""" This is the view for Snapshots """ import json import os import shutil from datetime import datetime from flask import current_app as app from flask import g from flask.json import jsonify from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet from ereuse_devicehub.db import db from ereuse_devicehub.parser.parser import ParseSnapshot from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import RateComputer, Snapshot from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.rate.v1_0 import CannotRate from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.schemas import Snapshot_lite from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Computer from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import Severity, SnapshotSoftware from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.exceptions import InsufficientPermission def save_json(req_json, tmp_snapshots, user, live=False): """ This function allow save a snapshot in json format un a TMP_SNAPSHOTS directory The file need to be saved with one name format with the stamptime and uuid joins """ uuid = req_json.get('uuid', '') now = datetime.now() year = now.year month = now.month day = now.day hour = now.hour minutes = now.minute name_file = f"{year}-{month}-{day}-{hour}-{minutes}_{user}_{uuid}.json" path_dir_base = os.path.join(tmp_snapshots, user) if live: path_dir_base = tmp_snapshots path_errors = os.path.join(path_dir_base, 'errors') path_fixeds = os.path.join(path_dir_base, 'fixeds') path_name = os.path.join(path_errors, name_file) if not os.path.isdir(path_dir_base): os.system(f'mkdir -p {path_errors}') os.system(f'mkdir -p {path_fixeds}') with open(path_name, 'w') as snapshot_file: snapshot_file.write(json.dumps(req_json)) return path_name def move_json(tmp_snapshots, path_name, user, live=False): """ This function move the json than it's correct """ path_dir_base = os.path.join(tmp_snapshots, user) if live: path_dir_base = tmp_snapshots if os.path.isfile(path_name): shutil.copy(path_name, path_dir_base) os.remove(path_name) class SnapshotView: """Performs a Snapshot. See `Snapshot` section in docs for more info. """ # Note that if we set the device / components into the snapshot # model object, when we flush them to the db we will flush # snapshot, and we want to wait to flush snapshot at the end def __init__(self, snapshot_json: dict, resource_def, schema): self.schema = schema self.resource_def = resource_def self.tmp_snapshots = app.config['TMP_SNAPSHOTS'] self.path_snapshot = save_json(snapshot_json, self.tmp_snapshots, g.user.email) snapshot_json.pop('debug', None) if snapshot_json.get('version') in ["14.0.0"]: self.validate_json(snapshot_json) self.response = self.build2() else: self.snapshot_json = resource_def.schema.load(snapshot_json) self.response = self.build() move_json(self.tmp_snapshots, self.path_snapshot, g.user.email) def post(self): return self.response def build(self): device = self.snapshot_json.pop('device') # type: Computer components = None if self.snapshot_json['software'] == ( SnapshotSoftware.Workbench or SnapshotSoftware.WorkbenchAndroid ): components = self.snapshot_json.pop( 'components', None ) # type: List[Component] if isinstance(device, Computer) and device.hid: device.add_mac_to_hid(components_snap=components) snapshot = Snapshot(**self.snapshot_json) # Remove new actions from devices so they don't interfere with sync actions_device = set(e for e in device.actions_one) device.actions_one.clear() if components: actions_components = tuple( set(e for e in c.actions_one) for c in components ) for component in components: component.actions_one.clear() assert not device.actions_one assert all(not c.actions_one for c in components) if components else True db_device, remove_actions = self.resource_def.sync.run(device, components) del device # Do not use device anymore snapshot.device = db_device snapshot.actions |= remove_actions | actions_device # Set actions to snapshot # commit will change the order of the components by what # the DB wants. Let's get a copy of the list so we preserve order ordered_components = OrderedSet(x for x in snapshot.components) # Add the new actions to the db-existing devices and components db_device.actions_one |= actions_device if components: for component, actions in zip(ordered_components, actions_components): component.actions_one |= actions snapshot.actions |= actions if snapshot.software == SnapshotSoftware.Workbench: # Check ownership of (non-component) device to from current.user if db_device.owner_id != g.user.id: raise InsufficientPermission() # Compute ratings # try: # rate_computer, price = RateComputer.compute(db_device) # except CannotRate: # pass # else: # snapshot.actions.add(rate_computer) # if price: # snapshot.actions.add(price) elif snapshot.software == SnapshotSoftware.WorkbenchAndroid: pass # TODO try except to compute RateMobile # Check if HID is null and add Severity:Warning to Snapshot if snapshot.device.hid is None: snapshot.severity = Severity.Warning db.session.add(snapshot) db.session().final_flush() ret = self.schema.jsonify(snapshot) # transform it back ret.status_code = 201 db.session.commit() return ret def validate_json(self, snapshot_json): self.schema2 = Snapshot_lite() self.snapshot_json = self.schema2.load(snapshot_json) def build2(self): snap = ParseSnapshot(self.snapshot_json) snap_json = snap.snapshot_json self.snapshot_json = self.resource_def.schema.load(snap_json) return self.build()