outposts/proxy: fix potential empty redirect, add tests

Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <jens.langhammer@beryju.org>

This commit is contained in:
Jens Langhammer 2022-01-25 10:57:53 +01:00
parent 47777529ac
commit 1c2b452406
5 changed files with 85 additions and 19 deletions

View file

@ -45,15 +45,6 @@ jobs:
- name: Go unittests
run: |
go test -timeout 0 -v -race -coverprofile=coverage.out -covermode=atomic -cover ./... | go-junit-report > junit.xml
- uses: testspace-com/setup-testspace@v1
domain: ${{github.repository_owner}}
- name: run testspace
if: ${{ always() }}
run: |
gocov convert coverage.out | gocov-xml > coverage.xml
testspace [outpost]junit.xml --link=codecov
testspace [outpost]coverage.xml --link=codecov
- lint-golint

View file

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ func TestForwardHandleNginx_Single_Claims(t *testing.T) {
rr = httptest.NewRecorder()
a.forwardHandleTraefik(rr, req)
a.forwardHandleNginx(rr, req)
h := rr.Result().Header

View file

@ -79,5 +79,6 @@ func (a *Application) proxyModifyRequest(u *url.URL) func(req *http.Request) {
func (a *Application) proxyModifyResponse(res *http.Response) error {
res.Header.Set("X-Powered-By", "authentik_proxy2")
return nil

View file

@ -26,21 +26,14 @@ func (a *Application) redirectToStart(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err == nil {
a.log.WithError(err).Warning("failed to decode session")
redirectUrl := r.URL.String()
// simple way to copy the URL
u, _ := url.Parse(redirectUrl)
// In proxy and forward_single mode we only have one URL that we route on
// if we somehow got here without that URL, make sure we're at least redirected back to it
if a.Mode() == api.PROXYMODE_PROXY || a.Mode() == api.PROXYMODE_FORWARD_SINGLE {
u.Host = a.proxyConfig.ExternalHost
redirectUrl := urlJoin(a.proxyConfig.ExternalHost, r.URL.Path)
dom := strings.TrimPrefix(*a.proxyConfig.CookieDomain, ".")
// In forward_domain we only check that the current URL's host
// ends with the cookie domain (remove the leading period if set)
if !strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Hostname(), dom) {
a.log.WithField("url", r.URL.String()).WithField("cd", dom).Warning("Invalid redirect found")
redirectUrl = ""
redirectUrl = a.proxyConfig.ExternalHost
s.Values[constants.SessionRedirect] = redirectUrl

View file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
package application
import (
func TestRedirectToStart_Proxy(t *testing.T) {
a := newTestApplication()
a.proxyConfig.Mode = api.PROXYMODE_PROXY.Ptr()
a.proxyConfig.ExternalHost = "https://test.goauthentik.io"
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar/baz", nil)
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
a.redirectToStart(rr, req)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusFound, rr.Code)
loc, _ := rr.Result().Location()
assert.Equal(t, "https://test.goauthentik.io/akprox/start", loc.String())
s, _ := a.sessions.Get(req, constants.SeesionName)
assert.Equal(t, "https://test.goauthentik.io/foo/bar/baz", s.Values[constants.SessionRedirect])
func TestRedirectToStart_Forward(t *testing.T) {
a := newTestApplication()
a.proxyConfig.Mode = api.PROXYMODE_FORWARD_SINGLE.Ptr()
a.proxyConfig.ExternalHost = "https://test.goauthentik.io"
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar/baz", nil)
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
a.redirectToStart(rr, req)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusFound, rr.Code)
loc, _ := rr.Result().Location()
assert.Equal(t, "https://test.goauthentik.io/akprox/start", loc.String())
s, _ := a.sessions.Get(req, constants.SeesionName)
assert.Equal(t, "https://test.goauthentik.io/foo/bar/baz", s.Values[constants.SessionRedirect])
func TestRedirectToStart_Forward_Domain_Invalid(t *testing.T) {
a := newTestApplication()
a.proxyConfig.CookieDomain = api.PtrString("foo")
a.proxyConfig.Mode = api.PROXYMODE_FORWARD_DOMAIN.Ptr()
a.proxyConfig.ExternalHost = "https://test.goauthentik.io"
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar/baz", nil)
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
a.redirectToStart(rr, req)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusFound, rr.Code)
loc, _ := rr.Result().Location()
assert.Equal(t, "https://test.goauthentik.io/akprox/start", loc.String())
s, _ := a.sessions.Get(req, constants.SeesionName)
assert.Equal(t, "https://test.goauthentik.io", s.Values[constants.SessionRedirect])
func TestRedirectToStart_Forward_Domain(t *testing.T) {
a := newTestApplication()
a.proxyConfig.CookieDomain = api.PtrString("goauthentik.io")
a.proxyConfig.Mode = api.PROXYMODE_FORWARD_DOMAIN.Ptr()
a.proxyConfig.ExternalHost = "https://test.goauthentik.io"
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar/baz", nil)
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
a.redirectToStart(rr, req)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusFound, rr.Code)
loc, _ := rr.Result().Location()
assert.Equal(t, "https://test.goauthentik.io/akprox/start", loc.String())
s, _ := a.sessions.Get(req, constants.SeesionName)
assert.Equal(t, "https://test.goauthentik.io", s.Values[constants.SessionRedirect])