452 lines
17 KiB
452 lines
17 KiB
==== TODO ====
* use format_html_join for orchestration email alerts
* enforce an emergency email contact and account to contact contacts about problems when mailserver is down
* add `BackendLog` retry action
* webmail identities and addresses
* Permissions .filter_queryset()
* env vars instead of multiple settings files: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars ?
* backend logs with hal logo
# LAST version of this shit http://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.h otml
#apt-get install xfonts-75dpi
#wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltox-
#dpkg -i wkhtmltox-
* help_text on readonly_fields specialy Bill.state. (eg. A bill is in OPEN state when bla bla )
* create log file at /var/log/orchestra.log and rotate
* order.register_at
def register_on(self):
return order.register_at.date()
* mail backend related_models = ('resources__content_type') ??
* Maildir billing tests/ webdisk billing tests (avg metric)
* when using modeladmin to store shit like self.account, make sure to have a cleanslate in each request? no, better reuse the last one
* jabber with mailbox accounts (dovecot mail notification)
* rename accounts register to "account", and reated api and admin references
* AccountAdminMixin auto adds 'account__name' on searchfields
* What fields we really need on contacts? name email phone and what more?
* Redirect junk emails and delete every 30 days?
* DOC: Complitely decouples scripts execution, billing, service definition
* init.d celery scripts
-# Required-Start: $network $local_fs $remote_fs postgresql celeryd
-# Required-Stop: $network $local_fs $remote_fs postgresql celeryd
* regenerate virtual_domains every time (configure a separate file for orchestra on postfix)
* Backend optimization
* fields = ()
* ignore_fields = ()
* based on a merge set of save(update_fields)
* proforma without billing contact?
* print open invoices as proforma?
* env ORCHESTRA_MASTER_SERVER='test1.orchestra.lan' ORCHESTRA_SECOND_SERVER='test2.orchestra.lan' ORCHESTRA_SLAVE_SERVER='test3.orchestra.lan' python3 manage.py test orchestra.contrib.domains.tests.functional_tests.tests:AdminBind9BackendDomainTest --nologcapture --keepdb
* ForeignKey.swappable
* Field.editable
* ManyToManyField.symmetrical = False (user group)
* caching based on "def text2int(textnum, numwords={}):"
* sync() ServiceController method that synchronizes orchestra and servers (delete or import)
* consider removing mailbox support on forward (user@pangea.org instead)
* Databases.User add reverse M2M databases widget (like mailbox.addresses)
* Grant permissions to systemusers
* Make one dedicated CGI user for each account only for CGI execution (fpm/fcgid). Different from the files owner, and without W permissions, so attackers can not inject backdors and malware.
* resource min max allocation with validation
* domain validation parse named-checzone output to assign errors to fields
* Directory Protection on webapp and use webapp path as base path (validate)
* validate systemuser.home on server-side
* webapp backend option compatibility check? raise exception, missconfigured error
* admin systemuser home/directory, add default home and empty directory with has_shell on admin
* Resource used_list_display=True, allocated_list_displat=True, allow resources to show up on list_display
* BackendLog.updated_at (tasks that run over several minutes when finished they do not appear first on the changelist) (like celery tasks.when)
* Periodic task for cleaning old monitoring data
* Create an admin service_view with icons (like SaaS app)
* Resource graph for each related object
* SaaS model splitted into SaaSUser and SaaSSite? inherit from SaaS, proxy model?
* prevent @pangea.org email addresses on contacts, enforce at least one email without @pangea.org
* forms autocomplete="off", doesn't work in chrome
ln -s /proc/self/fd /dev/fd
* Generate a password-less ssh key, and copy it to the servers you want to orchestrate.
ssh-copy-id root@<server-address>
Php binaries should have this format: /usr/bin/php5.2-cgi
* logs on panel/logs/ ? mkdir ~webapps, backend post save signal?
* <IfModule security2_module> and other IfModule on backend SecRule
* Orchestra global search box on the page head, based https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/contrib/admin/options.py#L866 and iterating over all registered services and inspectin its admin.search_fields
* contain error on plugin missing key (plugin dissabled): NOP, fail hard is better than silently, perhaps fail at starttime? apploading machinary
* contact.alternative_phone on a phone.tooltip, email:to
* better validate options and directives (url locations, filesystem paths, etc..)
* make sure that you understand the risks
* full support for deactivation of services/accounts
* Display admin.is_active (disabled account special icon and order by support)
* lock resource monitoring
* -EXecCGI in common CMS upload locations /wp-upload/upload/uploads
* cgi user / pervent shell access
* prevent stderr when users exists on backend i.e. mysql user create
* disable anonymized list options (mailman)
* tags = GenericRelation(TaggedItem, related_query_name='bookmarks')
* user provided crons
* ```<?php
$moodle_host = $SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’];
require_once(‘/etc/moodles/’.$moodle_host.‘config.php’);``` moodle/drupla/php-list multi-tenancy
* make account available on all admin forms
# WPMU blog traffic
* more robust backend error handling, continue executing but exit code > 0 if failure: failing_cmd || exit_code=1 and don't forget to call super.commit()!!
* website directives uniquenes validation on serializers
+ is_Active custom filter with support for instance.account.is_Active annotate with F() needed (django 1.8)
# delete apache logs and php logs
* document service help things: discount/refound/compensation effect and metric table
* Document metric interpretation help_text
* document plugin serialization, data_serializer?
# bill line managemente, remove, undo (only when possible), move, copy, paste
* budgets: no undo feature
* Autocomplete admin fields like <site_name>.phplist... with js
* allow empty metric pack for default rates? changes on rating algo
# don't produce lines with cost == 0 or quantity 0 ? maybe minimal quantity for billing? like 0.1 ? or minimal price? per line or per bill?
# lines too long on invoice, double lines or cut
* payment methods icons
* use server.name | server.address on python backends, like gitlab instead of settings?
* TODO raise404, here and everywhere
* update service orders on a celery task? because it take alot
# FIXME do more test, make sure billed until doesn't get uodated whhen services are billed with les metric, and don't upgrade billed_until when undoing under this circumstances
# * line 513: change threshold and one time service metric change should update last value if not billed, only record for recurring invoicing. postpay services should store the last metric for pricing period.
# * add ini, end dates on bill lines and breakup quanity into size(defaut:1) and metric
# * threshold for significative metric accountancy on services.handler
# * http://orchestra.pangea.org/admin/orders/order/6418/
# * http://orchestra.pangea.org/admin/orders/order/6495/bill_selected_orders/
* move normurlpath to orchestra.utils from websites.utils
* write down insights
* websites directives get_location() and use it on last change view validation stage to compare with contents.location and also on the backend ?
* modeladmin Default filter + search isn't working, prepend filter when searching
* create service help templates based on urlqwargs with the most basic services.
mkdir locale
django-admin.py makemessages -l ca
django-admin.py compilemessages -l ca
from django.utils.translation import ugettext
from django.utils import translation
* saas validate_creation generic approach, for all backends. standard output
* html code x: × for bill line verbose quantity
* periodic task to cleanup backendlogs, monitor data and metricstorage
* create orchestrate databases.Database pk=1 -n --dry-run | --noinput --action save (default)|delete --backend name (limit to this backend) --help
* uwsgi --max-requests=5000 \ # respawn processes after serving 5000 requests and
celery max-tasks-per-child
* generate settings.py more like django (installed_apps, middlewares, etc,,,)
* postupgradeorchestra send signals in order to hook custom stuff
* autoscale celery workers http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/workers.html#autoscaling
glic3rinu's django-fluent-dashboard
* gevent is not ported to python3 :'(
# FIXME account deletion generates an integrity error
# FIXME what to do when deleting accounts? set fk null and fill a username charfield? issues, invoices.. we whant all this to go away?
* implement delete All related services
# FIXME address name change does not remove old one :P, readonly or perhaps we can regenerate all addresses using backend.prepare()?
* read https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/releases/1.8/ and fix deprecation warnings
* create nice fieldsets for SaaS, WebApp types and services, and helptexts too!
* replace make_option in management commands
# FIXME model contact info and account info (email, name, etc) correctly/unredundant/dry
* Use the new django.contrib.admin.RelatedOnlyFieldListFilter in ModelAdmin.list_filter to limit the list_filter choices to foreign objects which are attached to those from the ModelAdmin.
+ Query Expressions, Conditional Expressions, and Database Functions¶
* forms: You can now pass a callable that returns an iterable of choices when instantiating a ChoiceField.
* move all tests to django-orchestra/tests
* *natural keys: those fields that uniquely identify a service, list.name, website.name, webapp.name+account, make sure rest api can not edit thos things
* MultiCHoiceField proper serialization
* UNIFY PHP FPM settings name
# virtualhost name: name-account?
* add a delay to changes on the webserver apache to no overwelm it with backend executions?
* replace unique_name by natural_key?
* do not require contact or create default
* send signals for backend triggers
* force ignore slack billing period overridig when billing
* fpm reload starts new pools?
* rename resource.monitors to resource.backends ?
* abstract model classes that enabling overriding, and ORCHESTRA_DATABASE_MODEL settings + orchestra.get_database_model() instead of explicitly importing from orchestra.contrib.databases.models import Database.. (Admin and REST API are fucked then?)
# billing order list filter detect metrics that are greater from those of billing_date
# Ignore superusers & co on billing: list filter doesn't work nor ignore detection
# bill.totals make it 100% computed?
* joomla: wget https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/releases/download/3.4.1/Joomla_3.4.1-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz -O - | tar xvfz -
# Amend lines???
# orders currency setting
# Determine the difference between data serializer used for validation and used for the rest API!
# Make PluginApiView that fills metadata and other stuff like modeladmin plugin support
# TODO orchestra related services code reload: celery/uwsgi reloading find aonther way without root and implement reload
# reset setting button
# admin edit relevant djanog settings
# TASKS_ENABLE_UWSGI_CRON_BEAT (default) for production + system check --deploy
if 'wsgi' in sys.argv and settings.TASKS_ENABLE_UWSGI_CRON_BEAT:
import uwsgi
def uwsgi_beat(signum):
print "It's 5 o'clock of the first day of the month."
uwsgi.register_signal(99, '', uwsgi_beat)
uwsgi.add_timer(99, 60)
# TASK_BEAT_BACKEND = ('cron', 'celerybeat', 'uwsgi')
# Ship orchestra production-ready (no DEBUG etc)
# Settings.parser.changes: if setting.value == default. remove
# reload generic admin view ?redirect=http...
# inspecting django db connection for asserting db readines? or performing a query
# wake up django mailer on send_mail
from orchestra.contrib.tasks import task
import time, sys
def counter(num, log):
for i in range(1, num):
with open(log, 'a') as handler:
counter.apply_async(10, '/tmp/kakas')
# Provide some fixtures with mocked data
TODO http://wiki2.dovecot.org/HowTo/SimpleVirtualInstall
TODO http://wiki2.dovecot.org/HowTo/VirtualUserFlatFilesPostfix
TODO mount the filesystem with "nosuid" option
# uwse uwsgi cron: decorator or config cron = 59 2 -1 -1 -1 %(virtualenv)/bin/python manage.py runmyfunnytask
# mailboxes.address settings multiple local domains, not only one?
# backend.context = self.get_context() or save(obj, context=None) ?? more like form.cleaned_data
# smtplib.SMTPConnectError: (421, b'4.7.0 mail.pangea.org Error: too many connections from')
# rename virtual_maps to virtual_alias_maps and remove virtual_alias_domains ?
# virtdomains file is not ideal, prevent fake/error on domains there! and make sure to chekc if this file is required!
# Deprecate restart/start/stop services (do touch wsgi.py and fuck celery)
orchestra-beat support for uwsgi cron
make django admin taskstate uncollapse fucking traceback, ( if exists ?)
# form for custom message on admin save "comment & save"?
# backend.context and backned.instance provided when an action is called? like forms.cleaned_data: do it on manager.generation(backend.context = backend.get_context()) or in backend.__getattr__ ? also backend.head,tail,content switching on manager.generate()?
resorce monitoring more efficient, less mem an better queries for calc current data
# bill this https://orchestra.pangea.org/admin/orders/order/8236/ should be already billed, <= vs <
# Convert rating method from function to PluginClass
# Tests can not run because django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: relation "accounts_account" does not exist
# autoresponses on mailboxes, not addresses or remove them
# ACL don't give exec permissions to files!
# force save and continue on routes (and others?)
# gevent for python3
apt-get install cython3
export CYTHON='cython3'
pip3 install https://github.com/fantix/gevent/archive/master.zip
# SIgnal handler for notify workers to reload stuff, like resource sync: https://docs.python.org/2/library/signal.html
# BUG Delete related services also deletes account!
# get_related service__rates__isnull=TRue is that correct?
# uwsgi hot reload? http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/articles/TheArtOfGracefulReloading.html
# change mailer.message.priority by, queue/sent inmediatelly or rename critical to noq
arg, arg, arg)
# dovecot sieve only allolws one fucking active script. refactor mailbox shit to replace active script symlink by orchestra. Create a generic wrapper that includes al filters (rc, imp and orchestra)
# orders ignorign default filter is not very effective, because of selecting all orders for billing will select ignored too
# mail system users group? which one is more convinient? if main group does not exists, backend will fail!
# bill action view on a separate process. check memory consumption without debug (236m)
# services.handler as generator in order to save memory? not swell like a balloon
# mailboxes group username instead of mainuser
import uwsgi
from uwsgidecorators import timer
from django.utils import autoreload
def change_code_gracefull_reload(sig):
if autoreload.code_changed():
# using kill to send the signal
kill -HUP `cat /tmp/project-master.pid`
# or the convenience option --reload
uwsgi --reload /tmp/project-master.pid
# or if uwsgi was started with touch-reload=/tmp/somefile
touch /tmp/somefile
# Change zone ttl
# batch zone edditing
# inherit registers from parent?
# datetime metric storage granularity: otherwise innacurate detection of billed metric on order.billed_on
# Serializers.validation migration to DRF3: grep -r 'attrs, source' *|grep -v '~'
serailzer self.instance on create.
# set_password serializer: "just-the-password" not {"password": "password"}
# use namedtuples?
# Negative transactionsx
* check certificate: websites directive ssl + domains search on miscellaneous
# Merge websites locations
# ValueError: Unable to configure handler 'file': [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/orchestra/panel/orchestra.log'
# billing invoice link on related invoices not overflow nginx GET vars
* backendLog store method and language... and use it for display_script with correct lexer
# process monitor data to represent state, or maybe create new resource datas when period expires?
def comma(value):
value = str(value)
if '.' in value:
left, right = str(value).split('.')
return ','.join((left, right))
return value
# payment/bill report allow to change template using a setting variable
# Payment transaction stats
# order stats: service, cost, top profit, etc