web: tracked down that weirld bug with the radio.
Because radio inputs are actually multiples, the events handling for radio is... wonky. If we want our `<ak-radio>` component to be a unitary event dispatcher, saying "This is the element selected," we needed to do more than what was currently being handled. I've intercepted the events that we care about and have placed them into a controller that dictates both the setting and the re-render of the component. This makes it "controlled" (to use the Angular/React/Vue) language and depends on Lit's reactiveElement lifecycle to work, rather than trust the browser, but the browser's experience with respect to the `<input type=radio` is pretty bad: both input elements fire events, one for "losing selection" and one for "gaining selection". That can be very confusing to handle, so we funnel them down in our aggregate radio element to a single event, "selection changed". As a quality-of-life measure, I've also set the label to be unselectable; this means that a click on the label will trigger the selection event, and a long click will not disable selection or confuse the selection event generator.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import "@goauthentik/elements/messages/MessageContainer";
import { Meta } from "@storybook/web-components";
import { TemplateResult, html } from "lit";
import "../ak-radio-input";
import AkRadioInput from "../ak-radio-input";
const metadata: Meta<AkRadioInput> = {
title: "Components / Radio Input",
component: "ak-radio-input",
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: "A stylized value control for radio buttons",
export default metadata;
const container = (testItem: TemplateResult) =>
html` <div style="background: #fff; padding: 2em">
li {
display: block;
p {
margin-top: 1em;
<ul id="radio-message-pad" style="margin-top: 1em"></ul>
const testOptions = [
{ label: "Option One", description: html`This is option one.`, value: { funky: 1 } },
{ label: "Option Two", description: html`This is option two.`, value: { invalid: 2 } },
{ label: "Option Three", description: html`This is option three.`, value: { weird: 3 } },
export const ButtonWithSuccess = () => {
let result = "";
const displayChange = (ev: any) => {
console.log(ev.type, ev.target.name, ev.target.value, ev.detail);
document.getElementById("radio-message-pad")!.innerText = `Value selected: ${JSON.stringify(
return container(
label="Test Radio Button"
help="This is where you would read the help messages"
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
import { AKElement } from "@goauthentik/elements/Base";
import { CustomEmitterElement } from "@goauthentik/elements/utils/eventEmitter";
import { CSSResult, TemplateResult, css, html } from "lit";
import { CSSResult, TemplateResult, css, html, nothing } from "lit";
import { customElement, property } from "lit/decorators.js";
import { map } from "lit/directives/map.js";
import PFForm from "@patternfly/patternfly/components/Form/form.css";
import PFRadio from "@patternfly/patternfly/components/Radio/radio.css";
@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ export interface RadioOption<T> {
export class Radio<T> extends AKElement {
export class Radio<T> extends CustomEmitterElement(AKElement) {
@property({ attribute: false })
options: RadioOption<T>[] = [];
@ -36,44 +38,72 @@ export class Radio<T> extends AKElement {
var(--pf-c-form--m-horizontal__group-label--md--PaddingTop) * 1.3
.pf-c-radio label,
.pf-c-radio span {
user-select: none;
render(): TemplateResult {
constructor() {
this.renderRadio = this.renderRadio.bind(this);
this.buildChangeHandler = this.buildChangeHandler.bind(this);
// Set the value if it's not set already. Property changes inside the `willUpdate()` method do
// not trigger an element update.
willUpdate(changedProperties: Map<string, any>) {
if (!this.value) {
const def = this.options.filter((opt) => opt.default);
if (def.length > 0) {
this.value = def[0].value;
const maybeDefault = this.options.filter((opt) => opt.default);
if (maybeDefault.length > 0) {
this.value = maybeDefault[0].value;
return html`<div class="pf-c-form__group-control pf-m-stack">
${this.options.map((opt) => {
const elId = `${this.name}-${opt.value}`;
return html`<div class="pf-c-radio">
// When a user clicks on `type="radio"`, *two* events happen in rapid succession: the original
// radio loses its setting, and the selected radio gains its setting. We want radio buttons to
// present a unified event interface, so we prevent the event from triggering if the value is
// already set.
buildChangeHandler(option: RadioOption<T>) {
return (ev: Event) => {
// This is a controlled input. Stop the native event from escaping.
if (this.value === option.value) {
this.value = option.value;
this.dispatchCustomEvent("change", option.value);
this.dispatchCustomEvent("input", option.value);
renderRadio(option: RadioOption<T>) {
const elId = `${this.name}-${option.value}`;
const handler = this.buildChangeHandler(option);
return html`<div class="pf-c-radio" @click=${handler}>
@change=${() => {
this.value = opt.value;
new CustomEvent("change", {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: opt.value,
.checked=${opt.value === this.value}
.checked=${option.value === this.value}
<label class="pf-c-radio__label" for=${elId}>${opt.label}</label>
? html`<span class="pf-c-radio__description">${opt.description}</span>`
: html``}
<label class="pf-c-radio__label" for=${elId}>${option.label}</label>
? html`<span class="pf-c-radio__description">${option.description}</span>`
: nothing}
render() {
return html`<div class="pf-c-form__group-control pf-m-stack">
${map(this.options, this.renderRadio)}
export default Radio;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import "@goauthentik/elements/messages/MessageContainer";
import { Meta } from "@storybook/web-components";
import { TemplateResult, html } from "lit";
import "../Radio";
import Radio from "../Radio";
const metadata: Meta<Radio<any>> = {
title: "Elements / Basic Radio",
component: "ak-radio",
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: "Our stylized radio button",
export default metadata;
const container = (testItem: TemplateResult) =>
html` <div style="background: #fff; padding: 2em">
li {
display: block;
p {
margin-top: 1em;
<ul id="radio-message-pad" style="margin-top: 1em"></ul>
const testOptions = [
{ label: "Option One", description: html`This is option one.`, value: 1 },
{ label: "Option Two", description: html`This is option two.`, value: 2 },
{ label: "Option Three", description: html`This is option three.`, value: 3 },
export const BasicRadioElement = () => {
const displayChange = (ev: any) => {
document.getElementById("radio-message-pad")!.innerText = `Value selected: ${JSON.stringify(
return container(
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export const isCustomEvent = (v: any): v is CustomEvent =>
export function CustomEmitterElement<T extends Constructor<LitElement>>(superclass: T) {
return class EmmiterElementHandler extends superclass {
dispatchCustomEvent(eventName: string, detail = {}, options = {}) {
dispatchCustomEvent(eventName: string, detail: any = {}, options = {}) {
new CustomEvent(eventName, {
composed: true,
Reference in a new issue