import copy
import pathlib
from contextlib import suppress
from fractions import Fraction
from itertools import chain
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import Dict, List, Set

from boltons import urlutils
from citext import CIText
from ereuse_utils.naming import HID_CONVERSION_DOC, Naming
from flask import g, request
from flask_sqlalchemy import event
from more_itertools import unique_everseen
from sqlalchemy import BigInteger, Boolean, Column
from sqlalchemy import Enum as DBEnum
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import ColumnProperty, backref, relationship, validates
from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet
from sqlalchemy_utils import ColorType
from stdnum import imei, meid
from teal.db import (
from teal.enums import Layouts
from teal.marshmallow import ValidationError
from teal.resource import url_for_resource

from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.metrics import Metrics
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import (
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.models import (
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.models import User
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.utils import hashcode

def create_code(context):
    _id = Device.query.order_by( or 3
    if not _id == 3:
        _id = + 1
    return hashcode.encode(_id)

def create_phid(context):
    _hid = Placeholder.query.order_by(
    if _hid:
        return str( + 1)
    return '1'

class Device(Thing):
    """Base class for any type of physical object that can be identified.

    Device partly extends `Schema's IndividualProduct <https
    ://>`_, adapting it to our
    use case.

    A device requires an identification method, ideally a serial number,
    although it can be identified only with tags too. More ideally
    both methods are used.

    Devices can contain ``Components``, which are just a type of device
    (it is a recursive relationship).

    id = Column(BigInteger, Sequence('device_seq'), primary_key=True)
    id.comment = """The identifier of the device for this database. Used only
    internally for software; users should not use this.
    type = Column(Unicode(STR_SM_SIZE), nullable=False)
    hid = Column(Unicode(), check_lower('hid'), unique=False)
    hid.comment = (
        """The Hardware ID (HID) is the ID traceability
    systems use to ID a device globally. This field is auto-generated
    from Devicehub using literal identifiers from the device,
    so it can re-generated *offline*.
    model = Column(Unicode(), check_lower('model'))
    model.comment = """The model of the device in lower case.

    The model is the unambiguous, as technical as possible, denomination
    for the product. This field, among others, is used to identify
    the product.
    manufacturer = Column(Unicode(), check_lower('manufacturer'))
    manufacturer.comment = """The normalized name of the manufacturer,
    in lower case.

    Although as of now Devicehub does not enforce normalization,
    users can choose a list of normalized manufacturer names
    from the own ``/manufacturers`` REST endpoint.
    serial_number = Column(Unicode(), check_lower('serial_number'))
    serial_number.comment = """The serial number of the device in lower case."""
    part_number = Column(Unicode(), check_lower('part_number'))
    part_number.comment = """The part number of the device in lower case."""
    brand = db.Column(CIText())
    brand.comment = """A naming for consumers. This field can represent
    several models, so it can be ambiguous, and it is not used to
    identify the product.
    generation = db.Column(db.SmallInteger, check_range('generation', 0))
    generation.comment = """The generation of the device."""
    version = db.Column(db.CIText())
    version.comment = """The version code of this device, like v1 or A001."""
    weight = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=4), check_range('weight', 0.1, 5))
    weight.comment = """The weight of the device in Kg."""
    width = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=4), check_range('width', 0.1, 5))
    width.comment = """The width of the device in meters."""
    height = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=4), check_range('height', 0.1, 5))
    height.comment = """The height of the device in meters."""
    depth = Column(Float(decimal_return_scale=4), check_range('depth', 0.1, 5))
    depth.comment = """The depth of the device in meters."""
    color = Column(ColorType)
    color.comment = """The predominant color of the device."""
    production_date = Column(db.DateTime)
    production_date.comment = """The date of production of the device.
    This is timezone naive, as Workbench cannot report this data with timezone information.
    variant = Column(db.CIText())
    variant.comment = """A variant or sub-model of the device."""
    sku = db.Column(db.CIText())
    sku.comment = """The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), i.e. a
    merchant-specific identifier for a product or service.
    image = db.Column(db.URL)
    image.comment = "An image of the device."

    owner_id = db.Column(
    owner = db.relationship(User, primaryjoin=owner_id ==
    allocated = db.Column(Boolean, default=False)
    allocated.comment = "device is allocated or not."
    devicehub_id = db.Column(
        db.CIText(), nullable=True, unique=True, default=create_code
    devicehub_id.comment = "device have a unique code."
    dhid_bk = db.Column(db.CIText(), nullable=True, unique=False)
    phid_bk = db.Column(db.CIText(), nullable=True, unique=False)
    active = db.Column(Boolean, default=True)

        'color',  # these are only user-input thus volatile

    __table_args__ = (
        db.Index('device_id', id, postgresql_using='hash'),
        db.Index('type_index', type, postgresql_using='hash'),

    def __init__(self, **kw) -> None:

    def reverse_actions(self) -> list:
        return reversed(self.actions)

    def manual_actions(self) -> list:
        mactions = [
        return [a for a in self.actions if a in mactions]

    def actions(self) -> list:
        """All the actions where the device participated, including:

        1. Actions performed directly to the device.
        2. Actions performed to a component.
        3. Actions performed to a parent device.

        Actions are returned by descending ``created`` time.
        actions_multiple = copy.copy(self.actions_multiple)
        actions_one = copy.copy(self.actions_one)

        for ac in actions_multiple:
            ac.real_created = ac.actions_device[0].created

        for ac in actions_one:
            ac.real_created = ac.created

        return sorted(
            chain(actions_multiple, actions_one), key=lambda x: x.real_created

    def problems(self):
        """Current actions with severity.Warning or higher.

        There can be up to 3 actions: current Snapshot,
        current Physical action, current Trading action.
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Snapshot
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states

        actions = set()
        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
        return self._warning_actions(actions)

    def physical_properties(self) -> Dict[str, object or None]:
        """Fields that describe the physical properties of a device.

        :return A dictionary:
                - Column.
                - Actual value of the column or None.
        # todo ensure to remove materialized values when start using them
        # todo or self.__table__.columns if inspect fails
        return {
            c.key: getattr(self, c.key, None)
            for c in inspect(self.__class__).attrs
            if isinstance(c, ColumnProperty)
            and not getattr(c, 'foreign_keys', None)
            and c.key not in self._NON_PHYSICAL_PROPS

    def public_properties(self) -> Dict[str, object or None]:
        """Fields that describe the properties of a device than next show
           in the public page.

        :return A dictionary:
                - Column.
                - Actual value of the column or None.
        non_public = ['amount', 'transfer_state', 'receiver_id']
        hide_properties = list(self._NON_PHYSICAL_PROPS) + non_public
        return {
            c.key: getattr(self, c.key, None)
            for c in inspect(self.__class__).attrs
            if isinstance(c, ColumnProperty)
            and not getattr(c, 'foreign_keys', None)
            and c.key not in hide_properties

    def public_actions(self) -> List[object]:
        """Actions than we want show in public page as traceability log section
        :return a list of actions:
        hide_actions = ['Price', 'EreusePrice']
        actions = [ac for ac in self.actions if ac.t not in hide_actions]
        return actions

    def public_link(self) -> str:
        host_url = request.host_url.strip('/')
        return "{}{}".format(host_url, self.url.to_text())

    def url(self) -> urlutils.URL:
        """The URL where to GET this device."""
        return urlutils.URL(url_for_resource(Device, item_id=self.dhid))

    def rate(self):
        """The last Rate of the device."""
        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
            from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Rate

            return self.last_action_of(Rate)

    def price(self):
        """The actual Price of the device, or None if no price has
        ever been set."""
        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
            from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Price

            return self.last_action_of(Price)

    def last_action_trading(self):
        """which is the last action trading"""
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states

        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
            return self.last_action_of(*states.Trading.actions())

    def allocated_status(self):
        """Show the actual status of device.
        The status depend of one of this 3 actions:
            - Allocate
            - Deallocate
            - InUse (Live register)
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states

        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
            return self.last_action_of(*states.Usage.actions())

    def physical_status(self):
        """Show the actual status of device for this owner.
        The status depend of one of this 4 actions:
            - ToPrepare
            - Prepare
            - DataWipe
            - ToRepair
            - Ready
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states

        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
            return self.last_action_of(*states.Physical.actions())

    def status(self):
        """Show the actual status of device for this owner.
        The status depend of one of this 4 actions:
            - Use
            - Refurbish
            - Recycling
            - Management
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states

        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
            return self.last_action_of(*states.Status.actions())

    def history_status(self):
        """Show the history of the status actions of the device.
        The status depend of one of this 4 actions:
            - Use
            - Refurbish
            - Recycling
            - Management
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states

        status_actions = [ac.t for ac in states.Status.actions()]
        history = []
        for ac in self.actions:
            if ac.t not in status_actions:
            if not history:
            if ac.rol_user == history[-1].rol_user:
                # get only the last action consecutive for the same user
                history = history[:-1] + [ac]


        return history

    def sid(self):
        actions = []
        if self.placeholder and self.placeholder.binding:
            actions = [
                for x in self.placeholder.binding.actions
                if x.t == 'Snapshot' and x.sid
            actions = [x for x in self.actions if x.t == 'Snapshot' and x.sid]

        if actions:
            return actions[0].sid

    def tradings(self):
        return {str( for x in self.actions if x.t == 'Trade'}

    def trading(self, lot, simple=None):  # noqa: C901
        """The trading state, or None if no Trade action has
        ever been performed to this device. This extract the posibilities for to do.
        This method is performed for show in the web.
        If you need to do one simple and generic response you can put simple=True for that."""
        if not hasattr(lot, 'trade'):

        Status = {
            0: 'Trade',
            1: 'Confirm',
            2: 'NeedConfirmation',
            3: 'TradeConfirmed',
            4: 'Revoke',
            5: 'NeedConfirmRevoke',
            6: 'RevokeConfirmed',

        trade =
        user_from = trade.user_from
        user_to = trade.user_to
        status = 0
        last_user = None

        if not hasattr(trade, 'acceptances'):
            return Status[status]

        for ac in self.actions:
            if ac.t not in ['Confirm', 'Revoke']:

            if ac.user not in [user_from, user_to]:

            if ac.t == 'Confirm' and ac.action == trade:
                if status in [0, 6]:
                    if simple:
                        status = 2
                    status = 1
                    last_user = ac.user
                    if ac.user == user_from and user_to == g.user:
                        status = 2
                    if ac.user == user_to and user_from == g.user:
                        status = 2

                if status in [1, 2]:
                    if last_user != ac.user:
                        status = 3
                        last_user = ac.user

                if status in [4, 5]:
                    status = 3
                    last_user = ac.user

            if ac.t == 'Revoke' and ac.action == trade:
                if status == 3:
                    if simple:
                        status = 5
                    status = 4
                    last_user = ac.user
                    if ac.user == user_from and user_to == g.user:
                        status = 5
                    if ac.user == user_to and user_from == g.user:
                        status = 5

                if status in [4, 5]:
                    if last_user != ac.user:
                        status = 6
                        last_user = ac.user

                if status in [1, 2]:
                    status = 6
                    last_user = ac.user

        return Status[status]

    def revoke(self):
        """If the actual trading state is an revoke action, this property show
        the id of that revoke"""
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states

        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
            action = self.last_action_of(*states.Trading.actions())
            if action.type == 'Revoke':

    def physical(self):
        """The actual physical state, None otherwise."""
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states

        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
            action = self.last_action_of(*states.Physical.actions())
            return states.Physical(action.__class__)

    def traking(self):
        """The actual traking state, None otherwise."""
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states

        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
            action = self.last_action_of(*states.Traking.actions())
            return states.Traking(action.__class__)

    def usage(self):
        """The actual usage state, None otherwise."""
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states

        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError):
            action = self.last_action_of(*states.Usage.actions())
            return states.Usage(action.__class__)

    def physical_possessor(self):
        """The actual physical possessor or None.

        The physical possessor is the Agent that has physically
        the device. It differs from legal owners, usufructuarees
        or reserves in that the physical possessor does not have
        a legal relation per se with the device, but it is the one
        that has it physically. As an example, a transporter could
        be a physical possessor of a device although it does not
        own it legally.

        Note that there can only be one physical possessor per device,
        and :class:`ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models.Receive`
        changes it.
        # TODO @cayop uncomment this lines for link the possessor with the device
        # from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Receive
        # with suppress(LookupError):
        #     action = self.last_action_of(Receive)
        #     return action.agent_to

    def working(self):
        """A list of the current tests with warning or errors. A
        device is working if the list is empty.

        This property returns, for the last test performed of each type,
        the one with the worst ``severity`` of them, or ``None`` if no
        test has been executed.
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Test

        current_tests = unique_everseen(
            (e for e in reversed(self.actions) if isinstance(e, Test)),
        )  # last test of each type
        return self._warning_actions(current_tests)

    def verbose_name(self):
        type = self.type or ''
        manufacturer = self.manufacturer or ''
        model = self.model or ''
        return f'{type} {manufacturer} {model}'

    def dhid(self):
        if self.placeholder:
            return self.placeholder.device.devicehub_id
        if self.binding:
            return self.binding.device.devicehub_id
        return self.devicehub_id

    def get_updated(self):
        if self.placeholder and self.placeholder.binding:
            return max([self.updated, self.placeholder.binding.updated])
        if self.binding:
            return max([self.updated, self.binding.device.updated])
        return self.updated

    def __mapper_args__(cls):
        """Defines inheritance.

        From `the guide <
        args = {POLYMORPHIC_ID: cls.t}
        if cls.t == 'Device':
            args[POLYMORPHIC_ON] = cls.type
        return args

    def phid(self):
        if self.placeholder:
            return self.placeholder.phid
        if self.binding:
            return self.binding.phid
        return ''

    def list_tags(self):
        return ', '.join([ for t in self.tags])

    def appearance(self):
        actions = copy.copy(self.actions)
        actions.sort(key=lambda x: x.created)
        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError, StopIteration):
            action = next(e for e in reversed(actions) if e.type == 'VisualTest')
            return action.appearance_range

    def functionality(self):
        actions = copy.copy(self.actions)
        actions.sort(key=lambda x: x.created)
        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError, StopIteration):
            action = next(e for e in reversed(actions) if e.type == 'VisualTest')
            return action.functionality_range

    def set_appearance(self, value):
        actions = copy.copy(self.actions)
        actions.sort(key=lambda x: x.created)
        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError, StopIteration):
            action = next(e for e in reversed(actions) if e.type == 'VisualTest')
            action.appearance_range = value

    def set_functionality(self, value):
        actions = copy.copy(self.actions)
        actions.sort(key=lambda x: x.created)
        with suppress(LookupError, ValueError, StopIteration):
            action = next(e for e in reversed(actions) if e.type == 'VisualTest')
            action.functionality_range = value

    def is_abstract(self):
        if self.placeholder:
            if self.placeholder.is_abstract:
                return 'Snapshot'
            if self.placeholder.binding:
                return 'Twin'
            return 'Placeholder'
        if self.binding:
            if self.binding.is_abstract:
                return 'Snapshot'
            return 'Twin'

        return ''

    def is_status(self, action):
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import states

        if action.type in states.Usage.__members__:
            return "Allocate State: "

        if action.type in states.Status.__members__:
            return "Lifecycle State: "

        if action.type in states.Physical.__members__:
            return "Physical State: "

        return ""

    def set_hid(self):
        with suppress(TypeError):
            self.hid = Naming.hid(
                self.type, self.manufacturer, self.model, self.serial_number

    def last_action_of(self, *types):
        """Gets the last action of the given types.

        :raise LookupError: Device has not an action of the given type.
            # noinspection PyTypeHints
            actions = copy.copy(self.actions)
            actions.sort(key=lambda x: x.created)
            return next(e for e in reversed(actions) if isinstance(e, types))
        except StopIteration:
            raise LookupError(
                '{!r} does not contain actions of types {}.'.format(self, types)

    def which_user_put_this_device_in_trace(self):
        """which is the user than put this device in this trade"""
        actions = copy.copy(self.actions)
        # search the automatic Confirm
        for ac in actions:
            if ac.type == 'Trade':
                action_device = [x for x in ac.actions_device if x.device == self][0]


    def change_owner(self, new_user):
        """util for change the owner one device"""
        self.owner = new_user
        if hasattr(self, 'components'):
            for c in self.components:
                c.owner = new_user

    def reset_owner(self):
        """Change the owner with the user put the device into the trade"""
        user = self.which_user_put_this_device_in_trace()

    def _warning_actions(self, actions):
        return sorted(ev for ev in actions if ev.severity >= Severity.Warning)

    def get_metrics(self):
        This method get a list of values for calculate a metrics from a spreadsheet
        metrics = Metrics(device=self)
        return metrics.get_metrics()

    def get_type_logo(self):
        # This is used for see one logo of type of device in the frontend
        types = {
            "Desktop": "bi bi-file-post-fill",
            "Laptop": "bi bi-laptop",
            "Server": "bi bi-server",
            "Processor": "bi bi-cpu",
            "RamModule": "bi bi-list",
            "Motherboard": "bi bi-cpu-fill",
            "NetworkAdapter": "bi bi-hdd-network",
            "GraphicCard": "bi bi-brush",
            "SoundCard": "bi bi-volume-up-fill",
            "Monitor": "bi bi-display",
            "Display": "bi bi-display",
            "ComputerMonitor": "bi bi-display",
            "TelevisionSet": "bi bi-easel",
            "TV": "bi bi-easel",
            "Projector": "bi bi-camera-video",
            "Tablet": "bi bi-tablet-landscape",
            "Smartphone": "bi bi-phone",
            "Cellphone": "bi bi-telephone",
            "HardDrive": "bi bi-hdd-stack",
            "SolidStateDrive": "bi bi-hdd",
        return types.get(self.type, '')

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return <

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return '{0.t} {}: model {0.model}, S/N {0.serial_number}'.format(self)

    def __format__(self, format_spec):
        if not format_spec:
            return super().__format__(format_spec)
        v = ''
        if 't' in format_spec:
            v += '{0.t} {0.model}'.format(self)
        if 's' in format_spec:
            superclass = self.__class__.mro()[1]
            if not isinstance(self, Device) and superclass != Device:
                assert issubclass(superclass, Thing)
                v += superclass.__name__ + ' '
            v += '{0.manufacturer}'.format(self)
            if self.serial_number:
                v += ' ' + self.serial_number.upper()
        return v

class DisplayMixin:
    """Base class for the Display Component and the Monitor Device."""

    size = Column(
        Float(decimal_return_scale=1), check_range('size', 2, 150), nullable=True
    size.comment = """The size of the monitor in inches."""
    technology = Column(DBEnum(DisplayTech))
    technology.comment = """The technology the monitor uses to display
    the image.
    resolution_width = Column(
        SmallInteger, check_range('resolution_width', 10, 20000), nullable=True
    resolution_width.comment = """The maximum horizontal resolution the
    monitor can natively support in pixels.
    resolution_height = Column(
        SmallInteger, check_range('resolution_height', 10, 20000), nullable=True
    resolution_height.comment = """The maximum vertical resolution the
    monitor can natively support in pixels.
    refresh_rate = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('refresh_rate', 10, 1000))
    contrast_ratio = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('contrast_ratio', 100, 100000))
    touchable = Column(Boolean)
    touchable.comment = """Whether it is a touchscreen."""

    def aspect_ratio(self):
        """The aspect ratio of the display, as a fraction: ``X/Y``.

        Regular values are ``4/3``, ``5/4``, ``16/9``, ``21/9``,
        ``14/10``, ``19/10``, ``16/10``.
        if self.resolution_height and self.resolution_width:
            return Fraction(self.resolution_width, self.resolution_height)
        return 0

    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
    def aspect_ratio(cls):
        # The aspect ratio to use as SQL in the DB
        # This allows comparing resolutions
        return db.func.round(cls.resolution_width / cls.resolution_height, 2)

    def widescreen(self):
        """Whether the monitor is considered to be widescreen.

        Widescreen monitors are those having a higher aspect ratio
        greater than 4/3.
        # We add a tiny extra to 4/3 to avoid precision errors
        return self.aspect_ratio > 4.001 / 3

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        if self.size:
            return '{0.t} {0.serial_number} {0.size}in ({0.aspect_ratio}) {}'.format(
        return '{0.t} {0.serial_number} 0in ({0.aspect_ratio}) {}'.format(

    def __format__(self, format_spec: str) -> str:
        v = ''
        if 't' in format_spec:
            v += '{0.t} {0.model}'.format(self)
        if 's' in format_spec:
            v += '({0.manufacturer}) S/N {0.serial_number}'.format(self)
            if self.size:
                v += '– {0.size}in ({0.aspect_ratio}) {}'.format(self)
                v += '– 0in ({0.aspect_ratio}) {}'.format(self)
        return v

class Placeholder(Thing):
    id = Column(BigInteger, Sequence('placeholder_seq'), primary_key=True)
    pallet = Column(Unicode(), nullable=True)
    phid = Column(Unicode(), nullable=False, default=create_phid)
    pallet.comment = "used for identification where from where is this placeholders"
    info = db.Column(CIText())
    components = Column(CIText())
    info.comment = "more info of placeholders"
    is_abstract = db.Column(Boolean, default=False)
    id_device_supplier = db.Column(CIText())
    id_device_supplier.comment = (
        "Identification used for one supplier of one placeholders"

    device_id = db.Column(
    device = db.relationship(
            'placeholder', lazy=True, cascade="all, delete-orphan", uselist=False
        primaryjoin=device_id ==,
    device_id.comment = "datas of the placeholder"

    binding_id = db.Column(
    binding = db.relationship(
        backref=backref('binding', lazy=True, uselist=False),
        primaryjoin=binding_id ==,
    binding_id.comment = "binding placeholder with workbench device"
    owner_id = db.Column(
    owner = db.relationship(User, primaryjoin=owner_id ==

    def actions(self):
        actions = list(self.device.actions) or []

        if self.binding:

        actions = sorted(actions, key=lambda x: x.created)
        return actions

    def status(self):
        if self.is_abstract:
            return 'Snapshot'
        if self.binding:
            return 'Twin'
        return 'Placeholder'

class Computer(Device):
    """A chassis with components inside that can be processed
    automatically with Workbench Computer.

    Computer is broadly extended by ``Desktop``, ``Laptop``, and
    ``Server``. The property ``chassis`` defines it more granularly.

    id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True)
    chassis = Column(DBEnum(ComputerChassis), nullable=True)
    chassis.comment = """The physical form of the computer.

    It is a subset of the Linux definition of DMI / DMI decode.
    amount = Column(Integer, check_range('amount', min=0, max=100), default=0)
    owner_id = db.Column(
    # author = db.relationship(User, primaryjoin=owner_id ==
    transfer_state = db.Column(
        IntEnum(TransferState), default=TransferState.Initial, nullable=False
    transfer_state.comment = TransferState.__doc__
    receiver_id = db.Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), db.ForeignKey(, nullable=True)
    receiver = db.relationship(User, primaryjoin=receiver_id ==
    system_uuid = db.Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=True)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        if args:
            chassis = ComputerChassis(args[0])
            super().__init__(chassis=chassis, **kwargs)
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def actions(self) -> list:
        actions = copy.copy(super().actions)
        actions_parent = copy.copy(self.actions_parent)
        for ac in actions_parent:
            ac.real_created = ac.created

        return sorted(chain(actions, actions_parent), key=lambda x: x.real_created)
        # return sorted(chain(super().actions, self.actions_parent))

    def ram_size(self) -> int:
        """The total of RAM memory the computer has."""
        return sum(
            ram.size or 0 for ram in self.components if isinstance(ram, RamModule)

    def data_storage_size(self) -> int:
        """The total of data storage the computer has."""
        return sum(
            ds.size or 0 for ds in self.components if isinstance(ds, DataStorage)

    def processor_model(self) -> str:
        """The model of one of the processors of the computer."""
        return next(
            (p.model for p in self.components if isinstance(p, Processor)), None

    def graphic_card_model(self) -> str:
        """The model of one of the graphic cards of the computer."""
        return next(
            (p.model for p in self.components if isinstance(p, GraphicCard)), None

    def network_speeds(self) -> List[int]:
        """Returns two values representing the speeds of the network
        adapters of the device.

        1. The max Ethernet speed of the computer, 0 if ethernet
           adaptor exists but its speed is unknown, None if no eth
           adaptor exists.
        2. The max WiFi speed of the computer, 0 if computer has
           WiFi but its speed is unknown, None if no WiFi adaptor
        speeds = [None, None]
        for net in (c for c in self.components if isinstance(c, NetworkAdapter)):
            speeds[net.wireless] = max(net.speed or 0, speeds[net.wireless] or 0)
        return speeds

    def privacy(self):
        """Returns the privacy of all ``DataStorage`` components when
        it is not None.
        components = self.components
        if self.placeholder and self.placeholder.binding:
            components = self.placeholder.binding.components

        return set(
            for privacy in (
                hdd.privacy for hdd in components if isinstance(hdd, DataStorage)
            if privacy

    def external_document_erasure(self):
        """Returns the external ``DataStorage`` proof of erasure."""
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import DataWipe

        urls = set()
            ev = self.last_action_of(DataWipe)
        except LookupError:

        for comp in self.components:
            if isinstance(comp, DataStorage):
                doc = comp.external_document_erasure
                if doc:
        return urls

    def add_mac_to_hid(self, components_snap=None):
        """Returns the Naming.hid with the first mac of network adapter,
        following an alphabetical order.
        if not self.hid:
        components = self.components if components_snap is None else components_snap
        macs_network = [
            for c in components
            if c.type == 'NetworkAdapter' and c.serial_number is not None
        mac = macs_network[0] if macs_network else ''
        if not mac or mac in self.hid:
        mac = f"-{mac}"
        self.hid += mac

    def __format__(self, format_spec):
        if not format_spec:
            return super().__format__(format_spec)
        v = ''
        if 't' in format_spec:
            v += '{0.chassis} {0.model}'.format(self)
        elif 's' in format_spec:
            v += '({0.manufacturer})'.format(self)
            if self.serial_number:
                v += ' S/N ' + self.serial_number.upper()
        return v

class Desktop(Computer):

class Laptop(Computer):
    layout = Column(DBEnum(Layouts))
    layout.comment = """Layout of a built-in keyboard of the computer,
     if any.

class Server(Computer):

class Monitor(DisplayMixin, Device):
    id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True)

class ComputerMonitor(Monitor):

class TelevisionSet(Monitor):

class Projector(Monitor):

class Mobile(Device):
    """A mobile device consisting of smartphones, tablets, and cellphones."""

    id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True)
    imei = Column(BigInteger)
    imei.comment = """The International Mobile Equipment Identity of
    the smartphone as an integer.
    meid = Column(Unicode)
    meid.comment = """The Mobile Equipment Identifier as a hexadecimal
    ram_size = db.Column(db.Integer, check_range('ram_size', min=128, max=36000))
    ram_size.comment = """The total of RAM of the device in MB."""
    data_storage_size = db.Column(
        db.Integer, check_range('data_storage_size', 0, 10**8)
    data_storage_size.comment = """The total of data storage of the device in MB"""
    display_size = db.Column(
        db.Float(decimal_return_scale=1), check_range('display_size', min=0.1, max=30.0)
    display_size.comment = """The total size of the device screen"""

    def validate_imei(self, _, value: int):
        if value and not imei.is_valid(str(value)):
            raise ValidationError('{} is not a valid imei.'.format(value))
        return value

    def validate_meid(self, _, value: str):
        if value and not meid.is_valid(value):
            raise ValidationError('{} is not a valid meid.'.format(value))
        return value

class Smartphone(Mobile):

class Tablet(Mobile):

class Cellphone(Mobile):

class Component(Device):
    """A device that can be inside another device."""

    id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True)

    parent_id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(
    parent = relationship(
        primaryjoin=parent_id ==,

    __table_args__ = (db.Index('parent_index', parent_id, postgresql_using='hash'),)

    def similar_one(self, parent: Computer, blacklist: Set[int]) -> 'Component':
        """Gets a component that:

        * has the same parent.
        * Doesn't generate HID.
        * Has same physical properties.
        :param parent:
        :param blacklist: A set of components to not to consider
                          when looking for similar ones.
        assert self.hid is None, 'Don\'t use this method with a component that has HID'
        component = (
        if not component:
            raise ResourceNotFound(self.type)
        return component

    def actions(self) -> list:
        return sorted(chain(super().actions, self.actions_components))

class JoinedComponentTableMixin:
    def id(cls):
        return Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True)

class GraphicCard(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component):
    memory = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('memory', min=1, max=10000))
    memory.comment = """The amount of memory of the Graphic Card in MB."""

class DataStorage(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component):
    """A device that stores information."""

    size = Column(Integer, check_range('size', min=1, max=10**8))
    size.comment = """The size of the data-storage in MB."""
    interface = Column(DBEnum(DataStorageInterface))

    def privacy(self):
        """Returns the privacy compliance state of the data storage.

        This is, the last erasure performed to the data storage.
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import EraseBasic

            ev = self.last_action_of(EraseBasic)
        except LookupError:
            ev = None
        return ev

    def __format__(self, format_spec):
        v = super().__format__(format_spec)
        if 's' in format_spec:
            v += ' – {} GB'.format(self.size // 1000 if self.size else '?')
        return v

    def external_document_erasure(self):
        """Returns the external ``DataStorage`` proof of erasure."""
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import DataWipe

            ev = self.last_action_of(DataWipe)
            return ev.document.url.to_text()
        except LookupError:
            return None

class HardDrive(DataStorage):

class SolidStateDrive(DataStorage):

class Motherboard(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component):
    slots = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('slots', min=0))
    slots.comment = """PCI slots the motherboard has."""
    usb = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('usb', min=0))
    firewire = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('firewire', min=0))
    serial = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('serial', min=0))
    pcmcia = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('pcmcia', min=0))
    bios_date = Column(db.Date)
    bios_date.comment = """The date of the BIOS version."""
    ram_slots = Column(db.SmallInteger, check_range('ram_slots'))
    ram_max_size = Column(db.Integer, check_range('ram_max_size'))

class NetworkMixin:
    speed = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('speed', min=10, max=10000))
    speed.comment = """The maximum speed this network adapter can handle,
    in mbps.
    wireless = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
    wireless.comment = """Whether it is a wireless interface."""

    def __format__(self, format_spec):
        v = super().__format__(format_spec)
        if 's' in format_spec:
            v += ' – {} Mbps'.format(self.speed)
        return v

class NetworkAdapter(JoinedComponentTableMixin, NetworkMixin, Component):

class Processor(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component):
    """The CPU."""

    speed = Column(Float, check_range('speed', 0.1, 15))
    speed.comment = """The regular CPU speed."""
    cores = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('cores', 1, 10))
    cores.comment = """The number of regular cores."""
    threads = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('threads', 1, 20))
    threads.comment = """The number of threads per core."""
    address = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('address', 8, 256))
    address.comment = """The address of the CPU: 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 bits."""
    abi = Column(Unicode, check_lower('abi'))
    abi.comment = """The Application Binary Interface of the processor."""

class RamModule(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component):
    """A stick of RAM."""

    size = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('size', min=128, max=17000))
    size.comment = """The capacity of the RAM stick."""
    speed = Column(SmallInteger, check_range('speed', min=100, max=10000))
    interface = Column(DBEnum(RamInterface))
    format = Column(DBEnum(RamFormat))

class SoundCard(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component):

class Display(JoinedComponentTableMixin, DisplayMixin, Component):
    """The display of a device. This is used in all devices that have
    displays but that it is not their main part, like laptops,
    mobiles, smart-watches, and so on; excluding ``ComputerMonitor``
    and ``TelevisionSet``.


class Battery(JoinedComponentTableMixin, Component):
    wireless = db.Column(db.Boolean)
    wireless.comment = """If the battery can be charged wirelessly."""
    technology = db.Column(db.Enum(BatteryTechnology))
    size = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False)
    size.comment = """Maximum battery capacity by design, in mAh.

    Use BatteryTest's "size" to get the actual size of the battery.

    def capacity(self) -> float:
        """The quantity of"""
        from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import MeasureBattery

        real_size = self.last_action_of(MeasureBattery).size
        return real_size / self.size if real_size and self.size else None

class Camera(Component):
    """The camera of a device."""

    focal_length = db.Column(db.SmallInteger)
    video_height = db.Column(db.SmallInteger)
    video_width = db.Column(db.Integer)
    horizontal_view_angle = db.Column(db.Integer)
    facing = db.Column(db.Enum(CameraFacing))
    vertical_view_angle = db.Column(db.SmallInteger)
    video_stabilization = db.Column(db.Boolean)
    flash = db.Column(db.Boolean)

class ComputerAccessory(Device):
    """Computer peripherals and similar accessories."""

    id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True)

class SAI(ComputerAccessory):

class Keyboard(ComputerAccessory):
    layout = Column(DBEnum(Layouts))  # If we want to do it not null

class Mouse(ComputerAccessory):

class MemoryCardReader(ComputerAccessory):

class Networking(NetworkMixin, Device):
    """Routers, switches, hubs..."""

    id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True)

class Router(Networking):

class Switch(Networking):

class Hub(Networking):

class WirelessAccessPoint(Networking):

class Printer(Device):
    id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(, primary_key=True)
    wireless = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
    wireless.comment = """Whether it is a wireless printer."""
    scanning = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
    scanning.comment = """Whether the printer has scanning capabilities."""
    technology = Column(DBEnum(PrinterTechnology))
    technology.comment = """Technology used to print."""
    monochrome = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=True)
    monochrome.comment = """Whether the printer is only monochrome."""

class LabelPrinter(Printer):

class Sound(Device):

class Microphone(Sound):

class Video(Device):
    """Devices related to video treatment."""


class VideoScaler(Video):

class Videoconference(Video):

class Cooking(Device):
    """Cooking devices."""


class Mixer(Cooking):

class DIYAndGardening(Device):

class Drill(DIYAndGardening):
    max_drill_bit_size = db.Column(db.SmallInteger)

class PackOfScrewdrivers(Device):

class Home(Device):

class Dehumidifier(Home):
    size = db.Column(db.SmallInteger)
    size.comment = """The capacity in Liters."""

class Stairs(Home):
    max_allowed_weight = db.Column(db.Integer)

class Recreation(Device):

class Bike(Recreation):
    wheel_size = db.Column(db.SmallInteger)
    gears = db.Column(db.SmallInteger)

class Racket(Recreation):

class Manufacturer(db.Model):
    """The normalized information about a manufacturer.

    Ideally users should use the names from this list when submitting

    name = db.Column(CIText(), primary_key=True)
    name.comment = """The normalized name of the manufacturer."""
    url = db.Column(URL(), unique=True)
    url.comment = """An URL to a page describing the manufacturer."""
    logo = db.Column(URL())
    logo.comment = """An URL pointing to the logo of the manufacturer."""

    __table_args__ = (
        # from
        db.Index('name_index', text('name gin_trgm_ops'), postgresql_using='gin'),
        {'schema': 'common'},

    def add_all_to_session(cls, session: db.Session):
        """Adds all manufacturers to session."""
        cursor = session.connection().connection.cursor()
        #: Dialect used to write the CSV

        with pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('manufacturers.csv').open() as f:
            cursor.copy_expert('COPY common.manufacturer FROM STDIN (FORMAT csv)', f)


def create_code_tag(mapper, connection, device):
    This function create a new tag every time than one device is create.
    this tag is the same of devicehub_id.
    from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag.model import Tag

    if isinstance(device, Computer) and not device.placeholder:
        tag = Tag(, id=device.devicehub_id)

# event.listen(Device, 'after_insert', create_code_tag, propagate=True)