authentication. No default. Supports hot-reloading.
- `AUTHENTIK_STORAGE_MEDIA_S3_ACCESS__KEY`: Access key to authenticate to S3. May be omitted if using AWS SDK authentication. Supports hot-reloading.
- `AUTHENTIK_STORAGE_MEDIA_S3_SECRET__KEY`: Secret key to authenticate to S3. May be omitted if using AWS SDK authentication. Supports hot-reloading.
- `AUTHENTIK_STORAGE_MEDIA_S3_SECURITY__TOKEN`: Security token to authenticate to S3. May be omitted. Supports hot-reloading.
- `AUTHENTIK_STORAGE_MEDIA_S3_BUCKET__NAME`: Name of the bucket to use to store files.
- `AUTHENTIK_STORAGE_MEDIA_S3_CUSTOM__DOMAIN`: Domain to use to create URLs for users. Mainly useful for non-AWS providers. May include a port. Must include the bucket. Example: ``.
- `AUTHENTIK_STORAGE_MEDIA_S3_SECURE__URLS`: Whether URLS created for users use `http` or `https`. Defaults to `true`.
Starting with 2021.12.3, you can also set the log level to _trace_. This has no affect on the core authentik server, but shows additional messages for the embedded outpost.
Logs generated with `trace` should be treated with care as they can give others access to your instance, and can potentially include things like session cookies to authentik **and other pages**.
When error reporting is enabled, the default Sentry DSN will allow the authentik developers to receive error reports and anonymous performance data, which is used for general feedback about authentik, and in some cases, may be used for debugging purposes.
Users can create their own hosted Sentry account (or self-host Sentry) and opt to collect this data themselves.
Starting with authentik 2022.8, you can also use an attribute path like `attributes.something.avatar`, which can be used in combination with the file field to allow users to upload custom avatars for themselves.
Starting with authentik 2023.2, multiple modes can be set, and authentik will fallback to the next mode when no avatar could be found. For example, setting this to `gravatar,initials` will attempt to get an avatar from Gravatar, and if the user has not configured on there, it will fallback to a generated avatar.
Configure how long reputation scores should be saved for in seconds. Note that this is different than [`AUTHENTIK_REDIS__CACHE_TIMEOUT_REPUTATION`](#redis-settings), as reputation is saved to the database every 5 minutes.
Configure how many gunicorn worker processes should be started (see
If running in Kubernetes, the default value is set to 2 and should in most cases not be changed, as scaling can be done with multiple pods running the web server.
Otherwise, authentik will use 1 worker for each 4 CPU cores + 1 as a value below 2 workers is not recommended.
Requires authentik 2022.9
Configure how many gunicorn threads a worker processes should have (see
Configure Celery worker concurrency for authentik worker (see This essentially defines the number of worker processes spawned for a single worker.
To modify additional settings further than the options above allow, you can create a custom python file and mount it to `/data/`. This file will be loaded on startup by both the server and the worker. All default settings are [here](