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site_name: passbook Docs
site_url: https://passbook.beryju.org/
copyright: "Copyright © 2019 - 2020 BeryJu.org"
- Home: index.md
- Terminology: terminology.md
- Installation:
- docker-compose: installation/docker-compose.md
- Kubernetes: installation/kubernetes.md
- Flows:
Overview: flow/flows.md
Examples: flow/examples/examples.md
- Stages:
- Captcha Stage: flow/stages/captcha/index.md
- Dummy Stage: flow/stages/dummy/index.md
- Email Stage: flow/stages/email/index.md
- Identification Stage: flow/stages/identification/index.md
- Invitation Stage: flow/stages/invitation/index.md
- OTP Stage: flow/stages/otp/index.md
- Password Stage: flow/stages/password/index.md
- Prompt Stage: flow/stages/prompt/index.md
- Prompt Stage Validation: flow/stages/prompt/validation.md
- User Delete Stage: flow/stages/user_delete.md
- User Login Stage: flow/stages/user_login.md
- User Logout Stage: flow/stages/user_logout.md
- User Write Stage: flow/stages/user_write.md
- Sources: sources.md
- Providers:
- OAuth2: providers/oauth2.md
- SAML: providers/saml.md
- Proxy: providers/proxy.md
- Outposts:
- Overview: outposts/outposts.md
- Deploy on docker-compose: outposts/deploy-docker-compose.md
- Deploy on Kubernetes: outposts/deploy-kubernetes.md
- Expressions:
- Overview: expressions/index.md
- Reference:
- User Object: expressions/reference/user-object.md
- Property Mappings:
- Overview: property-mappings/index.md
- Expressions: property-mappings/expression.md
- Policies:
- Overview: policies/index.md
- Expression: policies/expression.md
- Integrations:
- as Provider:
- Amazon Web Services: integrations/services/aws/index.md
- GitLab: integrations/services/gitlab/index.md
- Rancher: integrations/services/rancher/index.md
- Harbor: integrations/services/harbor/index.md
- Sentry: integrations/services/sentry/index.md
- Ansible Tower/AWX: integrations/services/tower-awx/index.md
- VMware vSphere: integrations/services/vmware-vsphere/index.md
- Upgrading:
- to 0.9: upgrading/to-0.9.md
- to 0.10: upgrading/to-0.10.md
- Troubleshooting:
- Access problems: troubleshooting/access.md
repo_name: "BeryJu/passbook"
repo_url: https://github.com/BeryJu/passbook
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