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import copy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from import tzutc
from flask import current_app as app, g
from marshmallow import Schema as MarshmallowSchema, ValidationError, fields as f, validates_schema
from marshmallow.fields import Boolean, DateTime, Decimal, Float, Integer, Nested, String, \
TimeDelta, UUID
from marshmallow.validate import Length, OneOf, Range
from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet
from teal.enums import Country, Currency, Subdivision
from teal.marshmallow import EnumField, IP, SanitizedStr, URL, Version
from teal.resource import Schema
from ereuse_devicehub.marshmallow import NestedOn
from ereuse_devicehub.resources import enums
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action import models as m
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.agent import schemas as s_agent
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device import schemas as s_device
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import AppearanceRange, BiosAccessRange, FunctionalityRange, \
PhysicalErasureMethod, R_POSITIVE, RatingRange, \
Severity, SnapshotSoftware, TestDataStorageLength
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.models import STR_BIG_SIZE, STR_SIZE
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.schemas import Thing
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user import schemas as s_user
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.models import User
class Action(Thing):
__doc__ = m.Action.__doc__
id = UUID(dump_only=True)
name = SanitizedStr(default='',
closed = Boolean(missing=True, description=m.Action.closed.comment)
severity = EnumField(Severity, description=m.Action.severity.comment)
description = SanitizedStr(default='', description=m.Action.description.comment)
start_time = DateTime(data_key='startTime', description=m.Action.start_time.comment)
end_time = DateTime(data_key='endTime', description=m.Action.end_time.comment)
snapshot = NestedOn('Snapshot', dump_only=True)
agent = NestedOn(s_agent.Agent, description=m.Action.agent_id.comment)
author = NestedOn(s_user.User, dump_only=True, exclude=('token',))
components = NestedOn(s_device.Component, dump_only=True, many=True)
parent = NestedOn(s_device.Computer, dump_only=True, description=m.Action.parent_id.comment)
url = URL(dump_only=True, description=m.Action.url.__doc__)
def validate_times(self, data: dict):
unix_time = datetime.fromisoformat("1970-01-02 00:00:00+00:00")
if 'end_time' in data and data['end_time'] < unix_time:
data['end_time'] = unix_time
if 'start_time' in data and data['start_time'] < unix_time:
data['start_time'] = unix_time
class ActionWithOneDevice(Action):
__doc__ = m.ActionWithOneDevice.__doc__
device = NestedOn(s_device.Device, only_query='id')
class ActionWithMultipleDevices(Action):
__doc__ = m.ActionWithMultipleDevices.__doc__
devices = NestedOn(s_device.Device,
required=True, # todo test ensuring len(devices) >= 1
class Add(ActionWithOneDevice):
__doc__ = m.Add.__doc__
class Remove(ActionWithOneDevice):
__doc__ = m.Remove.__doc__
class Allocate(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.Allocate.__doc__
start_time = DateTime(data_key='startTime', required=True,
end_time = DateTime(data_key='endTime', required=False,
final_user_code = SanitizedStr(data_key="finalUserCode",
validate=Length(min=1, max=STR_BIG_SIZE),
description='This is a internal code for mainteing the secrets of the \
personal datas of the new holder')
transaction = SanitizedStr(validate=Length(min=1, max=STR_BIG_SIZE),
description='The code used from the owner for \
relation with external tool.')
end_users = Integer(data_key='endUsers', validate=[Range(min=1, error="Value must be greater than 0")])
def validate_allocate(self, data: dict):
txt = "You need to allocate for a day before today"
delay = timedelta(days=1)
today = + delay
start_time = data['start_time'].replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
if start_time > today:
raise ValidationError(txt)
txt = "You need deallocate before allocate this device again"
for device in data['devices']:
if device.allocated:
raise ValidationError(txt)
device.allocated = True
class Deallocate(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.Deallocate.__doc__
start_time = DateTime(data_key='startTime', required=True,
transaction = SanitizedStr(validate=Length(min=1, max=STR_BIG_SIZE),
description='The code used from the owner for \
relation with external tool.')
def validate_deallocate(self, data: dict):
txt = "You need to deallocate for a day before today"
delay = timedelta(days=1)
today = + delay
start_time = data['start_time'].replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
if start_time > today:
raise ValidationError(txt)
txt = "Sorry some of this devices are actually deallocate"
for device in data['devices']:
if not device.allocated:
raise ValidationError(txt)
device.allocated = False
class EraseBasic(ActionWithOneDevice):
__doc__ = m.EraseBasic.__doc__
steps = NestedOn('Step', many=True)
standards = f.List(EnumField(enums.ErasureStandards), dump_only=True)
certificate = URL(dump_only=True)
class EraseSectors(EraseBasic):
__doc__ = m.EraseSectors.__doc__
class ErasePhysical(EraseBasic):
__doc__ = m.ErasePhysical.__doc__
method = EnumField(PhysicalErasureMethod, description=PhysicalErasureMethod.__doc__)
class Step(Schema):
__doc__ = m.Step.__doc__
type = String(description='Only required when it is nested.')
start_time = DateTime(required=True, data_key='startTime')
end_time = DateTime(required=True, data_key='endTime')
severity = EnumField(Severity, description=m.Action.severity.comment)
class StepZero(Step):
__doc__ = m.StepZero.__doc__
class StepRandom(Step):
__doc__ = m.StepRandom.__doc__
class Benchmark(ActionWithOneDevice):
__doc__ = m.Benchmark.__doc__
elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS, required=True)
class BenchmarkDataStorage(Benchmark):
__doc__ = m.BenchmarkDataStorage.__doc__
read_speed = Float(required=True, data_key='readSpeed')
write_speed = Float(required=True, data_key='writeSpeed')
class BenchmarkWithRate(Benchmark):
__doc__ = m.BenchmarkWithRate.__doc__
rate = Float(required=True)
class BenchmarkProcessor(BenchmarkWithRate):
__doc__ = m.BenchmarkProcessor.__doc__
class BenchmarkProcessorSysbench(BenchmarkProcessor):
__doc__ = m.BenchmarkProcessorSysbench.__doc__
class BenchmarkRamSysbench(BenchmarkWithRate):
__doc__ = m.BenchmarkRamSysbench.__doc__
class BenchmarkGraphicCard(BenchmarkWithRate):
__doc__ = m.BenchmarkGraphicCard.__doc__
class Test(ActionWithOneDevice):
__doc__ = m.Test.__doc__
class MeasureBattery(Test):
__doc__ = m.MeasureBattery.__doc__
size = Integer(required=True, description=m.MeasureBattery.size.comment)
voltage = Integer(required=True, description=m.MeasureBattery.voltage.comment)
cycle_count = Integer(data_key='cycleCount', description=m.MeasureBattery.cycle_count.comment)
health = EnumField(enums.BatteryHealth,
class TestDataStorage(Test):
__doc__ = m.TestDataStorage.__doc__
elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS, required=True)
length = EnumField(TestDataStorageLength, required=True)
status = SanitizedStr(lower=True, validate=Length(max=STR_SIZE), required=True)
lifetime = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.HOURS)
assessment = Boolean()
reallocated_sector_count = Integer(data_key='reallocatedSectorCount')
power_cycle_count = Integer(data_key='powerCycleCount')
reported_uncorrectable_errors = Integer(data_key='reportedUncorrectableErrors')
command_timeout = Integer(data_key='commandTimeout')
current_pending_sector_count = Integer(data_key='currentPendingSectorCount')
offline_uncorrectable = Integer(data_key='offlineUncorrectable')
remaining_lifetime_percentage = Integer(data_key='remainingLifetimePercentage')
class StressTest(Test):
__doc__ = m.StressTest.__doc__
elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS, required=True)
class TestAudio(Test):
__doc__ = m.TestAudio.__doc__
speaker = Boolean(description=m.TestAudio._speaker.comment)
microphone = Boolean(description=m.TestAudio._microphone.comment)
class TestConnectivity(Test):
__doc__ = m.TestConnectivity.__doc__
class TestCamera(Test):
__doc__ = m.TestCamera.__doc__
class TestKeyboard(Test):
__doc__ = m.TestKeyboard.__doc__
class TestTrackpad(Test):
__doc__ = m.TestTrackpad.__doc__
class TestBios(Test):
__doc__ = m.TestBios.__doc__
bios_power_on = Boolean()
access_range = EnumField(BiosAccessRange, data_key='accessRange')
class VisualTest(Test):
__doc__ = m.VisualTest.__doc__
appearance_range = EnumField(AppearanceRange, data_key='appearanceRange')
functionality_range = EnumField(FunctionalityRange,
labelling = Boolean()
class Rate(ActionWithOneDevice):
__doc__ = m.Rate.__doc__
rating = Integer(validate=Range(*R_POSITIVE),
version = Version(dump_only=True,
appearance = Integer(validate=Range(enums.R_NEGATIVE),
functionality = Integer(validate=Range(enums.R_NEGATIVE),
rating_range = EnumField(RatingRange,
class RateComputer(Rate):
__doc__ = m.RateComputer.__doc__
processor = Float(dump_only=True)
ram = Float(dump_only=True)
data_storage = Float(dump_only=True, data_key='dataStorage')
graphic_card = Float(dump_only=True, data_key='graphicCard')
data_storage_range = EnumField(RatingRange, dump_only=True, data_key='dataStorageRange')
ram_range = EnumField(RatingRange, dump_only=True, data_key='ramRange')
processor_range = EnumField(RatingRange, dump_only=True, data_key='processorRange')
graphic_card_range = EnumField(RatingRange, dump_only=True, data_key='graphicCardRange')
class Price(ActionWithOneDevice):
__doc__ = m.Price.__doc__
currency = EnumField(Currency, required=True, description=m.Price.currency.comment)
price = Decimal(places=m.Price.SCALE,
version = Version(dump_only=True, description=m.Price.version.comment)
rating = NestedOn(Rate, dump_only=True, description=m.Price.rating_id.comment)
class EreusePrice(Price):
__doc__ = m.EreusePrice.__doc__
class Service(MarshmallowSchema):
class Type(MarshmallowSchema):
amount = Float()
percentage = Float()
standard = Nested(Type)
warranty2 = Nested(Type)
warranty2 = Float()
refurbisher = Nested(Service)
retailer = Nested(Service)
platform = Nested(Service)
class Install(ActionWithOneDevice):
__doc__ = m.Install.__doc__
name = SanitizedStr(validate=Length(min=4, max=STR_BIG_SIZE),
description='The name of the OS installed.')
elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS, required=True)
address = Integer(validate=OneOf({8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256}))
class Snapshot(ActionWithOneDevice):
__doc__ = m.Snapshot.__doc__
The Snapshot updates the state of the device with information about
its components and actions performed at them.
See docs for more info.
uuid = UUID()
software = EnumField(SnapshotSoftware,
description='The software that generated this Snapshot.')
version = Version(required=True, description='The version of the software.')
actions = NestedOn(Action, many=True, dump_only=True)
elapsed = TimeDelta(precision=TimeDelta.SECONDS)
components = NestedOn(s_device.Component,
description='A list of components that are inside of the device'
'at the moment of this Snapshot.'
'Order is preserved, so the component num 0 when'
'submitting is the component num 0 when returning it back.')
def validate_workbench_version(self, data: dict):
if data['software'] == SnapshotSoftware.Workbench:
if data['version'] < app.config['MIN_WORKBENCH']:
raise ValidationError(
'Min. supported Workbench version is '
'{} but yours is {}.'.format(app.config['MIN_WORKBENCH'], data['version']),
def validate_components_only_workbench(self, data: dict):
if (data['software'] != SnapshotSoftware.Workbench) and (data['software'] != SnapshotSoftware.WorkbenchAndroid):
if data.get('components', None) is not None:
raise ValidationError('Only Workbench can add component info',
def validate_only_workbench_fields(self, data: dict):
"""Ensures workbench has ``elapsed`` and ``uuid`` and no others."""
# todo test
if data['software'] == SnapshotSoftware.Workbench:
if not data.get('uuid', None):
raise ValidationError('Snapshots from Workbench and WorkbenchAndroid must have uuid',
if data.get('elapsed', None) is None:
raise ValidationError('Snapshots from Workbench must have elapsed',
elif data['software'] == SnapshotSoftware.WorkbenchAndroid:
if not data.get('uuid', None):
raise ValidationError('Snapshots from Workbench and WorkbenchAndroid must have uuid',
if data.get('uuid', None):
raise ValidationError('Only Snapshots from Workbench or WorkbenchAndroid can have uuid',
if data.get('elapsed', None):
raise ValidationError('Only Snapshots from Workbench can have elapsed',
class ToRepair(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.ToRepair.__doc__
class Repair(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.Repair.__doc__
class Ready(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.Ready.__doc__
class ToPrepare(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.ToPrepare.__doc__
class Prepare(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.Prepare.__doc__
class Live(ActionWithOneDevice):
__doc__ = m.Live.__doc__
The Snapshot updates the state of the device with information about
its components and actions performed at them.
See docs for more info.
uuid = UUID()
software = EnumField(SnapshotSoftware,
description='The software that generated this Snapshot.')
version = Version(required=True, description='The version of the software.')
final_user_code = SanitizedStr(data_key="finalUserCode", dump_only=True)
licence_version = Version(required=True, description='The version of the software.')
components = NestedOn(s_device.Component,
description='A list of components that are inside of the device'
'at the moment of this Snapshot.'
'Order is preserved, so the component num 0 when'
'submitting is the component num 0 when returning it back.')
usage_time_allocate = TimeDelta(data_key='usageTimeAllocate', required=False,
precision=TimeDelta.HOURS, dump_only=True)
class Organize(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.Organize.__doc__
class Reserve(Organize):
__doc__ = m.Reserve.__doc__
class CancelReservation(Organize):
__doc__ = m.CancelReservation.__doc__
class Confirm(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.Confirm.__doc__
action = NestedOn('Action', only_query='id')
def validate_revoke(self, data: dict):
for dev in data['devices']:
# if device not exist in the Trade, then this query is wrong
if not dev in data['action'].devices:
txt = "Device {} not exist in the trade".format(dev.devicehub_id)
raise ValidationError(txt)
class Revoke(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.Revoke.__doc__
action = NestedOn('Action', only_query='id')
def validate_revoke(self, data: dict):
for dev in data['devices']:
# if device not exist in the Trade, then this query is wrong
if not dev in data['action'].devices:
txt = "Device {} not exist in the trade".format(dev.devicehub_id)
raise ValidationError(txt)
class ConfirmRevoke(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.ConfirmRevoke.__doc__
action = NestedOn('Action', only_query='id')
def validate_revoke(self, data: dict):
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
for dev in data['devices']:
# if device not exist in the Trade, then this query is wrong
if not dev in data['action'].devices:
txt = "Device {} not exist in the revoke action".format(dev.devicehub_id)
raise ValidationError(txt)
class Trade(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.Trade.__doc__
document_id = SanitizedStr(validate=Length(max=STR_SIZE), data_key='documentID', required=False)
date = DateTime(data_key='date', required=False)
price = Float(required=False, data_key='price')
user_to_email = SanitizedStr(
user_to = NestedOn(s_user.User, dump_only=True, data_key='userTo')
user_from_email = SanitizedStr(
user_from = NestedOn(s_user.User, dump_only=True, data_key='userFrom')
code = SanitizedStr(validate=Length(max=STR_SIZE), data_key='code', required=False)
confirm = Boolean(
description="""If you need confirmation of the user you need actevate this field"""
lot = NestedOn('Lot',
def validate_lot(self, data: dict):
if not in [data['user_from_email'], data['user_to_email']]:
txt = "you need to be one of the users of involved in the Trade"
raise ValidationError(txt)
for dev in data['lot'].devices:
if not dev.owner == g.user:
txt = "you need to be the owner of the devices for to do a trade"
raise ValidationError(txt)
if not data['lot'].owner == g.user:
txt = "you need to be the owner of the lot for to do a trade"
raise ValidationError(txt)
data['devices'] = data['lot'].devices
def validate_user_to_email(self, data: dict):
- if user_to exist
* confirmation
* without confirmation
- if user_to don't exist
* without confirmation
if data['user_to_email']:
user_to = User.query.filter_by(email=data['user_to_email']).one()
data['user_to'] = user_to
data['confirm'] = False
def validate_user_from_email(self, data: dict):
- if user_from exist
* confirmation
* without confirmation
- if user_from don't exist
* without confirmation
if data['user_from_email']:
user_from = User.query.filter_by(email=data['user_from_email']).one()
data['user_from'] = user_from
def validate_email_users(self, data: dict):
"""We need at least one user"""
if not (data['user_from_email'] or data['user_to_email']):
txt = "you need one user from or user to for to do a trade"
raise ValidationError(txt)
if not in [data['user_from_email'], data['user_to_email']]:
txt = "you need to be one of participate of the action"
raise ValidationError(txt)
def validate_code(self, data: dict):
"""If the user not exist, you need a code to be able to do the traceability"""
if data['user_from_email'] and data['user_to_email']:
data['confirm'] = True
if not data['confirm'] and not data.get('code'):
txt = "you need a code to be able to do the traceability"
raise ValidationError(txt)
class InitTransfer(Trade):
__doc__ = m.InitTransfer.__doc__
class Sell(Trade):
__doc__ = m.Sell.__doc__
class Donate(Trade):
__doc__ = m.Donate.__doc__
class Rent(Trade):
__doc__ = m.Rent.__doc__
class MakeAvailable(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.MakeAvailable.__doc__
class CancelTrade(Trade):
__doc__ = m.CancelTrade.__doc__
class ToDisposeProduct(Trade):
__doc__ = m.ToDisposeProduct.__doc__
class DisposeProduct(Trade):
__doc__ = m.DisposeProduct.__doc__
class TransferOwnershipBlockchain(Trade):
__doc__ = m.TransferOwnershipBlockchain.__doc__
class Migrate(ActionWithMultipleDevices):
__doc__ = m.Migrate.__doc__
other = URL()
class MigrateTo(Migrate):
__doc__ = m.MigrateTo.__doc__
class MigrateFrom(Migrate):
__doc__ = m.MigrateFrom.__doc__