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2024-01-12 09:54:19 +00:00
"@context": [
"id": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"type": [
"issuer": {
"id": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"name": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]"
"issuanceDate": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"issued": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"validFrom": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"validUntil": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"name": [
"value": "Financial Vulnerability Credential",
"lang": "en"
"value": "Credencial de Vulnerabilitat Financera",
"lang": "ca_ES"
"value": "Credencial de Vulnerabilidad Financiera",
"lang": "es"
"description": [
"value": "The Financial Vulnerability Credential is issued to individuals or families to prove their financial vulnerability based on various factors, with the objective of presenting it to a third party to receive benefits or services.",
"lang": "en"
"value": "La Credencial de Vulnerabilitat Financera és emesa a persones o famílies per acreditar la seva vulnerabilitat financera sobre la base de diversos factors, amb l'objectiu que la presentin a una tercera part per rebre beneficis o serveis.",
"lang": "ca_ES"
"value": "La Credencial de Vulnerabilidad Financiera es emitida a personas o familias para acreditar su vulnerabilidad financiera con base en diversos factores, con el objetivo de que la presenten a una tercera parte para recibir beneficios o servicios.",
"lang": "es"
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"firstName": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"lastName": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"email": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"identityDocType": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"identityNumber": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"phoneNumber": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"streetAddress": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"socialWorkerName": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"socialWorkerSurname": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"financialVulnerabilityScore": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"amountCoveredByOtherAids": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"connectivityOptionList": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]",
"assessmentDate": "[[PLACEHOLDER]]"
"credentialSchema": {
"id": "",
"type": "FullJsonSchemaValidator2021"