.SHELLFLAGS += -x -e PWD = $(shell pwd) UID = $(shell id -u) GID = $(shell id -g) NPM_VERSION = $(shell python -m scripts.npm_version) all: lint-fix lint test gen web test-integration: coverage run manage.py test tests/integration test-e2e-provider: coverage run manage.py test tests/e2e/test_provider* test-e2e-rest: coverage run manage.py test tests/e2e/test_flows* tests/e2e/test_source* test-go: go test -timeout 0 -v -race -cover ./... test-docker: echo "PG_PASS=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .env echo "AUTHENTIK_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .env docker-compose pull -q docker-compose up --no-start docker-compose start postgresql redis docker-compose run -u root server test rm -f .env test: coverage run manage.py test authentik coverage html coverage report lint-fix: isort authentik tests scripts lifecycle black authentik tests scripts lifecycle codespell -I .github/codespell-words.txt -S 'web/src/locales/**' -w \ authentik \ internal \ cmd \ web/src \ website/src \ website/docs \ website/developer-docs lint: pylint authentik tests lifecycle bandit -r authentik tests lifecycle -x node_modules golangci-lint run -v i18n-extract: i18n-extract-core web-extract i18n-extract-core: ./manage.py makemessages --ignore web --ignore internal --ignore web --ignore web-api --ignore website -l en gen-build: AUTHENTIK_DEBUG=true ./manage.py spectacular --file schema.yml gen-clean: rm -rf web/api/src/ rm -rf api/ gen-client-web: docker run \ --rm -v ${PWD}:/local \ --user ${UID}:${GID} \ openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v6.0.0 generate \ -i /local/schema.yml \ -g typescript-fetch \ -o /local/gen-ts-api \ --additional-properties=typescriptThreePlus=true,supportsES6=true,npmName=@goauthentik/api,npmVersion=${NPM_VERSION} mkdir -p web/node_modules/@goauthentik/api \cp -fv scripts/web_api_readme.md gen-ts-api/README.md cd gen-ts-api && npm i \cp -rfv gen-ts-api/* web/node_modules/@goauthentik/api gen-client-go: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goauthentik/client-go/main/config.yaml -O config.yaml mkdir -p templates wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goauthentik/client-go/main/templates/README.mustache -O templates/README.mustache wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goauthentik/client-go/main/templates/go.mod.mustache -O templates/go.mod.mustache docker run \ --rm -v ${PWD}:/local \ --user ${UID}:${GID} \ openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v6.0.0 generate \ -i /local/schema.yml \ -g go \ -o /local/gen-go-api \ -c /local/config.yaml go mod edit -replace goauthentik.io/api/v3=./gen-go-api rm -rf config.yaml ./templates/ gen-dev-config: python -m scripts.generate_config gen: gen-build gen-clean gen-client-web migrate: python -m lifecycle.migrate run: go run -v cmd/server/main.go ######################### ## Web ######################### web-build: web-install cd web && npm run build web: web-lint-fix web-lint web-install: cd web && npm ci web-watch: rm -rf web/dist/ mkdir web/dist/ touch web/dist/.gitkeep cd web && npm run watch web-lint-fix: cd web && npm run prettier web-lint: cd web && npm run lint cd web && npm run lit-analyse web-extract: cd web && npm run extract ######################### ## Website ######################### website: website-lint-fix website-install: cd website && npm ci website-lint-fix: cd website && npm run prettier website-watch: cd website && npm run watch # These targets are use by GitHub actions to allow usage of matrix # which makes the YAML File a lot smaller ci--meta-debug: python -V node --version ci-pylint: ci--meta-debug pylint authentik tests lifecycle ci-black: ci--meta-debug black --check authentik tests lifecycle ci-isort: ci--meta-debug isort --check authentik tests lifecycle ci-bandit: ci--meta-debug bandit -r authentik tests lifecycle ci-pyright: ci--meta-debug pyright e2e lifecycle ci-pending-migrations: ci--meta-debug ./manage.py makemigrations --check install: web-install website-install poetry install