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Jens L 616f0b8b4f
sources/oauth: fix name clash ()
Signed-off-by: Jens Langhammer <>
2023-10-21 20:29:36 +02:00

187 lines
7.1 KiB

"""OAuth Source Serializer"""
from django.urls.base import reverse_lazy
from django_filters.filters import BooleanFilter
from django_filters.filterset import FilterSet
from drf_spectacular.types import OpenApiTypes
from drf_spectacular.utils import OpenApiParameter, extend_schema, extend_schema_field
from requests import RequestException
from rest_framework.decorators import action
from rest_framework.fields import BooleanField, CharField, ChoiceField, SerializerMethodField
from rest_framework.request import Request
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.serializers import ValidationError
from rest_framework.viewsets import ModelViewSet
from authentik.core.api.sources import SourceSerializer
from authentik.core.api.used_by import UsedByMixin
from authentik.core.api.utils import PassiveSerializer
from authentik.lib.utils.http import get_http_session
from authentik.sources.oauth.models import OAuthSource
from authentik.sources.oauth.types.registry import SourceType, registry
class SourceTypeSerializer(PassiveSerializer):
"""Serializer for SourceType"""
name = CharField(required=True)
slug = CharField(required=True)
urls_customizable = BooleanField()
request_token_url = CharField(read_only=True, allow_null=True)
authorization_url = CharField(read_only=True, allow_null=True)
access_token_url = CharField(read_only=True, allow_null=True)
profile_url = CharField(read_only=True, allow_null=True)
oidc_well_known_url = CharField(read_only=True, allow_null=True)
oidc_jwks_url = CharField(read_only=True, allow_null=True)
class OAuthSourceSerializer(SourceSerializer):
"""OAuth Source Serializer"""
provider_type = ChoiceField(choices=registry.get_name_tuple())
callback_url = SerializerMethodField()
type = SerializerMethodField()
def get_callback_url(self, instance: OAuthSource) -> str:
"""Get OAuth Callback URL"""
relative_url = reverse_lazy(
kwargs={"source_slug": instance.slug},
if "request" not in self.context:
return relative_url
return self.context["request"].build_absolute_uri(relative_url)
def get_type(self, instance: OAuthSource) -> SourceTypeSerializer:
"""Get source's type configuration"""
return SourceTypeSerializer(instance.source_type).data
def validate(self, attrs: dict) -> dict:
session = get_http_session()
source_type = registry.find_type(attrs["provider_type"])
well_known = attrs.get("oidc_well_known_url") or source_type.oidc_well_known_url
inferred_oidc_jwks_url = None
if well_known and well_known != "":
well_known_config = session.get(well_known)
except RequestException as exc:
text = exc.response.text if exc.response else str(exc)
raise ValidationError({"oidc_well_known_url": text})
config = well_known_config.json()
if "issuer" not in config:
raise ValidationError({"oidc_well_known_url": "Invalid well-known configuration"})
attrs["authorization_url"] = config.get("authorization_endpoint", "")
attrs["access_token_url"] = config.get("token_endpoint", "")
attrs["profile_url"] = config.get("userinfo_endpoint", "")
inferred_oidc_jwks_url = config.get("jwks_uri", "")
# Prefer user-entered URL to inferred URL to default URL
jwks_url = attrs.get("oidc_jwks_url") or inferred_oidc_jwks_url or source_type.oidc_jwks_url
if jwks_url and jwks_url != "":
attrs["oidc_jwks_url"] = jwks_url
jwks_config = session.get(jwks_url)
except RequestException as exc:
text = exc.response.text if exc.response else str(exc)
raise ValidationError({"oidc_jwks_url": text})
config = jwks_config.json()
attrs["oidc_jwks"] = config
provider_type = registry.find_type(attrs.get("provider_type", ""))
for url in [
if getattr(provider_type, url, None) is None:
if url not in attrs:
raise ValidationError(f"{url} is required for provider {}")
return attrs
class Meta:
model = OAuthSource
fields = SourceSerializer.Meta.fields + [
extra_kwargs = {"consumer_secret": {"write_only": True}}
class OAuthSourceFilter(FilterSet):
"""OAuth Source filter set"""
has_jwks = BooleanFilter(label="Only return sources with JWKS data", method="filter_has_jwks")
def filter_has_jwks(self, queryset, name, value): # pragma: no cover
"""Only return sources with JWKS data"""
return queryset.exclude(oidc_jwks__iexact="{}")
class Meta:
model = OAuthSource
fields = [
class OAuthSourceViewSet(UsedByMixin, ModelViewSet):
"""Source Viewset"""
queryset = OAuthSource.objects.all()
serializer_class = OAuthSourceSerializer
lookup_field = "slug"
filterset_class = OAuthSourceFilter
search_fields = ["name", "slug"]
ordering = ["name"]
responses={200: SourceTypeSerializer(many=True)},
@action(detail=False, pagination_class=None, filter_backends=[])
def source_types(self, request: Request) -> Response:
"""Get all creatable source types. If ?name is set, only returns the type for <name>.
If <name> isn't found, returns the default type."""
data = []
if "name" in request.query_params:
source_type = registry.find_type(request.query_params.get("name"))
if source_type.__class__ != SourceType:
for source_type in registry.get():
return Response(data)