312 lines
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312 lines
9.8 KiB
import uuid
from collections import deque
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Union
import marshmallow as ma
from flask import Response, jsonify, request, g
from marshmallow import Schema as MarshmallowSchema, fields as f
from sqlalchemy import or_
from teal.marshmallow import EnumField
from teal.resource import View
from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
from ereuse_devicehub.query import things_response
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device, Computer
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Trade, Confirm, Revoke
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import Lot, Path
class LotFormat(Enum):
UiTree = 'UiTree'
class LotView(View):
class FindArgs(MarshmallowSchema):
"""Allowed arguments for the ``find``
method (GET collection) endpoint
format = EnumField(LotFormat, missing=None)
search = f.Str(missing=None)
def post(self):
l = request.get_json()
lot = Lot(**l)
ret = self.schema.jsonify(lot)
ret.status_code = 201
return ret
def patch(self, id):
patch_schema = self.resource_def.SCHEMA(only=(
'name', 'description', 'transfer_state', 'receiver_address', 'amount', 'devices',
'owner_address'), partial=True)
l = request.get_json(schema=patch_schema)
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(id=id).one()
device_fields = ['transfer_state', 'receiver_address', 'amount', 'owner_address']
computers = [x for x in lot.all_devices if isinstance(x, Computer)]
for key, value in l.items():
setattr(lot, key, value)
if key in device_fields:
for dev in computers:
setattr(dev, key, value)
return Response(status=204)
def one(self, id: uuid.UUID):
"""Gets one action."""
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(id=id).one() # type: Lot
return self.schema.jsonify(lot, nested=2)
# @teal.cache.cache(datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
def find(self, args: dict):
"""Gets lots.
By passing the value `UiTree` in the parameter `format`
of the query you get a recursive nested suited for ui-tree::
{title: 'lot1',
nodes: [{title: 'child1', nodes:[]}]
Note that in this format filters are ignored.
Otherwise it just returns the standard flat view of lots that
you can filter.
if args['format'] == LotFormat.UiTree:
lots = self.schema.dump(Lot.query, many=True, nested=2)
ret = {
'items': {l['id']: l for l in lots},
'tree': self.ui_tree(),
'url': request.path
query = Lot.query
query = self.visibility_filter(query)
if args['search']:
query = query.filter(Lot.name.ilike(args['search'] + '%'))
lots = query.paginate(per_page=6 if args['search'] else query.count())
return things_response(
self.schema.dump(lots.items, many=True, nested=2),
lots.page, lots.per_page, lots.total, lots.prev_num, lots.next_num
return jsonify(ret)
def visibility_filter(self, query):
query = query.outerjoin(Trade) \
.filter(or_(Trade.user_from == g.user,
Trade.user_to == g.user,
Lot.owner_id == g.user.id))
return query
def query(self, args):
query = Lot.query.distinct()
return query
def delete(self, id):
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(id=id, owner=g.user).one()
return Response(status=204)
def ui_tree(cls) -> List[Dict]:
tree = []
for model in Path.query: # type: Path
path = deque(model.path.path.split('.'))
cls._p(tree, path)
return tree
def _p(cls, nodes: List[Dict[str, Union[uuid.UUID, List]]], path: deque):
"""Recursively creates the nested lot structure.
Every recursive step consumes path (a deque of lot_id),
trying to find it as the value of id in nodes, otherwise
it adds itself. Then moves to the node's children.
lot_id = uuid.UUID(path.popleft().replace('_', '-'))
# does lot_id exist already in node?
node = next(part for part in nodes if lot_id == part['id'])
except StopIteration:
node = {
'id': lot_id,
'nodes': []
if path:
cls._p(node['nodes'], path)
def get_lot_amount(self, l: Lot):
"""Return lot amount value"""
return l.amount
def change_state(self):
"""Change state of Lot"""
def transfer_ownership_lot(self):
"""Perform a InitTransfer action to change author_id of lot"""
class LotBaseChildrenView(View):
"""Base class for adding / removing children devices and
lots from a lot.
def __init__(self, definition: 'Resource', **kw) -> None:
super().__init__(definition, **kw)
self.list_args = self.ListArgs()
def get_ids(self) -> Set[uuid.UUID]:
args = self.QUERY_PARSER.parse(self.list_args, request, locations=('querystring',))
return set(args['id'])
def get_lot(self, id: uuid.UUID) -> Lot:
return Lot.query.filter_by(id=id).one()
# noinspection PyMethodOverriding
def post(self, id: uuid.UUID):
lot = self.get_lot(id)
self._post(lot, self.get_ids())
ret = self.schema.jsonify(lot)
ret.status_code = 201
return ret
def delete(self, id: uuid.UUID):
lot = self.get_lot(id)
self._delete(lot, self.get_ids())
response = self.schema.jsonify(lot)
return response
def _post(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[uuid.UUID]):
raise NotImplementedError
def _delete(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[uuid.UUID]):
raise NotImplementedError
class LotChildrenView(LotBaseChildrenView):
"""View for adding and removing child lots from a lot.
Ex. ``lot/<id>/children/id=X&id=Y``.
class ListArgs(ma.Schema):
id = ma.fields.List(ma.fields.UUID())
def _post(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[uuid.UUID]):
def _delete(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[uuid.UUID]):
class LotDeviceView(LotBaseChildrenView):
"""View for adding and removing child devices from a lot.
Ex. ``lot/<id>/devices/id=X&id=Y``.
class ListArgs(ma.Schema):
id = ma.fields.List(ma.fields.Integer())
def _post(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[int]):
# get only new devices
ids -= {x.id for x in lot.devices}
if not ids:
devices = set(Device.query.filter(Device.id.in_(ids)).filter(
if lot.trade:
lot.trade.devices = lot.devices
if g.user in [lot.trade.user_from, lot.trade.user_to]:
confirm = Confirm(action=lot.trade, user=g.user, devices=devices)
def _delete(self, lot: Lot, ids: Set[int]):
# if there are some devices in ids than not exist now in the lot, then exit
if not ids.issubset({x.id for x in lot.devices}):
if lot.trade:
return delete_from_trade(lot, ids)
if not g.user == lot.owner:
txt = 'This is not your lot'
raise ma.ValidationError(txt)
devices = set(Device.query.filter(Device.id.in_(ids)).filter(
Device.owner_id == g.user.id))
def delete_from_trade(lot: Lot, ids: Set[int]):
users = [lot.trade.user_from.id, lot.trade.user_to.id]
if not g.user.id in users:
# theoretically this case is impossible
txt = 'This is not your trade'
raise ma.ValidationError(txt)
devices = set(Device.query.filter(Device.id.in_(ids)).filter(
# Now we need to know which devices we need extract of the lot
without_confirms = set() # set of devs without confirms of user2
# if the trade need confirmation, then extract all devs than
# have only one confirmation and is from the same user than try to do
# now the revoke action
if lot.trade.confirm:
for dev in devices:
# if have only one confirmation
# then can be revoked and deleted of the lot
# Confirm of dev.trading mean that there are only one confirmation
# and the first user than put this device in trade is the actual g.user
if dev.trading(lot) == 'Confirm':
# we need to mark one revoke for every devs
revoke = Revoke(action=lot.trade, user=g.user, devices=devices)
if not lot.trade.confirm:
# if the trade is with phantom account
without_confirms = devices
if without_confirms:
phantom = lot.trade.user_to
if lot.trade.user_to == g.user:
phantom = lot.trade.user_from
phantom_revoke = Revoke(
# TODO @cayop ?? we dont need this line
lot.trade.devices = lot.devices
return revoke