.. title:: DeviceHub .. image:: https://www.ereuse.org/files/2017/04/DeviceHub-logo-V2.svg :height: 100px :alt: DeviceHub logo This is the documentation of the `eReuse.org Devicehub `_. Devicehub is a distributed IT Asset Management System focused in reusing devices, created under the project `eReuse.org `_. Our main objectives are: - To offer a common IT Asset Management for donors, receivers and IT professionals so they can manage devices and exchange them. This is, reusing –and ultimately recycling. - To automatically recollect, analyse, process and share (controlling privacy) metadata about devices with other tools of the eReuse ecosystem to guarantee traceability, and to provide inputs for the indicators which measure circularity. - To highly integrate with existing IT Asset Management Systems. - To be decentralized. Devicehub is built with `Teal `_ and `Flask `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 api devices actions tags lots * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`