import { LitElement, html, customElement, property } from "lit-element"; const LEVEL_ICON_MAP: { [key: string]: string } = { error: "fas fa-exclamation-circle", warning: "fas fa-exclamation-triangle", success: "fas fa-check-circle", info: "fas fa-info", }; const ID = function (prefix: string) { return prefix + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9); }; interface Message { levelTag: string; tags: string; message: string; } @customElement("pb-messages") export class Messages extends LitElement { @property() url = ""; messageSocket?: WebSocket; retryDelay = 200; createRenderRoot() { return this; } constructor() { super(); try { this.connect(); } catch (error) { console.warn(`passbook/messages: failed to connect to ws ${error}`); } } firstUpdated() { this.fetchMessages(); } connect() { const wsUrl = `${window.location.protocol.replace("http", "ws")}//${ }/ws/client/`; this.messageSocket = new WebSocket(wsUrl); this.messageSocket.addEventListener("open", (e) => { console.debug(`passbook/messages: connected to ${wsUrl}`); }); this.messageSocket.addEventListener("close", (e) => { console.debug(`passbook/messages: closed ws connection: ${e}`); setTimeout(() => { console.debug(`passbook/messages: reconnecting ws in ${this.retryDelay}ms`); this.connect(); }, this.retryDelay); this.retryDelay = this.retryDelay * 2; }); this.messageSocket.addEventListener("message", (e) => { const data = JSON.parse(; this.renderMessage(data); }); this.messageSocket.addEventListener("error", (e) => { console.warn(`passbook/messages: error ${e}`); this.retryDelay = this.retryDelay * 2; }); } /* Fetch messages which were stored in the session. * This mostly gets messages which were created when the user arrives/leaves the site * and especially the login flow */ fetchMessages() { console.debug("passbook/messages: fetching messages over direct api"); return fetch(this.url) .then((r) => r.json()) .then((r) => { r.forEach((m: any) => { const message = { levelTag: m.level_tag, tags: m.tags, message: m.message, }; this.renderMessage(message); }); }); } renderMessage(message: Message) { const container = this.querySelector(".pf-c-alert-group")!; const id = ID("pb-message"); const el = document.createElement("template"); el.innerHTML = `
  • ${message.message}

  • `; setTimeout(() => { this.querySelector(`#${id}`)?.remove(); }, 1500); container.appendChild(el.content.firstChild!); } render() { return html``; } }