We have an end-to-end test harness that includes a trivially correct DSL for "This is what a user would do, do this":
const deleteProvider = (theSlug) => ([
["button", '>>>ak-sidebar-item a[href="#/core/providers"]'],
["deletebox", `>>>a[href="#/core/applications/${theSlug}"]`],
["button", '>>>ak-forms-delete-bulk button[slot="trigger"]'],
["button", '>>>ak-forms-delete-bulk div[role="dialog"] ak-spinner-button'],
It's now possible to target individual sequences of events this way. With a little creativity, we could have standalone functions that take parameters for our calls and just do them, without too much struggle.
Missing: The validation is currently not working as expected, and I cannot get the backend
to give me meaningful data helping us "go back" to the field that wasn't valid. I really
don't want to put all the meaningful validation on the front-end; that's the road to -
perdition, the back-end must be usable by people less assiduous than we are.
Also: Need to make the button bar work better; maybe each panel can provide a custom button
bar if one is needed?