1653 lines
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1653 lines
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import copy
import datetime
import json
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
import pandas as pd
from boltons.urlutils import URL
from flask import current_app as app
from flask import g, request
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from marshmallow import ValidationError
from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet
from wtforms import (
from wtforms.fields import FormField
from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
from ereuse_devicehub.inventory.models import DeliveryNote, ReceiverNote, Transfer
from ereuse_devicehub.parser.models import PlaceholdersLog
from ereuse_devicehub.parser.parser import ParseSnapshotLsHw
from ereuse_devicehub.parser.schemas import Snapshot_lite
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Snapshot, Trade
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.schemas import Snapshot as SnapshotSchema
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.views.snapshot import (
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import (
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.documents.models import DataWipeDocument
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import Severity
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.hash_reports import insert_hash
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import Lot
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tag.model import Tag
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.tradedocument.models import TradeDocument
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.models import User
"All": ["All Devices"],
"Computer": [
"All Computers",
"Monitor": [
"All Monitors",
"Mobile, tablet & smartphone": [
"All Mobile",
COMPUTERS = ['Desktop', 'Laptop', 'Server', 'Computer']
MONITORS = ["ComputerMonitor", "Monitor", "TelevisionSet", "Projector"]
MOBILE = ["Mobile", "Tablet", "Smartphone", "Cellphone"]
class AdvancedSearchForm(FlaskForm):
q = StringField('Search', [validators.length(min=1)])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
dhids = [x.strip() for x in self.q.data.split(' ')]
if ',' in self.q.data:
dhids = [x.strip() for x in self.q.data.split(',')]
if ';' in self.q.data:
dhids = [x.strip() for x in self.q.data.split(';')]
self.devices = []
if dhids:
def search(self, dhids):
self.devices = Device.query.filter(Device.devicehub_id.in_(dhids))
class FilterForm(FlaskForm):
filter = SelectField(
'', choices=DEVICES, default="All Computers", render_kw={'class': "form-select"}
def __init__(self, lots, lot_id, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.lots = lots
self.lot_id = lot_id
self.only_unassigned = kwargs.pop('only_unassigned', True)
def _get_types(self):
types_of_devices = [item for sublist in DEVICES.values() for item in sublist]
dev = request.args.get('filter')
self.device_type = dev if dev in types_of_devices else None
if self.device_type:
self.filter.data = self.device_type
def filter_from_lots(self):
if self.lot_id:
self.lot = self.lots.filter(Lot.id == self.lot_id).one()
device_ids = (d.id for d in self.lot.devices)
self.devices = Device.query.filter(Device.id.in_(device_ids)).filter(
Device.binding == None
self.devices = Device.query.filter(Device.owner_id == g.user.id).filter(
Device.binding == None
if self.only_unassigned:
self.devices = self.devices.filter_by(lots=None)
def search(self):
filter_type = None
if self.device_type:
filter_type = [self.device_type]
# Case without Filter
filter_type = COMPUTERS
# Generic Filters
if "All Devices" == self.device_type:
elif "All Computers" == self.device_type:
filter_type = COMPUTERS
elif "All Monitors" == self.device_type:
filter_type = MONITORS
elif "All Mobile" == self.device_type:
filter_type = MOBILE
if filter_type:
self.devices = self.devices.filter(Device.type.in_(filter_type))
return self.devices.order_by(Device.updated.desc())
class LotForm(FlaskForm):
name = StringField('Name', [validators.length(min=1)])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.id = kwargs.pop('id', None)
self.instance = None
if self.id:
self.instance = (
Lot.query.filter(Lot.id == self.id)
.filter(Lot.owner_id == g.user.id)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.instance and not self.name.data:
self.name.data = self.instance.name
def save(self):
if not self.id:
self.instance = Lot(name=self.name.data)
if not self.id:
self.id = self.instance.id
return self.id
return self.id
def remove(self):
if self.instance and not self.instance.trade:
return self.instance
class UploadSnapshotForm(SnapshotMixin, FlaskForm):
snapshot = MultipleFileField('Select a Snapshot File', [validators.DataRequired()])
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
return False
data = request.files.getlist(self.snapshot.name)
if not data:
return False
self.snapshots = []
self.result = {}
for d in data:
filename = d.filename
self.result[filename] = 'Not processed'
d = d.stream.read()
if not d:
self.result[filename] = 'Error this snapshot is empty'
d_json = json.loads(d)
except JSONDecodeError:
self.result[filename] = 'Error this snapshot is not a json'
uuid_snapshot = d_json.get('uuid')
if Snapshot.query.filter(Snapshot.uuid == uuid_snapshot).all():
self.result[filename] = 'Error this snapshot exist'
self.snapshots.append((filename, d_json))
if not self.snapshots:
return False
return True
def is_wb_lite_snapshot(self, version: str) -> bool:
is_lite = False
if version in app.config['SCHEMA_WORKBENCH']:
is_lite = True
return is_lite
def save(self, commit=True):
if any([x == 'Error' for x in self.result.values()]):
schema = SnapshotSchema()
schema_lite = Snapshot_lite()
devices = []
self.tmp_snapshots = app.config['TMP_SNAPSHOTS']
for filename, snapshot_json in self.snapshots:
path_snapshot = save_json(snapshot_json, self.tmp_snapshots, g.user.email)
debug = snapshot_json.pop('debug', None)
self.version = snapshot_json.get('schema_api')
self.uuid = snapshot_json.get('uuid')
self.sid = snapshot_json.get('sid')
if self.is_wb_lite_snapshot(self.version):
self.snapshot_json = schema_lite.load(snapshot_json)
snapshot_json = ParseSnapshotLsHw(self.snapshot_json).snapshot_json
self.version = snapshot_json.get('version')
system_uuid = self.get_uuid(debug)
if system_uuid:
snapshot_json['device']['system_uuid'] = system_uuid
snapshot_json = schema.load(snapshot_json)
except ValidationError as err:
txt = "{}".format(err)
self.result[filename] = 'Error'
response = self.build(snapshot_json)
if hasattr(response, 'type'):
self.result[filename] = 'Ok'
self.errors(txt="Ok", severity=Severity.Info, snapshot=response)
self.result[filename] = 'Error'
move_json(self.tmp_snapshots, path_snapshot, g.user.email)
if commit:
return self.result, devices
class NewDeviceForm(FlaskForm):
type = StringField('Type', [validators.DataRequired()])
amount = IntegerField(
[validators.DataRequired(), validators.NumberRange(min=1, max=100)],
id_device_supplier = StringField('Id Supplier', [validators.Optional()])
phid = StringField('Placeholder Hardware identity (Phid)', [validators.Optional()])
pallet = StringField('Identity of pallet', [validators.Optional()])
info = TextAreaField('Info', [validators.Optional()])
serial_number = StringField('Seria Number', [validators.Optional()])
model = StringField('Model', [validators.Optional()])
manufacturer = StringField('Manufacturer', [validators.Optional()])
appearance = StringField('Appearance', [validators.Optional()])
functionality = StringField('Functionality', [validators.Optional()])
brand = StringField('Brand')
generation = IntegerField('Generation')
version = StringField('Version')
weight = FloatField('Weight', [validators.Optional()])
width = FloatField('Width', [validators.Optional()])
height = FloatField('Height', [validators.Optional()])
depth = FloatField('Depth', [validators.Optional()])
variant = StringField('Variant', [validators.Optional()])
sku = StringField('SKU', [validators.Optional()])
image = StringField('Image', [validators.Optional(), validators.URL()])
imei = IntegerField('IMEI', [validators.Optional()])
meid = StringField('MEID', [validators.Optional()])
resolution = IntegerField('Resolution width', [validators.Optional()])
screen = FloatField('Screen size', [validators.Optional()])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.objs = set()
self._obj = kwargs.pop('_obj', None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self._obj:
self.type.data = self._obj.type
if not request.form:
self.devices = {
"Laptop": Laptop,
"Desktop": Desktop,
"Server": Server,
"Smartphone": Smartphone,
"Tablet": Tablet,
"Cellphone": Cellphone,
"ComputerMonitor": ComputerMonitor,
"Mouse": Mouse,
"Keyboard": Keyboard,
"MemoryCardReader": MemoryCardReader,
if not self.generation.data:
self.generation.data = 1
if not self.weight.data:
self.weight.data = 0.1
if not self.height.data:
self.height.data = 0.1
if not self.width.data:
self.width.data = 0.1
if not self.depth.data:
self.depth.data = 0.1
def reset_from_obj(self):
if not self._obj:
disabled = {'disabled': "disabled"}
appearance = self._obj.appearance()
functionality = self._obj.functionality()
if appearance:
appearance = appearance.name
if functionality:
functionality = functionality.name
self.type.render_kw = disabled
self.type.data = self._obj.type
self.amount.render_kw = disabled
self.id_device_supplier.data = self._obj.placeholder.id_device_supplier
self.phid.data = self._obj.placeholder.phid
self.pallet.data = self._obj.placeholder.pallet
self.info.data = self._obj.placeholder.info
self.serial_number.data = self._obj.serial_number
self.model.data = self._obj.model
self.manufacturer.data = self._obj.manufacturer
self.appearance.data = appearance
self.functionality.data = functionality
self.brand.data = self._obj.brand
self.generation.data = self._obj.generation
self.version.data = self._obj.version
self.weight.data = self._obj.weight
self.width.data = self._obj.width
self.height.data = self._obj.height
self.depth.data = self._obj.depth
self.variant.data = self._obj.variant
self.sku.data = self._obj.sku
self.image.data = self._obj.image
if self._obj.type in ['Smartphone', 'Tablet', 'Cellphone']:
self.imei.data = self._obj.imei
self.meid.data = self._obj.meid
if self._obj.type == 'ComputerMonitor':
self.resolution.data = self._obj.resolution_width
self.screen.data = self._obj.size
def validate(self, extra_validators=None): # noqa: C901
error = ["Not a correct value"]
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if self.generation.data < 1:
self.generation.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.weight.data < 0.1:
self.weight.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.height.data < 0.1:
self.height.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.width.data < 0.1:
self.width.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.depth.data < 0.1:
self.depth.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.imei.data and self.amount.data == 1:
if not 13 < len(str(self.imei.data)) < 17:
self.imei.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.meid.data and self.amount.data == 1:
meid = self.meid.data
if not 13 < len(meid) < 17:
is_valid = False
int(meid, 16)
except ValueError:
self.meid.errors = error
is_valid = False
if self.phid.data and self.amount.data == 1 and not self._obj:
dev = Placeholder.query.filter(
Placeholder.phid == self.phid.data, Placeholder.owner == g.user
if dev:
msg = "Sorry, exist one snapshot device with this HID"
self.phid.errors = [msg]
is_valid = False
if (
and self._obj
and self.phid.data != self._obj.placeholder.phid
dev = Placeholder.query.filter(
Placeholder.phid == self.phid.data, Device.owner == g.user
if dev:
msg = "Sorry, exist one snapshot device with this HID"
self.phid.errors = [msg]
is_valid = False
if not is_valid:
return False
if self.image.data == '':
self.image.data = None
if self.manufacturer.data:
self.manufacturer.data = self.manufacturer.data.lower()
if self.model.data:
self.model.data = self.model.data.lower()
if self.serial_number.data:
self.serial_number.data = self.serial_number.data.lower()
return True
def save(self, commit=True):
if self._obj:
for n in range(self.amount.data):
if commit:
def create_device(self):
schema = SnapshotSchema()
json_snapshot = {
'type': 'Snapshot',
'software': 'Web',
'version': '11.0',
'device': {
'type': self.type.data,
'model': self.model.data,
'manufacturer': self.manufacturer.data,
'serialNumber': self.serial_number.data,
'brand': self.brand.data,
'version': self.version.data,
'generation': self.generation.data,
'sku': self.sku.data,
'weight': self.weight.data,
'width': self.width.data,
'height': self.height.data,
'depth': self.depth.data,
'variant': self.variant.data,
'image': self.image.data,
if self.appearance.data or self.functionality.data:
json_snapshot['device']['actions'] = [
'type': 'VisualTest',
'appearanceRange': self.appearance.data,
'functionalityRange': self.functionality.data,
snapshot_json = schema.load(json_snapshot)
device = snapshot_json['device']
if self.type.data == 'ComputerMonitor':
device.resolution_width = self.resolution.data
device.size = self.screen.data
if self.type.data in ['Smartphone', 'Tablet', 'Cellphone']:
device.imei = self.imei.data
device.meid = self.meid.data
device.placeholder = self.get_placeholder()
placeholder_log = PlaceholdersLog(
type="New device", source='Web form', placeholder=device.placeholder
def reset_ids(self):
if self.amount.data > 1:
self.phid.data = None
self.id_device_supplier.data = None
self.serial_number.data = None
self.sku.data = None
self.imei.data = None
self.meid.data = None
def get_placeholder(self):
self.placeholder = Placeholder(
'phid': self.phid.data or None,
'id_device_supplier': self.id_device_supplier.data,
'info': self.info.data,
'pallet': self.pallet.data,
'is_abstract': False,
return self.placeholder
def edit_device(self):
self._obj.placeholder.phid = self.phid.data or self._obj.placeholder.phid
self._obj.placeholder.id_device_supplier = self.id_device_supplier.data or None
self._obj.placeholder.info = self.info.data or None
self._obj.placeholder.pallet = self.pallet.data or None
self._obj.placeholder.is_abstract = False
self._obj.model = self.model.data
self._obj.manufacturer = self.manufacturer.data
self._obj.serial_number = self.serial_number.data
self._obj.brand = self.brand.data
self._obj.version = self.version.data
self._obj.generation = self.generation.data
self._obj.sku = self.sku.data
self._obj.weight = self.weight.data
self._obj.width = self.width.data
self._obj.height = self.height.data
self._obj.depth = self.depth.data
self._obj.variant = self.variant.data
self._obj.image = self.image.data
if self._obj.type == 'ComputerMonitor':
self._obj.resolution_width = self.resolution.data
self._obj.size = self.screen.data
if self._obj.type in ['Smartphone', 'Tablet', 'Cellphone']:
self._obj.imei = self.imei.data
self._obj.meid = self.meid.data
if self.appearance.data and self.appearance.data != self._obj.appearance().name:
if (
and self.functionality.data != self._obj.functionality().name
placeholder_log = PlaceholdersLog(
type="Update", source='Web form', placeholder=self._obj.placeholder
class TagDeviceForm(FlaskForm):
tag = SelectField('Tag', choices=[])
device = StringField('Device', [validators.Optional()])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.delete = kwargs.pop('delete', None)
self.device_id = kwargs.pop('device', None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.delete:
tags = (
Tag.query.filter(Tag.owner_id == g.user.id)
tags = (
Tag.query.filter(Tag.owner_id == g.user.id)
self.tag.choices = [(tag.id, tag.id) for tag in tags]
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
return False
self._tag = (
Tag.query.filter(Tag.id == self.tag.data)
.filter(Tag.owner_id == g.user.id)
if not self.delete and self._tag.device_id:
self.tag.errors = [("This tag is actualy in use.")]
return False
if self.device.data:
self.device.data = int(self.device.data.split(',')[-1])
except: # noqa: E722
self.device.data = None
if self.device_id or self.device.data:
self.device_id = self.device_id or self.device.data
self._device = (
Device.query.filter(Device.id == self.device_id)
.filter(Device.owner_id == g.user.id)
return True
def save(self):
self._tag.device_id = self._device.id
def remove(self):
self._tag.device = None
class ActionFormMixin(FlaskForm):
name = StringField(
description="A name or title of the event. Something to look for.",
devices = HiddenField()
date = DateField(
description="""When the action ends. For some actions like booking
the time when it expires, for others like renting the
time that the end rents. For specific actions, it is the
time in which they are carried out; differs from created
in that created is where the system receives the action.""",
severity = SelectField(
choices=[(v.name, v.name) for v in Severity],
description="""An indicator that evaluates the execution of the event.
For example, failed events are set to Error""",
description = TextAreaField('Description')
lot = HiddenField()
type = HiddenField()
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = self.generic_validation(extra_validators=extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
return False
if self.type.data in [None, '']:
return False
if not self.devices.data:
return False
self._devices = OrderedSet()
devices = set(self.devices.data.split(","))
self._devices = OrderedSet(
.filter(Device.owner_id == g.user.id)
if not self._devices:
return False
return True
def generic_validation(self, extra_validators=None):
# Some times we want check validations without devices list
return super().validate(extra_validators)
def save(self):
Model = db.Model._decl_class_registry.data[self.type.data]()
self.instance = Model()
devices = self.devices.data
severity = self.severity.data
self.devices.data = self._devices
self.severity.data = Severity[self.severity.data]
self.devices.data = devices
self.severity.data = severity
return self.instance
def check_valid(self):
if self.type.data in ['', None]:
if not self.validate():
return self.type.data
class NewActionForm(ActionFormMixin):
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
return False
if self.type.data in ['Allocate', 'Deallocate', 'Trade', 'DataWipe']:
return False
return True
class AllocateForm(ActionFormMixin):
date = HiddenField('')
start_time = DateField('Start time')
end_time = DateField('End time', [validators.Optional()])
final_user_code = StringField(
'Final user code', [validators.Optional(), validators.length(max=50)]
transaction = StringField(
'Transaction', [validators.Optional(), validators.length(max=50)]
end_users = IntegerField('Number of end users', [validators.Optional()])
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
if not super().validate(extra_validators):
return False
if self.type.data not in ['Allocate', 'Deallocate']:
return False
if not self.validate_dates():
return False
if not self.check_devices():
return False
return True
def validate_dates(self):
start_time = self.start_time.data
end_time = self.end_time.data
if not start_time:
self.start_time.errors = ['Not a valid date value.!']
return False
if start_time > datetime.datetime.now().date():
self.start_time.errors = ['Not a valid date value.!']
return False
if start_time and end_time and end_time < start_time:
error = ['The action cannot finish before it starts.']
self.end_time.errors = error
return False
if not end_time:
self.end_time.data = self.start_time.data
return True
def check_devices(self):
if self.type.data == 'Allocate':
return self.check_allocate()
if self.type.data == 'Deallocate':
return self.check_deallocate()
return True
def check_allocate(self):
txt = "You need deallocate before allocate this device again"
for device in self._devices:
# | Allo - Deallo | Allo - Deallo |
allocates = [
ac for ac in device.actions if ac.type in ['Allocate', 'Deallocate']
allocates.sort(key=lambda x: x.start_time)
last_deallocate = None
last_allocate = None
for ac in allocates:
if (
ac.type == 'Deallocate'
and ac.start_time.date() < self.start_time.data
# allow to do the action
# check if this action is between an old allocate - deallocate
if ac.type == 'Deallocate':
last_deallocate = ac
if (
ac.type == 'Allocate'
and ac.start_time.date() > self.start_time.data
last_deallocate = None
last_allocate = None
if ac.type == 'Allocate':
last_allocate = ac
if last_allocate or not last_deallocate:
self.devices.errors = [txt]
return False
device.allocated = True
return True
def check_deallocate(self):
txt = "Sorry some of this devices are actually deallocate"
for device in self._devices:
allocates = [
ac for ac in device.actions if ac.type in ['Allocate', 'Deallocate']
allocates.sort(key=lambda x: x.start_time)
last_deallocate = None
last_allocate = None
for ac in allocates:
# check if this action is between an old allocate - deallocate
# | Allo - Deallo | Allo - Deallo |
# | Allo |
if (
ac.type == 'Allocate'
and ac.start_time.date() > self.start_time.data
last_allocate = None
last_deallocate = None
if ac.type == 'Allocate' and not last_deallocate:
last_allocate = ac
if (
ac.type == 'Deallocate'
and ac.start_time.date() > self.start_time.data
last_deallocate = ac
if ac.type == 'Deallocate':
last_allocate = None
if last_deallocate or not last_allocate:
self.devices.errors = [txt]
return False
if not last_deallocate and not last_allocate:
self.devices.errors = [txt]
return False
device.allocated = False
return True
class DataWipeDocumentForm(Form):
date = DateField(
'Date', [validators.Optional()], description="Date when was data wipe"
url = URLField(
'Url', [validators.Optional()], description="Url where the document resides"
success = BooleanField(
'Success', [validators.Optional()], description="The erase was success or not?"
software = StringField(
description="Which software has you use for erase the disks",
id_document = StringField(
'Document Id',
description="Identification number of document",
file_name = FileField(
description="""This file is not stored on our servers, it is only used to
generate a digital signature and obtain the name of the file.""",
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
return is_valid
def save(self, commit=True):
file_name = ''
file_hash = ''
if self.file_name.data:
file_name = self.file_name.data.filename
file_hash = insert_hash(self.file_name.data.read(), commit=False)
self.url.data = URL(self.url.data)
self._obj = DataWipeDocument(
self._obj.file_name = file_name
self._obj.file_hash = file_hash
if commit:
return self._obj
class DataWipeForm(ActionFormMixin):
document = FormField(DataWipeDocumentForm)
def save(self):
Model = db.Model._decl_class_registry.data[self.type.data]()
self.instance = Model()
devices = self.devices.data
severity = self.severity.data
self.devices.data = self._devices
self.severity.data = Severity[self.severity.data]
document = copy.copy(self.document)
del self.document
self.instance.document = document.form._obj
self.devices.data = devices
self.severity.data = severity
self.document = document
return self.instance
class TradeForm(ActionFormMixin):
user_from = StringField(
description="Please enter the supplier's email address",
render_kw={'data-email': ""},
user_to = StringField(
description="Please enter the receiver's email address",
render_kw={'data-email': ""},
confirm = BooleanField(
description="I need confirmation from the other user for every device and document.",
code = StringField(
description="If you don't need confirm, you need put a code for trace the user in the statistics.",
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.user_from.render_kw['data-email'] = g.user.email
self.user_to.render_kw['data-email'] = g.user.email
self._lot = (
.filter(Lot.id == self.lot.data)
Trade.user_from == g.user,
Trade.user_to == g.user,
Lot.owner_id == g.user.id,
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = self.generic_validation(extra_validators=extra_validators)
email_from = self.user_from.data
email_to = self.user_to.data
if self.type.data != "Trade":
return False
if not self.confirm.data and not self.code.data:
self.code.errors = ["If you don't want to confirm, you need a code"]
is_valid = False
if (
and not (email_from and email_to)
or email_to == email_from
or g.user.email not in [email_from, email_to]
errors = ["If you want confirm, you need a correct email"]
self.user_to.errors = errors
self.user_from.errors = errors
is_valid = False
if self.confirm.data and is_valid:
user_to = User.query.filter_by(email=email_to).first() or g.user
user_from = User.query.filter_by(email=email_from).first() or g.user
if user_to == user_from:
is_valid = False
self.db_user_to = user_to
self.db_user_from = user_from
self.has_errors = not is_valid
return is_valid
def save(self, commit=True):
if self.has_errors:
raise ValueError(
"The %s could not be saved because the data didn't validate."
% (self.instance._meta.object_name)
if not self.confirm.data:
if commit:
return self.instance
def prepare_instance(self):
Model = db.Model._decl_class_registry.data['Trade']()
self.instance = Model()
self.instance.user_from = self.db_user_from
self.instance.user_to = self.db_user_to
self.instance.lot_id = self._lot.id
self.instance.devices = self._lot.devices
self.instance.code = self.code.data
self.instance.confirm = self.confirm.data
self.instance.date = self.date.data
self.instance.name = self.name.data
self.instance.description = self.description.data
def create_phantom_account(self):
If exist both users not to do nothing
If exist from but not to:
search if exist in the DB
if exist use it
else create new one
The same if exist to but not from
user_from = self.user_from.data
user_to = self.user_to.data
code = self.code.data
if user_from and user_to:
# both users exist, no further action is necessary
# Create receiver (to) phantom account
if user_from and not user_to:
assert g.user.email == user_from
self.user_from = g.user
self.user_to = self.get_or_create_user(code)
# Create supplier (from) phantom account
if not user_from and user_to:
assert g.user.email == user_to
self.user_from = self.get_or_create_user(code)
self.user_to = g.user
self.db_user_to = self.user_to
self.db_user_from = self.user_from
def get_or_create_user(self, code):
email = "{}_{}@dhub.com".format(str(g.user.id), code)
user = User.query.filter_by(email=email).first()
if not user:
user = User(email=email, password='', active=False, phantom=True)
return user
def create_automatic_trade(self):
# This method change the ownership of devices
# do nothing if an explicit confirmation is required
if self.confirm.data:
# Change the owner for every devices
for dev in self._lot.devices:
def check_valid(self):
if self.user_from.data == self.user_to.data:
if self.user_from.data == g.user.email:
return 'user_to'
if self.user_to.data == g.user.email:
return 'user_from'
class TradeDocumentForm(FlaskForm):
url = URLField(
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
description="Url where the document resides",
description = StringField(
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
id_document = StringField(
'Document Id',
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
description="Identification number of document",
date = DateField(
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
file_name = FileField(
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
description="""This file is not stored on our servers, it is only used to
generate a digital signature and obtain the name of the file.""",
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
lot_id = kwargs.pop('lot')
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._lot = Lot.query.filter(Lot.id == lot_id).one()
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if g.user not in [self._lot.trade.user_from, self._lot.trade.user_to]:
is_valid = False
return is_valid
def save(self, commit=True):
file_name = ''
file_hash = ''
if self.file_name.data:
file_name = self.file_name.data.filename
file_hash = insert_hash(self.file_name.data.read(), commit=False)
self.url.data = URL(self.url.data)
self._obj = TradeDocument(lot_id=self._lot.id)
self._obj.file_name = file_name
self._obj.file_hash = file_hash
if commit:
return self._obj
class TransferForm(FlaskForm):
code = StringField(
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
description="You need put a code for transfer the external user",
description = TextAreaField(
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
type = HiddenField()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._type = kwargs.get('type')
lot_id = kwargs.pop('lot_id', None)
self._tmp_lot = Lot.query.filter(Lot.id == lot_id).one()
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._obj = None
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not self._tmp_lot:
return False
if self._type and self.type.data not in ['incoming', 'outgoing']:
return False
if self._obj and self.date.data:
if self.date.data > datetime.datetime.now().date():
return False
return is_valid
def save(self, commit=True):
if commit:
return self._obj
def set_obj(self):
self.newlot = Lot(name=self._tmp_lot.name)
self.newlot.devices = self._tmp_lot.devices
self._obj = Transfer(lot=self.newlot)
if self.type.data == 'incoming':
self._obj.user_to = g.user
elif self.type.data == 'outgoing':
self._obj.user_from = g.user
class EditTransferForm(TransferForm):
date = DateField(
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
description="""Date when the transfer is closed""",
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
del self.type
self._obj = self._tmp_lot.transfer
if not self.data['csrf_token']:
self.code.data = self._obj.code
self.description.data = self._obj.description
self.date.data = self._obj.date
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
date = self.date.data
if date and date > datetime.datetime.now().date():
self.date.errors = ["You have to choose a date before today."]
is_valid = False
return is_valid
def set_obj(self, commit=True):
class NotesForm(FlaskForm):
number = StringField(
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
description="You can put a number for tracer of receiver or delivery",
date = DateField(
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
description="""Date when the transfer was do it""",
units = IntegerField(
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
description="Number of units",
weight = IntegerField(
render_kw={'class': "form-control"},
description="Weight expressed in Kg",
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.type = kwargs.pop('type', None)
lot_id = kwargs.pop('lot_id', None)
self._tmp_lot = Lot.query.filter(Lot.id == lot_id).one()
self._obj = None
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self._tmp_lot.transfer:
if self.type == 'Delivery':
self._obj = self._tmp_lot.transfer.delivery_note
if not self._obj:
self._obj = DeliveryNote(transfer_id=self._tmp_lot.transfer.id)
self.date.description = """Date when the delivery was do it."""
self.number.description = (
"""You can put a number for tracer of delivery note."""
if self.type == 'Receiver':
self._obj = self._tmp_lot.transfer.receiver_note
if not self._obj:
self._obj = ReceiverNote(transfer_id=self._tmp_lot.transfer.id)
self.date.description = """Date when the receipt was do it."""
self.number.description = (
"""You can put a number for tracer of receiber note."""
if self.is_editable():
self.number.render_kw.pop('disabled', None)
self.date.render_kw.pop('disabled', None)
self.units.render_kw.pop('disabled', None)
self.weight.render_kw.pop('disabled', None)
disabled = {'disabled': "disabled"}
if self._obj and not self.data['csrf_token']:
self.number.data = self._obj.number
self.date.data = self._obj.date
self.units.data = self._obj.units
self.weight.data = self._obj.weight
def is_editable(self):
if not self._tmp_lot.transfer:
return False
if self._tmp_lot.transfer.closed:
return False
if self._tmp_lot.transfer.code:
return True
if self._tmp_lot.transfer.user_from == g.user and self.type == 'Receiver':
return False
if self._tmp_lot.transfer.user_to == g.user and self.type == 'Delivery':
return False
return True
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
date = self.date.data
if date and date > datetime.datetime.now().date():
self.date.errors = ["You have to choose a date before today."]
is_valid = False
if not self.is_editable():
is_valid = False
return is_valid
def save(self, commit=True):
if self._tmp_lot.transfer.closed:
return self._obj
if commit:
return self._obj
class UploadPlaceholderForm(FlaskForm):
type = StringField('Type', [validators.DataRequired()])
placeholder_file = FileField(
'Select a Placeholder File', [validators.DataRequired()]
def get_data_file(self):
files = request.files.getlist(self.placeholder_file.name)
if not files:
return False
_file = files[0]
if _file.content_type == 'text/csv':
self.source = "CSV File: {}".format(_file.filename)
delimiter = ';'
data = pd.read_csv(_file).to_dict()
head = list(data.keys())[0].split(delimiter)
values = [
{k: v.split(delimiter)} for x in data.values() for k, v in x.items()
data = {}
for i in range(len(head)):
data[head[i]] = {}
for x in values:
for k, v in x.items():
data[head[i]][k] = v[i]
self.source = "Excel File: {}".format(_file.filename)
data = pd.read_excel(_file).to_dict()
except ValueError:
self.placeholder_file.errors = ["File don't have a correct format"]
return False
return data
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
return False
if not request.files.getlist(self.placeholder_file.name):
return False
data = self.get_data_file()
if not data:
return False
header = [
'Serial Number',
'Id device Supplier',
for k in header:
if k not in data.keys():
self.placeholder_file.errors = ["Missing required fields in the file"]
return False
self.placeholders = []
schema = SnapshotSchema()
self.path_snapshots = {}
for i in data['Phid'].keys():
placeholder = None
data['Phid'][i] = str(data['Phid'][i])
if data['Phid'][i]:
placeholder = Placeholder.query.filter_by(phid=data['Phid'][i]).first()
# update one
if placeholder:
device = placeholder.device
device.model = "{}".format(data['Model'][i]).lower()
device.manufacturer = "{}".format(data['Manufacturer'][i]).lower()
device.serial_number = "{}".format(data['Serial Number'][i]).lower()
placeholder.id_device_supplier = "{}".format(
data['Id device Supplier'][i]
placeholder.pallet = "{}".format(data['Pallet'][i])
placeholder.info = "{}".format(data['Info'][i])
placeholder_log = PlaceholdersLog(
type="Update", source=self.source, placeholder=device.placeholder
self.placeholders.append((device, placeholder_log))
# create a new one
json_snapshot = {
'type': 'Snapshot',
'software': 'Web',
'version': '11.0',
'device': {
'type': self.type.data,
'model': "{}".format(data['Model'][i]),
'manufacturer': "{}".format(data['Manufacturer'][i]),
'serialNumber': "{}".format(data['Serial Number'][i]),
json_placeholder = {
'phid': data['Phid'][i] or None,
'id_device_supplier': data['Id device Supplier'][i],
'pallet': data['Pallet'][i],
'info': data['Info'][i],
'is_abstract': False,
snapshot_json = schema.load(json_snapshot)
device = snapshot_json['device']
device.placeholder = Placeholder(**json_placeholder)
placeholder_log = PlaceholdersLog(
type="New device", source=self.source, placeholder=device.placeholder
self.placeholders.append((device, placeholder_log))
return True
def save(self, commit=True):
for device, placeholder_log in self.placeholders:
if commit:
return self.placeholders
class EditPlaceholderForm(FlaskForm):
manufacturer = StringField('Manufacturer', [validators.Optional()])
model = StringField('Model', [validators.Optional()])
serial_number = StringField('Serial Number', [validators.Optional()])
id_device_supplier = StringField('Id Supplier', [validators.Optional()])
phid = StringField('Phid', [validators.DataRequired()])
pallet = StringField('Pallet', [validators.Optional()])
info = StringField('Info', [validators.Optional()])
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
return False
return True
def save(self, commit=True):
for device in self.placeholders:
if commit:
return self.placeholders
class BindingForm(FlaskForm):
phid = StringField('Phid', [validators.DataRequired()])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.device = kwargs.pop('device', None)
self.placeholder = kwargs.pop('placeholder', None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def validate(self, extra_validators=None):
is_valid = super().validate(extra_validators)
if not is_valid:
txt = "This placeholder not exist."
self.phid.errors = [txt]
return False
if self.device.placeholder:
txt = "This is not a device Workbench."
self.phid.errors = [txt]
return False
if not self.placeholder:
self.placeholder = Placeholder.query.filter(
Placeholder.phid == self.phid.data, Placeholder.owner == g.user
if not self.placeholder:
txt = "This placeholder not exist."
self.phid.errors = [txt]
return False
if self.placeholder.binding:
txt = "This placeholder have a binding with other device. "
txt += "Before you need to do an unbinding with this other device."
self.phid.errors = [txt]
return False
return True