318 lines
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318 lines
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""" This is the view for Snapshots """
import os
import json
import shutil
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from uuid import UUID
from flask.json import jsonify
from flask import current_app as app, request, g, redirect
from sqlalchemy.util import OrderedSet
from teal.marshmallow import ValidationError
from teal.resource import View
from teal.db import ResourceNotFound
from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device, Computer
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Action, RateComputer, Snapshot, VisualTest, \
from ereuse_devicehub.query import things_response
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import (Action, RateComputer, Snapshot, VisualTest,
InitTransfer, Live, Allocate, Deallocate)
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device, Computer, DataStorage
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.rate.v1_0 import CannotRate
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.enums import SnapshotSoftware, Severity
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.exceptions import InsufficientPermission
SUPPORTED_WORKBENCH = StrictVersion('11.0')
def save_json(req_json, tmp_snapshots, user):
This function allow save a snapshot in json format un a TMP_SNAPSHOTS directory
The file need to be saved with one name format with the stamptime and uuid joins
uuid = req_json.get('uuid', '')
now = datetime.now()
year = now.year
month = now.month
day = now.day
hour = now.hour
minutes = now.minute
name_file = f"{year}-{month}-{day}-{hour}-{minutes}_{user}_{uuid}.json"
path_dir_base = os.path.join(tmp_snapshots, user)
path_errors = os.path.join(path_dir_base, 'errors')
path_fixeds = os.path.join(path_dir_base, 'fixeds')
path_name = os.path.join(path_errors, name_file)
if not os.path.isdir(path_dir_base):
os.system(f'mkdir -p {path_errors}')
os.system(f'mkdir -p {path_fixeds}')
with open(path_name, 'w') as snapshot_file:
return path_name
def move_json(tmp_snapshots, path_name, user):
This function move the json than it's correct
path_dir_base = os.path.join(tmp_snapshots, user)
if os.path.isfile(path_name):
shutil.copy(path_name, path_dir_base)
class AllocateMix():
model = None
def post(self):
""" Create one res_obj """
res_json = request.get_json()
res_obj = self.model(**res_json)
ret = self.schema.jsonify(res_obj)
ret.status_code = 201
return ret
def find(self, args: dict):
res_objs = self.model.query.filter_by(author=g.user) \
.order_by(self.model.created.desc()) \
return things_response(
self.schema.dump(res_objs.items, many=True, nested=0),
res_objs.page, res_objs.per_page, res_objs.total,
res_objs.prev_num, res_objs.next_num
class AllocateView(AllocateMix, View):
model = Allocate
class DeallocateView(AllocateMix, View):
model = Deallocate
class LiveView(View):
def post(self):
"""Posts an action."""
res_json = request.get_json(validate=False)
tmp_snapshots = app.config['TMP_SNAPSHOTS']
path_live = save_json(res_json, tmp_snapshots, g.user.email)
res_json_valid = request.get_json()
live = self.live(res_json_valid)
ret = self.schema.jsonify(live)
ret.status_code = 201
move_json(tmp_snapshots, path_live, g.user.email)
return ret
def get_hdd_details(self, snapshot, device):
"""We get the liftime and serial_number of the disk"""
usage_time_hdd = None
serial_number = None
for hd in snapshot['components']:
if not isinstance(hd, DataStorage):
serial_number = hd.serial_number
for act in hd.actions:
if not act.type == "TestDataStorage":
usage_time_hdd = act.lifetime
if usage_time_hdd:
if not serial_number:
"""There aren't any disk"""
raise ResourceNotFound("There aren't any disk in this device {}".format(device))
return usage_time_hdd, serial_number
def get_hid(self, snapshot):
device = snapshot.get('device') # type: Computer
components = snapshot.get('components')
if not device:
return None
if not components:
return device.hid
macs = [c.serial_number for c in components
if c.type == 'NetworkAdapter' and c.serial_number is not None]
mac = ''
hid = device.hid
if not hid:
return hid
if macs:
mac = "-{mac}".format(mac=macs[0])
hid += mac
return hid
def live(self, snapshot):
"""If the device.allocated == True, then this snapshot create an action live."""
hid = self.get_hid(snapshot)
if not hid or not Device.query.filter(
Device.hid==hid, Device.owner_id==g.user.id).count():
raise ValidationError('Device not exist.')
device = Device.query.filter(
Device.hid==hid, Device.owner_id==g.user.id).one()
# Is not necessary
if not device:
raise ValidationError('Device not exist.')
if not device.allocated:
raise ValidationError('Sorry this device is not allocated.')
usage_time_hdd, serial_number = self.get_hdd_details(snapshot, device)
data_live = {'usage_time_hdd': usage_time_hdd,
'serial_number': serial_number,
'snapshot_uuid': snapshot['uuid'],
'description': '',
'software': snapshot['software'],
'software_version': snapshot['version'],
'licence_version': snapshot['licence_version'],
'device': device}
live = Live(**data_live)
if not usage_time_hdd:
warning = f"We don't found any TestDataStorage for disk sn: {serial_number}"
live.severity = Severity.Warning
live.description = warning
return live
diff_time = live.diff_time()
if diff_time is None:
warning = "Don't exist one previous live or snapshot as reference"
live.description += warning
live.severity = Severity.Warning
elif diff_time < timedelta(0):
warning = "The difference with the last live/snapshot is negative"
live.description += warning
live.severity = Severity.Warning
return live
class ActionView(View):
def post(self):
"""Posts an action."""
json = request.get_json(validate=False)
if not json or 'type' not in json:
raise ValidationError('Resource needs a type.')
# todo there should be a way to better get subclassess resource
# defs
resource_def = app.resources[json['type']]
if json['type'] == Snapshot.t:
tmp_snapshots = app.config['TMP_SNAPSHOTS']
path_snapshot = save_json(json, tmp_snapshots, g.user.email)
json.pop('debug', None)
a = resource_def.schema.load(json)
response = self.snapshot(a, resource_def)
move_json(tmp_snapshots, path_snapshot, g.user.email)
return response
if json['type'] == VisualTest.t:
# TODO JN add compute rate with new visual test and old components device
if json['type'] == InitTransfer.t:
return self.transfer_ownership()
a = resource_def.schema.load(json)
Model = db.Model._decl_class_registry.data[json['type']]()
action = Model(**a)
ret = self.schema.jsonify(action)
ret.status_code = 201
return ret
def one(self, id: UUID):
"""Gets one action."""
action = Action.query.filter_by(id=id).one()
return self.schema.jsonify(action)
def snapshot(self, snapshot_json: dict, resource_def):
"""Performs a Snapshot.
See `Snapshot` section in docs for more info.
# Note that if we set the device / components into the snapshot
# model object, when we flush them to the db we will flush
# snapshot, and we want to wait to flush snapshot at the end
device = snapshot_json.pop('device') # type: Computer
components = None
if snapshot_json['software'] == (SnapshotSoftware.Workbench or SnapshotSoftware.WorkbenchAndroid):
components = snapshot_json.pop('components', None) # type: List[Component]
if isinstance(device, Computer) and device.hid:
snapshot = Snapshot(**snapshot_json)
# Remove new actions from devices so they don't interfere with sync
actions_device = set(e for e in device.actions_one)
if components:
actions_components = tuple(set(e for e in c.actions_one) for c in components)
for component in components:
assert not device.actions_one
assert all(not c.actions_one for c in components) if components else True
db_device, remove_actions = resource_def.sync.run(device, components)
del device # Do not use device anymore
snapshot.device = db_device
snapshot.actions |= remove_actions | actions_device # Set actions to snapshot
# commit will change the order of the components by what
# the DB wants. Let's get a copy of the list so we preserve order
ordered_components = OrderedSet(x for x in snapshot.components)
# Add the new actions to the db-existing devices and components
db_device.actions_one |= actions_device
if components:
for component, actions in zip(ordered_components, actions_components):
component.actions_one |= actions
snapshot.actions |= actions
if snapshot.software == SnapshotSoftware.Workbench:
# Check ownership of (non-component) device to from current.user
if db_device.owner_id != g.user.id:
raise InsufficientPermission()
# Compute ratings
rate_computer, price = RateComputer.compute(db_device)
except CannotRate:
if price:
elif snapshot.software == SnapshotSoftware.WorkbenchAndroid:
pass # TODO try except to compute RateMobile
# Check if HID is null and add Severity:Warning to Snapshot
if snapshot.device.hid is None:
snapshot.severity = Severity.Warning
ret = self.schema.jsonify(snapshot) # transform it back
ret.status_code = 201
return ret
def transfer_ownership(self):
"""Perform a InitTransfer action to change author_id of device"""