* root: initial rename * web: rename custom element prefix * root: rename external functions with pb_ prefix * root: fix formatting * root: replace domain with goauthentik.io * proxy: update path * root: rename remaining prefixes * flows: rename file extension * root: pbadmin -> akadmin * docs: fix image filenames * lifecycle: ignore migration files * ci: copy default config from current source before loading last tagged * *: new sentry dsn * tests: fix missing python3.9-dev package * root: add additional migrations for service accounts created by outposts * core: mark system-created service accounts with attribute * policies/expression: fix pb_ replacement not working * web: fix last linting errors, add lit-analyse * policies/expressions: fix lint errors * web: fix sidebar display on screens where not all items fit * proxy: attempt to fix proxy pipeline * proxy: use go env GOPATH to get gopath * lib: fix user_default naming inconsistency * docs: add upgrade docs * docs: update screenshots to use authentik * admin: fix create button on empty-state of outpost * web: fix modal submit not refreshing SiteShell and Table * web: fix height of app-card and height of generic icon * web: fix rendering of subtext * admin: fix version check error not being caught * web: fix worker count not being shown * docs: update screenshots * root: new icon * web: fix lint error * admin: fix linting error * root: migrate coverage config to pyproject
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"""authentik policy engine"""
from multiprocessing import Pipe, set_start_method
from multiprocessing.connection import Connection
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.http import HttpRequest
from sentry_sdk.hub import Hub
from sentry_sdk.tracing import Span
from structlog import get_logger
from authentik.core.models import User
from authentik.policies.models import Policy, PolicyBinding, PolicyBindingModel
from authentik.policies.process import PolicyProcess, cache_key
from authentik.policies.types import PolicyRequest, PolicyResult
LOGGER = get_logger()
# This is only really needed for macOS, because Python 3.8 changed the default to spawn
# spawn causes issues with objects that aren't picklable, and also the django setup
class PolicyProcessInfo:
"""Dataclass to hold all information and communication channels to a process"""
process: PolicyProcess
connection: Connection
result: Optional[PolicyResult]
binding: PolicyBinding
def __init__(
self, process: PolicyProcess, connection: Connection, binding: PolicyBinding
self.process = process
self.connection = connection
self.binding = binding
self.result = None
class PolicyEngine:
"""Orchestrate policy checking, launch tasks and return result"""
use_cache: bool
request: PolicyRequest
__pbm: PolicyBindingModel
__cached_policies: List[PolicyResult]
__processes: List[PolicyProcessInfo]
def __init__(
self, pbm: PolicyBindingModel, user: User, request: HttpRequest = None
if not isinstance(pbm, PolicyBindingModel): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(f"{pbm} is not instance of PolicyBindingModel")
self.__pbm = pbm
self.request = PolicyRequest(user)
if request:
self.request.http_request = request
self.__cached_policies = []
self.__processes = []
self.use_cache = True
def _iter_bindings(self) -> Iterator[PolicyBinding]:
"""Make sure all Policies are their respective classes"""
return PolicyBinding.objects.filter(target=self.__pbm, enabled=True).order_by(
def _check_policy_type(self, policy: Policy):
"""Check policy type, make sure it's not the root class as that has no logic implemented"""
# pyright: reportGeneralTypeIssues=false
if policy.__class__ == Policy:
raise TypeError(f"Policy '{policy}' is root type")
def build(self) -> "PolicyEngine":
"""Build wrapper which monitors performance"""
with Hub.current.start_span(op="policy.engine.build") as span:
span: Span
span.set_data("pbm", self.__pbm)
span.set_data("request", self.request)
for binding in self._iter_bindings():
key = cache_key(binding, self.request)
cached_policy = cache.get(key, None)
if cached_policy and self.use_cache:
"P_ENG: Taking result from cache",
LOGGER.debug("P_ENG: Evaluating policy", policy=binding.policy)
our_end, task_end = Pipe(False)
task = PolicyProcess(binding, self.request, task_end)
LOGGER.debug("P_ENG: Starting Process", policy=binding.policy)
PolicyProcessInfo(process=task, connection=our_end, binding=binding)
# If all policies are cached, we have an empty list here.
for proc_info in self.__processes:
# Only call .recv() if no result is saved, otherwise we just deadlock here
if not proc_info.result:
proc_info.result = proc_info.connection.recv()
return self
def result(self) -> PolicyResult:
"""Get policy-checking result"""
process_results: List[PolicyResult] = [
x.result for x in self.__processes if x.result
final_result = PolicyResult(False)
final_result.messages = []
final_result.source_results = list(process_results + self.__cached_policies)
for result in process_results + self.__cached_policies:
"P_ENG: result", passing=result.passing, messages=result.messages
if result.messages:
if not result.passing:
final_result.messages = tuple(final_result.messages)
final_result.passing = False
return final_result
final_result.messages = tuple(final_result.messages)
final_result.passing = True
return final_result
def passing(self) -> bool:
"""Only get true/false if user passes"""
return self.result.passing