import datetime import marshmallow from flask import current_app as app, render_template, request from flask.json import jsonify from flask_sqlalchemy import Pagination from marshmallow import fields, fields as f, validate as v from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased from teal import query from teal.cache import cache from teal.resource import View from ereuse_devicehub import auth from ereuse_devicehub.db import db from ereuse_devicehub.resources import search from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Component, Computer, Device, Manufacturer from import DeviceSearch from ereuse_devicehub.resources.event.models import Rate from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import Lot, LotDevice from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag.model import Tag class OfType(f.Str): def __init__(self, column: db.Column, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.column = column def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data): v = super()._deserialize(value, attr, data) return self.column.in_(app.resources[v].subresources_types) class RateQ(query.Query): rating = query.Between(Rate.rating, f.Float()) appearance = query.Between(Rate.appearance, f.Float()) functionality = query.Between(Rate.functionality, f.Float()) class TagQ(query.Query): id = query.Or(query.ILike(, required=True) org = query.ILike( class LotQ(query.Query): id = query.Or(query.QueryField(Lot.descendantsq, fields.UUID())) class Filters(query.Query): _parent = aliased(Computer) _device_inside_lot = ( == LotDevice.device_id) & ( == LotDevice.lot_id) _component_inside_lot_through_parent = ( == \ & (Component.parent_id == \ & ( == LotDevice.device_id) type = query.Or(OfType(Device.type)) model = query.ILike(Device.model) manufacturer = query.ILike(Device.manufacturer) serialNumber = query.ILike(Device.serial_number) rating = query.Join( == Rate.device_id, RateQ) tag = query.Join( == Tag.device_id, TagQ) lot = query.Join(_device_inside_lot | _component_inside_lot_through_parent, LotQ) class Sorting(query.Sort): id = query.SortField( created = query.SortField(Device.created) class DeviceView(View): class FindArgs(marshmallow.Schema): search = f.Str() filter = f.Nested(Filters, missing=[]) sort = f.Nested(Sorting, missing=[]) page = f.Integer(validate=v.Range(min=1), missing=1) def get(self, id): """ Devices view --- description: Gets a device or multiple devices. parameters: - name: id type: integer in: path description: The identifier of the device. responses: 200: description: The device or devices. """ return super().get(id) def one(self, id: int): """Gets one device.""" if not request.authorization: return self.one_public(id) else: return self.one_private(id) def one_public(self, id: int): device = Device.query.filter_by(id=id).one() return render_template('devices/layout.html', device=device) @auth.Auth.requires_auth def one_private(self, id: int): device = Device.query.filter_by(id=id).one() return self.schema.jsonify(device) @auth.Auth.requires_auth def find(self, args: dict): """Gets many devices.""" search_p = args.get('search', None) query = Device.query if search_p: properties = tags = DeviceSearch.tags query = query.join(DeviceSearch).filter( search.Search.match(properties, search_p) | search.Search.match(tags, search_p) ).order_by( search.Search.rank(properties, search_p) + search.Search.rank(tags, search_p) ) query = query.filter(*args['filter']).order_by(*args['sort']) devices = query.paginate(page=args['page'], per_page=30) # type: Pagination ret = { 'items': self.schema.dump(devices.items, many=True, nested=1), # todo pagination should be in Header like github # 'pagination': { 'page':, 'perPage': devices.per_page, 'total':, 'previous': devices.prev_num, 'next': devices.next_num }, 'url': request.path } return jsonify(ret) class ManufacturerView(View): class FindArgs(marshmallow.Schema): name = marshmallow.fields.Str(required=True, # Disallow like operators validate=lambda x: '%' not in x and '_' not in x) @cache(datetime.timedelta(days=1)) def find(self, args: dict): name = args['name'] manufacturers = Manufacturer.query \ .filter( + '%')) \ .paginate(page=1, per_page=6) # type: Pagination return jsonify( items=app.resources[Manufacturer.t].schema.dump( manufacturers.items, many=True, nested=1 ) )