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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/flow/examples/login.md
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Login Flow
+This document describes how a simple authentication flow can be created.
+This flow is created automatically when passbook is installed.
+1. Create an **Identification** stage
+    > Here you can select whichever fields the user can identify themselves with
+    > Select the Template **Default Login**, as this template shows the (optional) Flows
+    > Here you can also link optional enrollment and recovery flows.
+2. Create a **Password** stage
+    > Select the Backend you want the password to be checked against. Select "passbook-internal Userdatabase".
+3. Create a **User Login** stage
+    > This stage doesn't have any options.
+4. Create a flow
+    > Create a flow with the delegation of **Authentication**
+    > Assign a name and a slug. The slug is used in the URL when the flow is executed.
+5. Bind the stages to the flow
+    > Bind the **Identification** Stage with an order of 0
+    > Bind the **Password** Stage with an order of 1
+    > Bind the **User Login** Stage with an order of 2
+    ![](login.png)
+!!! notice
+    This flow can used by any user, authenticated and un-authenticated. This means any authenticated user that visits this flow can login again.
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diff --git a/docs/flow/flows.md b/docs/flow/flows.md
index 954eee93d..5c429db15 100644
--- a/docs/flow/flows.md
+++ b/docs/flow/flows.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Flows are a method of describing a sequence of stages. A stage represents a single verification or logic step. They are used to authenticate users, enroll them, and more.
-Upon Flow execution, a plan is generated, which contains all stages. This means upon execution, all attached policies are evaluated. This behaviour can be altered by enabling the `Re-evaluate Policies` option on the binding.
+Upon Flow execution, a plan is generated, which contains all stages. This means upon execution, all attached policies are evaluated. This behaviour can be altered by enabling the **Re-evaluate Policies** option on the binding.
 To determine which flow is linked, passbook searches all Flows with the required designation and chooses the first instance the current user has access to.
@@ -18,28 +18,28 @@ Flows are designated for a single Purpose. This designation changes when a Flow
 This is designates a flow to be used for authentication.
-The authentication flow should always contain a `user_login` stage, which attaches the staged user to the current session.
+The authentication flow should always contain a [**User Login**](stages/user_login.md) stage, which attaches the staged user to the current session.
 ### Invalidation
 This designates a flow to be used for the invalidation of a session.
-This stage should always contain a `user_logout` stage, which resets the current session.
+This stage should always contain a [**User Logout**](stages/user_logout.md) stage, which resets the current session.
 ### Enrollment
-This designates a flow for enrollment. This flow can contain any amount of Prompt stages, E-Mail verification or Captchas. At the end to create the user, you can use the `user_write` stage, which either updates the currently staged user, or if none exists, creates a new one.
+This designates a flow for enrollment. This flow can contain any amount of Prompt stages, E-Mail verification or Captchas. At the end to create the user, you can use the [**User Write**](stages/user_write.md) stage, which either updates the currently staged user, or if none exists, creates a new one.
 ### Unenrollment
-This designates a flow for unenrollment. This flow can contain any amount of verification, like `email` or captcha. To finally delete the account, use the `user_delete` stage.
+This designates a flow for unenrollment. This flow can contain any amount of verification, like [**E-Mail**](stages/email/index.md) or [**Captcha**](stages/captcha/index.md). To finally delete the account, use the [**User Delete**](stages/user_delete.md) stage.
 ### Recovery
-This designates a flow for recovery. This flow normally contains an `identification` stage to find the user. Then it can contain any amount of verification, like `email` or captcha.
-Afterwards, use the `prompt` stage to ask the user for a new password and use `user_write` to update the password.
+This designates a flow for recovery. This flow normally contains an [**Identification**](stages/identification/index.md) stage to find the user. Then it can contain any amount of verification, like [**E-Mail**](stages/email/index.md) or [**Captcha**](stages/captcha/index.md).
+Afterwards, use the [**Prompt**](stages/prompt/index.md) stage to ask the user for a new password and use [**User Write**](stages/user_write.md) to update the password.
 ### Change Password
-This designates a flow for password changing. This flow can contain any amount of verification, like `email` or captcha.
-Afterwards, use the `prompt` stage to ask the user for a new password and use `user_write` to update the password.
+This designates a flow for password changing. This flow can contain any amount of verification, like [**E-Mail**](stages/email/index.md) or [**Captcha**](stages/captcha/index.md).
+Afterwards, use the [**Prompt**](stages/prompt/index.md) stage to ask the user for a new password and use [**User Write**](stages/user_write.md) to update the password.
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rename to docs/flow/stages/invitation/index.md
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rename to docs/flow/stages/otp/index.md
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similarity index 100%
rename from docs/flow/stages/password/password.md
rename to docs/flow/stages/password/index.md
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@@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ nav:
   - Installation:
     - docker-compose: installation/docker-compose.md
     - Kubernetes: installation/kubernetes.md
-  - Flows: flow/flows.md
+  - Flows:
+      Overview: flow/flows.md
+      Examples:
+        - Login: flow/examples/login.md
   - Stages:
       - Captcha Stage: flow/stages/captcha/captcha.md
       - Dummy Stage: flow/stages/dummy/dummy.md
diff --git a/passbook/admin/templates/administration/stage/list.html b/passbook/admin/templates/administration/stage/list.html
index 624f5374e..9ca46266a 100644
--- a/passbook/admin/templates/administration/stage/list.html
+++ b/passbook/admin/templates/administration/stage/list.html
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
                             {% for flow in stage.flow_set.all %}
                             <li><a href="{% url 'passbook_admin:flow-update' pk=flow.pk %}">{{ flow.slug }}</a></li>
+                            {% empty %}
+                            <li>-</li>
                             {% endfor %}