diff --git a/passbook/core/migrations/0003_default_user.py b/passbook/core/migrations/0002_default_user.py
similarity index 93%
rename from passbook/core/migrations/0003_default_user.py
rename to passbook/core/migrations/0002_default_user.py
index d0363c07c..66e6a2d3e 100644
--- a/passbook/core/migrations/0003_default_user.py
+++ b/passbook/core/migrations/0002_default_user.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ def create_default_user(apps: Apps, schema_editor: BaseDatabaseSchemaEditor):
 class Migration(migrations.Migration):
     dependencies = [
-        ("passbook_core", "0002_auto_20200523_1133"),
+        ("passbook_core", "0001_initial"),
     operations = [
diff --git a/passbook/flows/models.py b/passbook/flows/models.py
index de0147c99..ffb194386 100644
--- a/passbook/flows/models.py
+++ b/passbook/flows/models.py
@@ -3,12 +3,16 @@ from typing import Optional
 from uuid import uuid4
 from django.db import models
+from django.http import HttpRequest
 from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
 from model_utils.managers import InheritanceManager
+from structlog import get_logger
 from passbook.core.types import UIUserSettings
 from passbook.policies.models import PolicyBindingModel
+LOGGER = get_logger()
 class FlowDesignation(models.TextChoices):
     """Designation of what a Flow should be used for. At a later point, this
@@ -62,10 +66,29 @@ class Flow(PolicyBindingModel):
         PolicyBindingModel, parent_link=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="+"
-    def related_flow(self, designation: str) -> Optional["Flow"]:
+    @staticmethod
+    def with_policy(request: HttpRequest, **flow_filter) -> Optional["Flow"]:
+        """Get a Flow by `**flow_filter` and check if the request from `request` can access it."""
+        from passbook.policies.engine import PolicyEngine
+        flows = Flow.objects.filter(**flow_filter)
+        for flow in flows:
+            engine = PolicyEngine(flow, request.user, request)
+            engine.build()
+            result = engine.result
+            if result.passing:
+                LOGGER.debug("with_policy: flow passing", flow=flow)
+                return flow
+            LOGGER.warning(
+                "with_policy: flow not passing", flow=flow, messages=result.messages
+            )
+        LOGGER.debug("with_policy: no flow found", filters=flow_filter)
+        return None
+    def related_flow(self, designation: str, request: HttpRequest) -> Optional["Flow"]:
         """Get a related flow with `designation`. Currently this only queries
         Flows by `designation`, but will eventually use `self` for related lookups."""
-        return Flow.objects.filter(designation=designation).first()
+        return Flow.with_policy(request, designation=designation)
     def __str__(self) -> str:
         return f"Flow {self.name} ({self.slug})"
diff --git a/passbook/flows/planner.py b/passbook/flows/planner.py
index e44e378ee..262279434 100644
--- a/passbook/flows/planner.py
+++ b/passbook/flows/planner.py
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ from passbook.core.models import User
 from passbook.flows.exceptions import EmptyFlowException, FlowNonApplicableException
 from passbook.flows.models import Flow, Stage
 from passbook.policies.engine import PolicyEngine
-from passbook.policies.types import PolicyResult
 LOGGER = get_logger()
@@ -52,22 +51,12 @@ class FlowPlanner:
         self.use_cache = True
         self.flow = flow
-    def _check_flow_root_policies(self, request: HttpRequest) -> PolicyResult:
-        engine = PolicyEngine(self.flow, request.user, request)
-        engine.build()
-        return engine.result
     def plan(
         self, request: HttpRequest, default_context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
     ) -> FlowPlan:
         """Check each of the flows' policies, check policies for each stage with PolicyBinding
         and return ordered list"""
         LOGGER.debug("f(plan): Starting planning process", flow=self.flow)
-        # First off, check the flow's direct policy bindings
-        # to make sure the user even has access to the flow
-        root_result = self._check_flow_root_policies(request)
-        if not root_result.passing:
-            raise FlowNonApplicableException(*root_result.messages)
         # Bit of a workaround here, if there is a pending user set in the default context
         # we use that user for our cache key
         # to make sure they don't get the generic response
@@ -75,6 +64,16 @@ class FlowPlanner:
             user = default_context[PLAN_CONTEXT_PENDING_USER]
             user = request.user
+        # First off, check the flow's direct policy bindings
+        # to make sure the user even has access to the flow
+        engine = PolicyEngine(self.flow, user, request)
+        if default_context:
+            engine.request.context = default_context
+        engine.build()
+        result = engine.result
+        if not result.passing:
+            raise FlowNonApplicableException(result.messages)
+        # User is passing so far, check if we have a cached plan
         cached_plan_key = cache_key(self.flow, user)
         cached_plan = cache.get(cached_plan_key, None)
         if cached_plan and self.use_cache:
@@ -82,6 +81,7 @@ class FlowPlanner:
                 "f(plan): Taking plan from cache", flow=self.flow, key=cached_plan_key
             return cached_plan
+        LOGGER.debug("f(plan): building plan", flow=self.flow)
         plan = self._build_plan(user, request, default_context)
         cache.set(cache_key(self.flow, user), plan)
         if not plan.stages:
diff --git a/passbook/flows/tests/test_planner.py b/passbook/flows/tests/test_planner.py
index df0dc5a7e..af6ae98fa 100644
--- a/passbook/flows/tests/test_planner.py
+++ b/passbook/flows/tests/test_planner.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 """flow planner tests"""
-from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, PropertyMock, patch
 from django.core.cache import cache
 from django.shortcuts import reverse
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from passbook.flows.planner import PLAN_CONTEXT_PENDING_USER, FlowPlanner, cache
 from passbook.policies.types import PolicyResult
 from passbook.stages.dummy.models import DummyStage
-POLICY_RESULT_MOCK = MagicMock(return_value=PolicyResult(False))
+POLICY_RESULT_MOCK = PropertyMock(return_value=PolicyResult(False))
 TIME_NOW_MOCK = MagicMock(return_value=3)
@@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ class TestFlowPlanner(TestCase):
-        "passbook.flows.planner.FlowPlanner._check_flow_root_policies",
+        "passbook.policies.engine.PolicyEngine.result", POLICY_RESULT_MOCK,
     def test_non_applicable_plan(self):
         """Test that empty plan raises exception"""
diff --git a/passbook/flows/tests/test_views.py b/passbook/flows/tests/test_views.py
index e6a2ad20c..cacbe2004 100644
--- a/passbook/flows/tests/test_views.py
+++ b/passbook/flows/tests/test_views.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 """flow views tests"""
-from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, PropertyMock, patch
 from django.shortcuts import reverse
 from django.test import Client, TestCase
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from passbook.lib.config import CONFIG
 from passbook.policies.types import PolicyResult
 from passbook.stages.dummy.models import DummyStage
-POLICY_RESULT_MOCK = MagicMock(return_value=PolicyResult(False))
+POLICY_RESULT_MOCK = PropertyMock(return_value=PolicyResult(False))
 class TestFlowExecutor(TestCase):
@@ -45,8 +45,7 @@ class TestFlowExecutor(TestCase):
             self.assertEqual(cancel_mock.call_count, 1)
-        "passbook.flows.planner.FlowPlanner._check_flow_root_policies",
+        "passbook.policies.engine.PolicyEngine.result", POLICY_RESULT_MOCK,
     def test_invalid_non_applicable_flow(self):
         """Tests that a non-applicable flow returns the correct error message"""
diff --git a/passbook/flows/views.py b/passbook/flows/views.py
index f955106db..5c8c71f11 100644
--- a/passbook/flows/views.py
+++ b/passbook/flows/views.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 """passbook multi-stage authentication engine"""
 from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
-from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
+from django.http import Http404, HttpRequest, HttpResponse
 from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, reverse
 from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
 from django.views.decorators.clickjacking import xframe_options_sameorigin
@@ -164,7 +164,9 @@ class ToDefaultFlow(View):
     designation: Optional[FlowDesignation] = None
     def dispatch(self, request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
-        flow = get_object_or_404(Flow, designation=self.designation)
+        flow = Flow.with_policy(request, designation=self.designation)
+        if not flow:
+            raise Http404
         # If user already has a pending plan, clear it so we don't have to later.
         if SESSION_KEY_PLAN in self.request.session:
             plan: FlowPlan = self.request.session[SESSION_KEY_PLAN]