from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import List from uuid import uuid4 import pytest from ereuse_devicehub.client import UserClient from ereuse_devicehub.db import db from ereuse_devicehub.devicehub import Devicehub from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.exceptions import NeedsId from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device, Microtower from ereuse_devicehub.resources.event.models import Appearance, Bios, Event, Functionality, \ Snapshot, SnapshotRequest, SoftwareType from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.models import User from tests.conftest import file def assert_similar_device(device1: dict, device2: dict): """ Like Model.is_similar() but adapted for testing. """ assert isinstance(device1, dict) and device1 assert isinstance(device2, dict) and device2 for key in 'serialNumber', 'model', 'manufacturer', 'type': assert device1.get(key, None) == device2.get(key, None) def assert_similar_components(components1: List[dict], components2: List[dict]): """ Asserts that the components in components1 are similar than the components in components2. """ assert len(components1) == len(components2) for c1, c2 in zip(components1, components2): assert_similar_device(c1, c2) def snapshot_and_check(user: UserClient, input_snapshot: dict, event_types: tuple or list = tuple(), perform_second_snapshot=True) -> dict: """ P """ snapshot, _ =, data=input_snapshot) assert tuple(e['type'] for e in snapshot['events']) == event_types # Ensure there is no Remove event after the first Add found_add = False for event in snapshot['events']: if event['type'] == 'Add': found_add = True if found_add: assert event['type'] != 'Receive', 'All Remove events must be before the Add ones' assert input_snapshot['device'] assert_similar_device(input_snapshot['device'], snapshot['device']) assert_similar_components(input_snapshot['components'], snapshot['components']) assert all(c['parent'] == snapshot['device']['id'] for c in snapshot['components']), \ 'Components must be in their parent' if perform_second_snapshot: input_snapshot['uuid'] = uuid4() return snapshot_and_check(user, input_snapshot, perform_second_snapshot=False) else: return snapshot @pytest.mark.usefixtures('auth_app_context') def test_snapshot_model(): """ Tests creating a Snapshot with its relationships ensuring correct DB mapping. """ device = Microtower(serial_number='a1') # noinspection PyArgumentList snapshot = Snapshot(uuid=uuid4(),, version='1.0', software=SoftwareType.DesktopApp, appearance=Appearance.A, appearance_score=5, functionality=Functionality.A, functionality_score=5, labelling=False, bios=Bios.C, condition=5, elapsed=timedelta(seconds=25)) snapshot.device = device snapshot.request = SnapshotRequest(request={'foo': 'bar'}) db.session.add(snapshot) db.session.commit() device = # type: Microtower assert device.events_one[0].type == Snapshot.__name__ db.session.delete(device) db.session.commit() assert Snapshot.query.one_or_none() is None assert SnapshotRequest.query.one_or_none() is None assert is not None assert Microtower.query.one_or_none() is None assert Device.query.one_or_none() is None def test_snapshot_schema(app: Devicehub): with app.app_context(): s = file('basic.snapshot') app.resources['Snapshot'].schema.load(s) def test_snapshot_post(user: UserClient): """ Tests the post snapshot endpoint (validation, etc) and data correctness. """ snapshot = snapshot_and_check(user, file('basic.snapshot'), perform_second_snapshot=False) assert snapshot['software'] == 'Workbench' assert snapshot['version'] == '11.0' assert snapshot['uuid'] == 'f5efd26e-8754-46bc-87bf-fbccc39d60d9' assert snapshot['events'] == [] assert snapshot['elapsed'] == 4 assert snapshot['author']['id'] == user.user['id'] assert 'events' not in snapshot['device'] assert 'author' not in snapshot['device'] def test_snapshot_component_add_remove(user: UserClient): """ Tests adding and removing components and some don't generate HID. All computers generate HID. """ def get_events_info(events: List[dict]) -> tuple: return tuple( ( e['id'], e['type'], [c['serialNumber'] for c in e['components']], e.get('snapshot', {}).get('id', None) ) for e in (user.get(res=Event, item=e['id'])[0] for e in events) ) # We add the first device (2 times). The distribution of components # (represented with their S/N) should be: # PC 1: p1c1s, p1c2s, p1c3s. PC 2: ΓΈ s1 = file('1-device-with-components.snapshot') snapshot1 = snapshot_and_check(user, s1, perform_second_snapshot=False) pc1_id = snapshot1['device']['id'] pc1, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=pc1_id) # Parent contains components assert tuple(c['serialNumber'] for c in pc1['components']) == ('p1c1s', 'p1c2s', 'p1c3s') # Components contain parent assert all(c['parent'] == pc1_id for c in pc1['components']) # pc has Snapshot as event assert len(pc1['events']) == 1 assert pc1['events'][0]['type'] == Snapshot.t # p1c1s has Snapshot p1c1s, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=pc1['components'][0]['id']) assert tuple(e['type'] for e in p1c1s['events']) == ('Snapshot',) # We register a new device # It has the processor of the first one (p1c2s) # PC 1: p1c1s, p1c3s. PC 2: p2c1s, p1c2s # Events PC1: Snapshot, Remove. PC2: Snapshot s2 = file('2-second-device-with-components-of-first.snapshot') # num_events = 2 = Remove, Add snapshot2 = snapshot_and_check(user, s2, event_types=('Remove',), perform_second_snapshot=False) pc2_id = snapshot2['device']['id'] pc1, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=pc1_id) pc2, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=pc2_id) # PC1 assert tuple(c['serialNumber'] for c in pc1['components']) == ('p1c1s', 'p1c3s') assert all(c['parent'] == pc1_id for c in pc1['components']) assert tuple(e['type'] for e in pc1['events']) == ('Snapshot', 'Remove') # PC2 assert tuple(c['serialNumber'] for c in pc2['components']) == ('p1c2s', 'p2c1s') assert all(c['parent'] == pc2_id for c in pc2['components']) assert tuple(e['type'] for e in pc2['events']) == ('Snapshot',) # p1c2s has two Snapshots, a Remove and an Add p1c2s, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=pc2['components'][0]['id']) assert tuple(e['type'] for e in p1c2s['events']) == ('Snapshot', 'Snapshot', 'Remove') # We register the first device again, but removing motherboard # and moving processor from the second device to the first. # We have created 1 Remove (from PC2's processor back to PC1) # PC 0: p1c2s, p1c3s. PC 1: p2c1s s3 = file('3-first-device-but-removing-motherboard-and-adding-processor-from-2.snapshot') snapshot_and_check(user, s3, ('Remove',), perform_second_snapshot=False) pc1, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=pc1_id) pc2, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=pc2_id) # PC1 assert {c['serialNumber'] for c in pc1['components']} == {'p1c2s', 'p1c3s'} assert all(c['parent'] == pc1_id for c in pc1['components']) assert get_events_info(pc1['events']) == ( # id, type, components, snapshot (1, 'Snapshot', ['p1c1s', 'p1c2s', 'p1c3s'], None), # first Snapshot1 (3, 'Remove', ['p1c2s'], 2), # Remove Processor in Snapshot2 (4, 'Snapshot', ['p1c2s', 'p1c3s'], None) # This Snapshot3 ) # PC2 assert tuple(c['serialNumber'] for c in pc2['components']) == ('p2c1s',) assert all(c['parent'] == pc2_id for c in pc2['components']) assert tuple(e['type'] for e in pc2['events']) == ( 'Snapshot', # Second Snapshot 'Remove' # the processor we added in 2. ) # p1c2s has Snapshot, Remove and Add p1c2s, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=pc1['components'][0]['id']) assert get_events_info(p1c2s['events']) == ( (1, 'Snapshot', ['p1c1s', 'p1c2s', 'p1c3s'], None), # First Snapshot to PC1 (2, 'Snapshot', ['p1c2s', 'p2c1s'], None), # Second Snapshot to PC2 (3, 'Remove', ['p1c2s'], 2), # ...which caused p1c2s to be removed form PC1 (4, 'Snapshot', ['p1c2s', 'p1c3s'], None), # The third Snapshot to PC1 (5, 'Remove', ['p1c2s'], 4) # ...which caused p1c2 to be removed from PC2 ) # We register the first device but without the processor, # adding a graphic card and adding a new component s4 = file('4-first-device-but-removing-processor.snapshot-and-adding-graphic-card') snapshot_and_check(user, s4, perform_second_snapshot=False) pc1, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=pc1_id) pc2, _ = user.get(res=Device, item=pc2_id) # PC 0: p1c3s, p1c4s. PC1: p2c1s assert {c['serialNumber'] for c in pc1['components']} == {'p1c3s', 'p1c4s'} assert all(c['parent'] == pc1_id for c in pc1['components']) # This last Snapshot only assert get_events_info(pc1['events'])[-1] == (6, 'Snapshot', ['p1c3s', 'p1c4s'], None) # PC2 # We haven't changed PC2 assert tuple(c['serialNumber'] for c in pc2['components']) == ('p2c1s',) assert all(c['parent'] == pc2_id for c in pc2['components']) def _test_snapshot_computer_no_hid(user: UserClient): """ Tests inserting a computer that doesn't generate a HID, neither some of its components. """ # PC with 2 components. PC doesn't have HID and neither 1st component s = file('basic.snapshot') del s['device']['model'] del s['components'][0]['model'], res=Snapshot, status=NeedsId) # The system tells us that it could not register the device because # the device (computer) cannot generate a HID. # In such case we need to specify an ``id`` so the system can # recognize the device. The ``id`` can reference to the same # device, it already existed in the DB, or to a placeholder, # if the device is new in the DB., res=Device) s['device']['id'] = 1 # Assign the ID of the placeholder, res=Snapshot)