561 lines
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561 lines
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$(document).ready(() => {
const show_allocate_form = $("#allocateModal").data("show-action-form");
const show_datawipe_form = $("#datawipeModal").data("show-action-form");
const show_trade_form = $("#tradeLotModal").data("show-action-form");
if (show_allocate_form != "None") {
$("#allocateModal .btn-primary").show();
} else if (show_datawipe_form != "None") {
$("#datawipeModal .btn-primary").show();
} else if (show_trade_form != "None") {
$("#tradeLotModal .btn-primary").show();
} else {
$(".deviceSelect").on("change", deviceSelect);
// $('#selectLot').selectpicker();
class TableController {
static #tableRows = () => table.activeRows.length > 0 ? table.activeRows : [];
static #tableRowsPage = () => table.pages[table.rows().dt.currentPage - 1];
* @returns Selected inputs from device list
static getSelectedDevices() {
if (this.#tableRows() == undefined) return [];
return this.#tableRows()
.filter(element => element.querySelector("input").checked)
.map(element => element.querySelector("input"))
* @returns Selected inputs in current page from device list
static getAllSelectedDevicesInCurrentPage() {
if (this.#tableRowsPage() == undefined) return [];
return this.#tableRowsPage()
.filter(element => element.querySelector("input").checked)
.map(element => element.querySelector("input"))
* @returns All inputs from device list
static getAllDevices() {
if (this.#tableRows() == undefined) return [];
return this.#tableRows()
.map(element => element.querySelector("input"))
* @returns All inputs from current page in device list
static getAllDevicesInCurrentPage() {
if (this.#tableRowsPage() == undefined) return [];
return this.#tableRowsPage()
.map(element => element.querySelector("input"))
* @param {HTMLElement} DOMElements
* @returns Procesed input atributes to an Object class
static ProcessTR(DOMElements) {
return DOMElements.map(element => {
const info = {}
info.checked = element.checked
Object.values(element.attributes).forEach(attrib => { info[attrib.nodeName.replace(/-/g, "_")] = attrib.nodeValue })
return info
* Select all functionality
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const btnSelectAll = document.getElementById("SelectAllBTN");
const alertInfoDevices = document.getElementById("select-devices-info");
function itemListCheckChanged() {
const listDevices = TableController.getAllDevicesInCurrentPage()
const isAllChecked = listDevices.map(itm => itm.checked);
if (isAllChecked.every(bool => bool == true)) {
btnSelectAll.checked = true;
btnSelectAll.indeterminate = false;
alertInfoDevices.innerHTML = `Selected devices: ${TableController.getSelectedDevices().length}
TableController.getAllDevices().length != TableController.getSelectedDevices().length
? `<a href="#" class="ml-3">Select all devices (${TableController.getAllDevices().length})</a>`
: "<a href=\"#\" class=\"ml-3\">Cancel selection</a>"
} else if (isAllChecked.every(bool => bool == false)) {
btnSelectAll.checked = false;
btnSelectAll.indeterminate = false;
} else {
btnSelectAll.indeterminate = true;
TableController.getAllDevices().forEach(item => {
item.addEventListener("click", itemListCheckChanged);
btnSelectAll.addEventListener("click", event => {
const checkedState = event.target.checked;
TableController.getAllDevicesInCurrentPage().forEach(ckeckbox => { ckeckbox.checked = checkedState });
alertInfoDevices.addEventListener("click", () => {
const checkState = TableController.getAllDevices().length == TableController.getSelectedDevices().length
TableController.getAllDevices().forEach(ckeckbox => { ckeckbox.checked = !checkState });
// https://github.com/fiduswriter/Simple-DataTables/wiki/Events
table.on("datatable.page", () => itemListCheckChanged());
table.on("datatable.perpage", () => itemListCheckChanged());
table.on("datatable.update", () => itemListCheckChanged());
function deviceSelect() {
const devices_count = TableController.getSelectedDevices().length;
if (devices_count == 0) {
$("#addingLotModal .pol").show();
$("#addingLotModal .btn-primary").hide();
$("#removeLotModal .pol").show();
$("#removeLotModal .btn-primary").hide();
$("#addingTagModal .pol").show();
$("#addingTagModal .btn-primary").hide();
$("#actionModal .pol").show();
$("#actionModal .btn-primary").hide();
$("#allocateModal .pol").show();
$("#allocateModal .btn-primary").hide();
$("#datawipeModal .pol").show();
$("#datawipeModal .btn-primary").hide();
} else {
$("#addingLotModal .pol").hide();
$("#addingLotModal .btn-primary").show();
$("#removeLotModal .pol").hide();
$("#removeLotModal .btn-primary").show();
$("#actionModal .pol").hide();
$("#actionModal .btn-primary").show();
$("#allocateModal .pol").hide();
$("#allocateModal .btn-primary").show();
$("#datawipeModal .pol").hide();
$("#datawipeModal .btn-primary").show();
$("#addingTagModal .pol").hide();
$("#addingTagModal .btn-primary").show();
function removeLot() {
const devices = TableController.getAllDevices();
if (devices.length > 0) {
$("#btnRemoveLots .text-danger").show();
} else {
$("#btnRemoveLots .text-danger").hide();
function removeTag() {
const devices = TableController.getSelectedDevices();
const devices_id = devices.map(dev => dev.data);
if (devices_id.length == 1) {
const url = `/inventory/tag/devices/${devices_id[0]}/del/`;
window.location.href = url;
} else {
function addTag() {
const devices = TableController.getSelectedDevices();
const devices_id = devices.map(dev => dev.data);
if (devices_id.length == 1) {
$("#addingTagModal .pol").hide();
$("#addingTagModal .btn-primary").show();
} else {
$("#addingTagModal .pol").show();
$("#addingTagModal .btn-primary").hide();
function newTrade(action) {
let title = "Trade "
const user_to = $("#user_to").data("email");
const user_from = $("#user_from").data("email");
if (action == "user_from") {
title = "Trade Incoming";
$("#user_to").attr("readonly", "readonly");
$("#user_from").prop("readonly", false);
} else if (action == "user_to") {
title = "Trade Outgoing";
$("#user_from").attr("readonly", "readonly");
$("#user_to").prop("readonly", false);
$("#tradeLotModal #title-action").html(title);
function newAction(action) {
$("#actionModal #type").val(action);
$("#actionModal #title-action").html(action);
function newAllocate(action) {
$("#allocateModal #type").val(action);
$("#allocateModal #title-action").html(action);
function newDataWipe(action) {
$("#datawipeModal #type").val(action);
$("#datawipeModal #title-action").html(action);
function get_device_list() {
const devices = TableController.getSelectedDevices();
/* Insert the correct count of devices in actions form */
const devices_count = devices.length;
$("#datawipeModal .devices-count").html(devices_count);
$("#allocateModal .devices-count").html(devices_count);
$("#actionModal .devices-count").html(devices_count);
/* Insert the correct value in the input devicesList */
const devices_id = $.map(devices, (x) => $(x).attr("data")).join(",");
$.map($(".devicesList"), (x) => {
/* Create a list of devices for human representation */
const computer = {
"Desktop": "<i class='bi bi-building'></i>",
"Laptop": "<i class='bi bi-laptop'></i>",
list_devices = devices.map((x) => {
let typ = $(x).data("device-type");
const manuf = $(x).data("device-manufacturer");
const dhid = $(x).data("device-dhid");
if (computer[typ]) {
typ = computer[typ];
return `${typ} ${manuf} ${dhid}`;
description = $.map(list_devices, (x) => x).join(", ");
function export_file(type_file) {
const devices = TableController.getSelectedDevices();
const devices_id = $.map(devices, (x) => $(x).attr("data-device-dhid")).join(",");
if (devices_id) {
const url = `/inventory/export/${type_file}/?ids=${devices_id}`;
window.location.href = url;
} else {
* Reactive lots button
async function processSelectedDevices() {
class Actions {
constructor() {
this.list = []; // list of petitions of requests @item --> {type: ["Remove" | "Add"], "LotID": string, "devices": number[]}
* Manage the actions that will be performed when applying the changes
* @param {EventSource} ev event (Should be a checkbox type)
* @param {Lot} lot lot id
* @param {Device[]} selectedDevices device id
manage(event, lot, selectedDevices) {
const lotID = lot.id;
const srcElement = event.srcElement.parentElement.children[0]
const checked = !srcElement.checked;
const found = this.list.filter(list => list.lot.id == lotID)[0];
if (checked) {
if (found && found.type == "Remove") {
found.type = "Add";
} else {
this.list.push({ type: "Add", lot, devices: selectedDevices });
} else if (found && found.type == "Add") {
found.type = "Remove";
} else {
this.list.push({ type: "Remove", lot, devices: selectedDevices });
if (this.list.length > 0) {
} else {
* Creates notification to give feedback to user
* @param {string} title notification title
* @param {string | null} toastText notification text
* @param {boolean} isError defines if a toast is a error
notifyUser(title, toastText, isError) {
const toast = document.createElement("div");
toast.classList = `alert alert-dismissible fade show ${isError ? "alert-danger" : "alert-success"}`;
toast.attributes["data-autohide"] = !isError;
toast.attributes.role = "alert";
toast.style = "margin-left: auto; width: fit-content;";
toast.innerHTML = `<strong>${title}</strong><button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"></button>`;
if (toastText && toastText.length > 0) {
toast.innerHTML += `<br>${toastText}`;
if (!isError) {
setTimeout(() => toast.classList.remove("show"), 3000);
setTimeout(() => document.getElementById("NotificationsContainer").innerHTML == "", 3500);
* Get actions and execute call request to add or remove devices from lots
doActions() {
let requestCount = 0; // This is for count all requested api count, to perform reRender of table device list
this.list.forEach(async action => {
if (action.type == "Add") {
try {
const devicesIDs = action.devices.filter(dev => !action.lot.devices.includes(dev.id)).map(dev => dev.id)
await Api.devices_add(action.lot.id, devicesIDs);
this.notifyUser("Devices sucefully aded to selected lot/s", "", false);
} catch (error) {
this.notifyUser("Failed to add devices to selected lot/s", error.responseJSON.message, true);
} else if (action.type == "Remove") {
try {
const devicesIDs = action.devices.filter(dev => action.lot.devices.includes(dev.id)).map(dev => dev.id)
await Api.devices_remove(action.lot.id, devicesIDs);
this.notifyUser("Devices sucefully removed from selected lot/s", "", false);
} catch (error) {
this.notifyUser("Fail to remove devices from selected lot/s", error.responseJSON.message, true);
requestCount += 1
if (requestCount == this.list.length) {
this.list = [];
$("#confirmLotsModal").modal("hide"); // Hide dialog when click "Save changes"
* Re-render list in table
async reRenderTable() {
const newRequest = await Api.doRequest(window.location)
const tmpDiv = document.createElement("div")
tmpDiv.innerHTML = newRequest
const newTable = Array.from(tmpDiv.querySelectorAll("table.table > tbody > tr .deviceSelect")).map(x => x.attributes["data-device-dhid"].value)
// https://github.com/fiduswriter/Simple-DataTables/wiki/rows()#removeselect-arraynumber
const rowsToRemove = []
for (let i = 0; i < table.activeRows.length; i++) {
const row = table.activeRows[i];
if (!newTable.includes(row.querySelector("input").attributes["data-device-dhid"].value)) {
// Restore state of checkbox
const selectAllBTN = document.getElementById("SelectAllBTN");
selectAllBTN.checked = false;
selectAllBTN.indeterminate = false;
let eventClickActions;
* Generates a list item with a correspondient checkbox state
* @param {Object} lot Lot model server
* @param {Device[]} selectedDevices list selected devices
* @param {HTMLElement} elementTarget
* @param {Action[]} actions
function templateLot(lot, selectedDevices, elementTarget, actions) {
elementTarget.innerHTML = ""
const { id, name, state } = lot;
const htmlTemplate = `<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="${id}" style="width: 20px; height: 20px; margin-right: 7px;">
<label class="form-check-label" for="${id}">${name}</label>`;
const doc = document.createElement("li");
doc.innerHTML = htmlTemplate;
switch (state) {
case "true":
doc.children[0].checked = true;
case "false":
doc.children[0].checked = false;
case "indetermined":
doc.children[0].indeterminate = true;
console.warn("This shouldn't be happend: Lot without state: ", lot);
doc.children[0].addEventListener("mouseup", (ev) => actions.manage(ev, lot, selectedDevices));
doc.children[1].addEventListener("mouseup", (ev) => actions.manage(ev, lot, selectedDevices));
const listHTML = $("#LotsSelector")
// Get selected devices
const selectedDevicesID = TableController.ProcessTR(TableController.getSelectedDevices()).map(item => item.data)
if (selectedDevicesID.length <= 0) {
listHTML.html("<li style=\"color: red; text-align: center\">No devices selected</li>");
// Initialize Actions list, and set checkbox triggers
const actions = new Actions();
if (eventClickActions) {
eventClickActions = document.getElementById("ApplyDeviceLots").addEventListener("click", () => {
const modal = $("#confirmLotsModal")
modal.modal({ keyboard: false })
let list_changes_html = "";
// {type: ["Remove" | "Add"], "LotID": string, "devices": number[]}
actions.list.forEach(action => {
let type;
let devices;
if (action.type == "Add") {
type = "success";
devices = action.devices.filter(dev => !action.lot.devices.includes(dev.id)) // Only show affected devices
} else {
type = "danger";
devices = action.devices.filter(dev => action.lot.devices.includes(dev.id)) // Only show affected devices
list_changes_html += `
<div class="card border-primary mb-3 w-100">
<div class="card-header" title="${action.lotID}">${action.lot.name}</div>
<div class="card-body pt-3">
<p class="card-text">
${devices.map(item => {
const name = `${item.type} ${item.manufacturer} ${item.model}`
return `<span class="badge bg-${type}" title="${name}">${item.devicehubID}</span>`;
}).join(" ")}
const el = document.getElementById("SaveAllActions")
const elClone = el.cloneNode(true);
el.parentNode.replaceChild(elClone, el);
elClone.addEventListener("click", () => actions.doActions())
// actions.doActions();
try {
listHTML.html("<li style=\"text-align: center\"><div class=\"spinner-border text-info\" style=\"margin: auto\" role=\"status\"></div></li>")
const selectedDevices = await Api.get_devices(selectedDevicesID);
let lots = await Api.get_lots();
lots = lots.map(lot => {
lot.devices = selectedDevices
.filter(device => device.lots.filter(devicelot => devicelot.id == lot.id).length > 0)
.map(device => parseInt(device.id));
switch (lot.devices.length) {
case 0:
lot.state = "false";
case selectedDevicesID.length:
lot.state = "true";
lot.state = "indetermined";
return lot;
let lotsList = [];
lotsList.push(lots.filter(lot => lot.state == "true").sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)));
lotsList.push(lots.filter(lot => lot.state == "indetermined").sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)));
lotsList.push(lots.filter(lot => lot.state == "false").sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)));
lotsList = lotsList.flat(); // flat array
lotsList.forEach(lot => templateLot(lot, selectedDevices, listHTML, actions));
} catch (error) {
listHTML.html("<li style=\"color: red; text-align: center\">Error feching devices and lots<br>(see console for more details)</li>");