const fs = require("fs").promises;
import type { Config } from "@docusaurus/types";
import type * as Preset from "@docusaurus/preset-classic";

module.exports = async function (): Promise<Config> {
    const remarkGithub = (await import("remark-github")).default;
    const defaultBuildUrl = (await import("remark-github")).defaultBuildUrl;
    const footerEmail = await fs.readFile("src/footer.html", {
        encoding: "utf-8",
    return {
        title: "authentik",
        tagline: "Bring all of your authentication into a unified platform.",
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                logo: {
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                        label: "Integrations",
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                        label: "Pricing",
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            footer: {
                links: [
                        title: "Subscribe to authentik News",
                        items: [
                                html: footerEmail,
                        title: "Documentation",
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                                label: "Documentation",
                                to: "docs/",
                                label: "Integrations",
                                to: "integrations/",
                                label: "Developer Documentation",
                                to: "developer-docs/",
                                label: "Installations",
                                to: "docs/installation/",
                        title: "More",
                        items: [
                                to: "jobs/",
                                label: "Jobs",
                                position: "left",
                                label: "GitHub",
                                href: "",
                                label: "Discord",
                                href: "",
                        title: "Legal",
                        items: [
                                to: "legal/terms",
                                label: "Terms & Conditions",
                                to: "legal/privacy-policy",
                                label: "Privacy policy",
                copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Authentik Security Inc. Built with Docusaurus.`,
            tableOfContents: {
                maxHeadingLevel: 5,
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                        remarkPlugins: [
                                    repository: "goauthentik/authentik",
                                    // Only replace issues and PR links
                                    buildUrl: function (values) {
                                        return values.type === "issue"
                                            ? defaultBuildUrl(values)
                                            : false;
                    theme: {
                        customCss: require.resolve("./src/css/custom.css"),
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                        trackingID: "G-9MVR9WZFZH",
                        anonymizeIP: true,
                    blog: {
                        showReadingTime: true,
                        blogSidebarTitle: "All our posts",
                        blogSidebarCount: "ALL",
                } satisfies Preset.Options,
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